The Enemy of my Enemy

The war drums are pounding louder every day, even in Canada public sentiment leans towards war.

Don’t you find this as odd as I do?  Canadians are not willing to fight for democracy in Canada where it used to exist but will in the Ukraine where democracy has never existed?  This is not quite as contradictory as it may seem.  Canadians are the kings of empty virtue signalling.  If you ask Canadians if NATO should intervene in Ukraine they will always clutch their chest and breathlessly exclaim YES.  If, instead, you ask Canadians if they or their family should go to war to defend Ukraine they will say no.  Canadian’s always prefer that someone else pay the price for what they want; that is why socialism is so popular in Canada.

Despite the fondness our liberal government has for Ukrainian Fascists I doubt Canada will get involved in the Ukraine.

Trudeau gets most of his income from China so until china gets involved I suspect Canada will sit this one out.

If China gets involved things will get very interesting for Canada.  China has an alliance with Russia and Putin is no fan of Trudeau.

I confess I am a little envious of Russians right now.  If we could Ban Trudeau from visiting Canada just think how good our lives could be.

The world has definitely changed.  Just one month ago the SARS COV 2 virus was our enemy.  Every night the news updated how we were faring in the war on COVID; their words not mine.  I could never understand why anyone would declare war on a virus.  The virus holds no malice towards me.  The news was quick to tell me that the disease caused a disruption in the economy and my life.  The Big problem with that narrative is that is not true.

The SARS COV 2 virus did not close a single business.  It did not prevent me from entering a restaurant or leaving the country.  Government did that.  Now that same government is telling me Vladimir Putin is destroying democracy.  I also don’t understand that either.  How did Putin elbow his way past Trudeau in that line?  Vladimir Putin did not illegally declare an emergency and use that as an excuse to beat and imprison Canadians.  Justin Trudeau did that.

Putin did invade a neighboring country but Ukraine would need to have been a democracy for that to count as an assault on democracy.  Even if Ukraine had been democratic I am not sure invading it is necessarily an assault on democracy.  The US has invaded multiple countries.  Canada has not only because we cannot.  The only country we border is the US.  I am sure that during the Trump presidency Gerald Butts had to explain to Justin Trudeau why invading the US would not turn out well for Canada.  Given what a slow learner Justin is, that was likely a weekly conversation.

Nevertheless the world seems eager to jump in to the Ukraine conflict.  The same people that tried to tell us that COVID was an existential threat now want us to believe that Vladimir Putin is.  I did not believe them about COVID and I do not believe it about Putin either.  Was COVID dangerous?  Yes to some people, just not to most people.  Is Vladimir Putin dangerous?  Yes to some people, just not to most people.

How can I be so certain about this?  Mostly because the people who lied to me about COVID are the same people who are demonizing Putin.  There is a credibility gap miles wide and deep.  With the Ukraine narrative they have done nothing to close that gap.  They are lying to us again.

Just step back for a moment and think about what we are being told.  Every day we are told 2 contradictory things.  We are told the Russian military is bogged down and losing.  Then we are told we need to do more to support Ukraine.  If Ukraine is winning why do we need to do anything?  The vaccine only works is someone else takes it.

Could it be that they are lying to us, again?  Are they prepared to tell even larger lies just like they did with COVID?  That is certainly what this Chilean journalist in Ukraine thinks.


Things are going so well for the Ukraine that we need a false flag operation before Russia wins and it is too late to send troops.  We need to ask why our “leaders” are so anxious to go to war with Vladimir Putin.  Ukraine is not the only war going on in the world right now.  Why don’t we want to intervene in any of those wars?  The race baiters will tell you it is because Ukrainians are white and all the other wars involve brown and black people.  The problem with that explanation is that Russians are also white.  We would be killing white people to defend white people.  That hardly advances a white supremacy agenda.  The problem is not the color of the combatants, the problem is that Putin refuses to play nice with globalists like Trudeau.


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♬ original sound – blissfullyactive

Vladimir Putin is many things both good and bad.  He might be a tyrant but he is also a patriot.  Vladimir Putin Believes in Russia and the Russian people.  This is a real problem for globalists like Trudeau.  Trudeau is openly disdainful of “old Stock” Canadians.  Trudeau does not believe in Canada or Canadians.  He is all in on the great reset and the great reset requires the elimination of nations.

If Klaus Schwab succeeds there will be no more national governments, just a small group in Davos charging you rent for everything.  Trudeau is all in because he believes he will be one of that group of newly crowned royals.  He is sadly mistaken.  Trudeau is the epitome of a useful idiot.  When the revolution is over he will still be an idiot but no longer useful; he will be executed in the first round.

Right now the person who threatens the great reset is Vladimir Putin; that makes him the globalists’ enemy but not my enemy.  My enemy is the globalists who weaponized a virus and used it to eliminate my rights and destroy my children’s future.  Vladimir Putin had no hand in that.  I have great sympathy for ordinary Ukrainians because they are being used as pawns in a proxy war but I have no animosity towards Putin for one simple reason.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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