The data is clear, it was mass murder

Another study has shown that people who were foolish enough to trust government are more likely to die of all causes than people who said no to the toxic jabs.  Despite the overwhelming evidence the researchers were not willing to risk future grant money by condemning the vax.  They think it might still have something to do with COVID.

Our study reveals nuanced excess mortality dynamics post-vaccination, providing crucial insights for policymakers and stressing the necessity of continued vigilance and adaptive strategies against COVID-19’s diverse impacts.

This is getting repetitive in its stupidity.  If we did a study that said smokers get long cancer more often than non-smokers no one would hesitate to blame cigarettes.  Multiple studies have now linked the COVID jabs to excess deaths, yet no one wants to blame the jabs.  They still want to link it to COVID even though un-jabbed people who had COVID have none of these problems.

Our willful blindness is based on fear.  People who administered the Jabs are afraid that they will be held accountable for injuries and deaths.  People who took the Jabs are afraid they took a chance with their health that might not be over yet.  Though it has subsided somewhat young people are still “dying suddenly” and falling ill.  It is hard to admit to yourself that the government fooled you into taking treatment you did not need that may have permanently damaged your immune system.

The latest study of vaccinated seniors shows exactly that.  COVID vaccinated seniors have higher all cause mortality due to seroreversion.

Nursing home residents were 47 % more likely to serorevert in the 10 months after COVID-19 vaccination than staff. Infection naïvety, older age and high resident care dependency level were found as predictors for seroreversion. The all-cause mortality rate in vaccinated residents over 10 months was 14 % 

I did not know what serorevert meant so I consulted an online dictionary.

After seroconversion, the antibody is detectable by standard techniques and remains detectable unless the individual seroreverts, in a phenomenon called seroreversion, or loss of antibody detectability, which can occur due to weakening of the immune system or decreasing antibody concentrations over time.

We shut down the world to protect seniors from COVID.  Then we gave those seniors a treatment that damaged their immune systems, making them more likely to die of everything including COVID.

How much more evidence do we need before we start prosecuting people?  There were thousands of useful idiots who went along because it made them feel virtuous.  Those people are only guilty of stupidity and lack of character.  They deserve to be shamed but not punished.  The ring leaders, however, are a different story.  They knew what they were doing was wrong but profitable.  Profit won out over lives.  The people at the center of this conspiracy killed millions with their greed.  They must be prosecuted.

Looking forward to my new passport

On Saturday I read this long but rather insightful article about the state of the Canadian Nation.  He details all of the evidence that Canada has become a failed state.  Much of hat he says I have covered in various blog posts.  The point of his post is that Canada is done.  If we are not prepared to fix our problems then we should take Trumps offer to be part of the United States.

In politics, nothing is ever what it seems on the surface. In reality, Trump’s threats are about much more than border security and trade imbalances. This was a test of Canada’s willingness and ability to fix its spiralling problems… and Canada has failed that test miserably.

When Trump’s trolling started, “Team Canada” should have put on a smile, swallowed its pride, and graciously set about addressing Trump’s security concerns. Instead, our ruling class decided to declare “war” on America’s energy security by threatening to cut off oil and gas supplies to the U.S.

My loyalty is to my community, not to a flag that represents the interests of the plundering class in Ottawa as they destroy my local community with their ideology and their plunder. 

I was born and live in the province of Alberta.  I have long been an advocate for Independence from Canada.  Alberta has always been a better deal for Canada than Canada has been for Alberta.  There is no advantage for Alberta to remain part of Canada.  I had thought about Alberta Joining the US but I always thought independence was a better option.  Now that Trump has made joining the US a very real possibility I have considered the option more carefully.  I have changed my mind.  I think Alberta should join the US.

The devil is always in the details and it was one important detail that swung my decision.  A new country would require a new constitution and I do not trust even Albertans to draft a constitution that would be worth the paper it was written on.  For generations Canadians have been indoctrinated to believe that government is next to godliness.  Even Albertans have not escaped this programing.  What kind of constitution would people who believe so fervently in government draft?

The US constitution was drafted by revolutionaries that became politicians.  They wanted to make sure that a government could never force themselves on their citizens the way King George had.  If Alberta were to separate, the constitution would be written by politicians who had never accomplished anything other than winning a referendum on separation.  I do not trust that politicians who had always benefited personally from their involvement with government would ever write a document that limits the power of government.  We would just trade tyranny from Ottawa for tyranny closer to home.

The US constitution is not perfect and it has certainly been abused.  But, there is a reformation movement in the US called MAGA.  Trump is determined to move the US back closer to their founding documents.  Given the choice between those documents and a document produced by indoctrinated Canadian politicians I choose the US documents.  I think it is time for us to take Trump up on his offer.


Leaders put their people first.

After the recent debacle in the Oval office X has exploded with comments supporting both sides of the very public spat.  The anti-trump crowd has decided the narrative is that Zelensky was the only true leader in the Oval office that day.  They could not be more wrong.  A real leader will do what is right for their people even if they find it distasteful.  Zelensky did not do that.

It does not matter if you agree with what Zelensky said, it was still wrong for him to say it in the oval office in front of the cameras.  Ukraine cannot survive without help from The US.  Do you think he will get that help now?  He should have bit his tongue signed the deal and then used the good will to get more aid but his ego would not let him.  His ego just got more of his people killed.  That is not leadership.

Zelensky did the wrong thing at the wrong time.  What he did should be a cautionary tale for Canadians politicians but I doubt it will be.  Canada like the Ukraine is completely dependent on the US.  Despite all the recent chest thumping and fake patriotism any rational observer would conclude that Trump is right.  Canada really is not a sovereign nation.  How can you be a sovereign nation when you depend on a foreign nation for your economy and national defense?

Canada has always been able to pretend to be independent because despite the best efforts of our brain dead politicians the US has always been benevolent toward us.  It has always shocked me that the US would treat us so kindly when most Canadian politicians have behaved exactly as Zelensky just did.  The only real exception was Stephen Harper.

Liberals and the media hate Stephen Harper but Harper was easily the best Prime Minister in my lifetime.  Sadly being the best Canadian Prime Minister is like being the least ugly person at an ugly convention.  I don’t think Harper was a particularly good Prime Minister he just was not as bad as all the rest. There was one thing about Harper, however, that I always respected.  Stephen Harper knew when to keep his mouth shut.

Harper was Prime Minister when both George Bush and Barrack Obama was President.  Bush and Obama are very different men.  Harper could not have liked both men equally yet he had good relations with both.  In fact I don’t know if Harper liked either man and that is the point.  Harper knew that Canada was dependent on the US and that it was not a good idea to antagonize the American president.  He kept his mouth shut.  If Zelensky was a leader he would have done the same.

How do you give a life back?

I saw this short video on X.  Sorry I can’t embed it.  For some reason sometimes I can embed X videos but most times I cannot.  The video is just a small portion of a longer interview Dr. Pierre Kory had with Tucker Carlson.  In the clip Dr. Kory states emphatically that while long COVID exists most of the time it is just a vaccine injury.  He differentiates by saying we have long COVID and long Vax.  The symptoms are largely the same the difference being long Vax is more prevalent and more severe.

For 3 years it was verboten to say that long COVID was a vaccine injury.  The retort was always that long COVID existed before the vaccines so the vaccines had nothing to do with it.  That is just deflection.  Myocarditis also existed before the vax but it was rare until the vax. Despite all the evidence that obvious lie was enough to deny the existence of long Vax for 3 years.  This is incredible when you consider that we should have expected to see long COVID from the Jabs.

The COVID jabs are the worst idea of all time.  They are a medical treatment that cannot be targeted or controlled.  There is no way to control which cells are affected, how much spike proteins will be produced, or for how long the affected cells will continue to produce spike proteins.  There is no off switch.  This is quite literally a disaster waiting to happen.  We should have expected autoimmune diseases from a treatment with the potential to keep your body flooded with toxins indefinitely.

Autoimmune diseases are no laughing matter.  They can range from mild to severe.  It can be debilitating or even deadly when your body starts attacking itself.

She experienced no immediate side effects, but in July 2021, Mrs Burnette developed ‘unbearable’ pain in both of her hips. She was told she had arthritis at 31 years old and had to use a wheelchair when the pain made it too hard to walk.

Believing her pain was something else, another doctor ordered an MRI, which revealed Mrs Burnette’s hip bones were literally rotting, and she underwent her first hip replacement in December 2021. The second followed a few months later in 2022.

A perfectly healthy 34 year old health care worker is now confined to a wheel chair and relies on her 10 year old son for care.

‘My 10 year old has really stepped up and my husband, he works very hard for us, especially with me losing [my job]. He’s really been an amazing caretaker and taken over. 

Mrs. Burnette made the mistake of trusting government.  Her trust cost her life.  She is still alive of course but what is the quality of her life now?  I would not be able to live with myself if my life was a burden on my 10 year old child.  I don’t even want to be a burden on my adult children.  My mother died after a long slow decline where she became more and more dependent on her children.  I don’t know how she felt about this but it must have been hard to enjoy the last few years of her life.  My mother was in her late 70s relying on sons in their 50s.  I can’t even imagine someone in their 30s dependent on a 10 year old.

The government took independence from Mrs. Burnette.  They stole her ability to care for her own children.  The things taken from Mrs. Burnette can never be given back.  I can’t think of anything more evil than that.