The data is clear, it was mass murder
Another study has shown that people who were foolish enough to trust government are more likely to die of all causes than people who said no to the toxic jabs. Despite the overwhelming evidence the researchers were not willing to risk future grant money by condemning the vax. They think it might still have something to do with COVID.
Our study reveals nuanced excess mortality dynamics post-vaccination, providing crucial insights for policymakers and stressing the necessity of continued vigilance and adaptive strategies against COVID-19’s diverse impacts.
This is getting repetitive in its stupidity. If we did a study that said smokers get long cancer more often than non-smokers no one would hesitate to blame cigarettes. Multiple studies have now linked the COVID jabs to excess deaths, yet no one wants to blame the jabs. They still want to link it to COVID even though un-jabbed people who had COVID have none of these problems.
Our willful blindness is based on fear. People who administered the Jabs are afraid that they will be held accountable for injuries and deaths. People who took the Jabs are afraid they took a chance with their health that might not be over yet. Though it has subsided somewhat young people are still “dying suddenly” and falling ill. It is hard to admit to yourself that the government fooled you into taking treatment you did not need that may have permanently damaged your immune system.
The latest study of vaccinated seniors shows exactly that. COVID vaccinated seniors have higher all cause mortality due to seroreversion.
Nursing home residents were 47 % more likely to serorevert in the 10 months after COVID-19 vaccination than staff. Infection naïvety, older age and high resident care dependency level were found as predictors for seroreversion. The all-cause mortality rate in vaccinated residents over 10 months was 14 %
I did not know what serorevert meant so I consulted an online dictionary.
After seroconversion, the antibody is detectable by standard techniques and remains detectable unless the individual seroreverts, in a phenomenon called seroreversion, or loss of antibody detectability, which can occur due to weakening of the immune system or decreasing antibody concentrations over time.
We shut down the world to protect seniors from COVID. Then we gave those seniors a treatment that damaged their immune systems, making them more likely to die of everything including COVID.
How much more evidence do we need before we start prosecuting people? There were thousands of useful idiots who went along because it made them feel virtuous. Those people are only guilty of stupidity and lack of character. They deserve to be shamed but not punished. The ring leaders, however, are a different story. They knew what they were doing was wrong but profitable. Profit won out over lives. The people at the center of this conspiracy killed millions with their greed. They must be prosecuted.