The WHO confesses (sort of)

Is there another group more disgusting than Justin Trudeau and his government?  I think not.

The rest of the world is discussing vaccine injuries and debating whether the COVID vaccines are worth the risk.  In Canada however, discussion of vaccine injuries is still Taboo.  Instead of having rational discussions the Canadian Government invokes Santa Claus to turn children against their parents.  I am not particularly religious but I still hold out hope that there will be a special place in Hell for Justin Trudeau and Theresa Tam.

Canada is an oasis of COVID stupidity but elsewhere people are rediscovering how to use their brains.  The world Health Organization finds this very troubling so they have produced their own vaccine video that invokes fear rather than Santa Claus.


The WHO makes a couple of unsubstantiated claims in this video.  The first is that 200,000 Americans died because they did not get jabbed.  That claim is ridiculous because there is absolutely no evidence that mRNA COVID vaccines have saved a single life.  How can you die by refusing a treatment that does not improve your chance of surviving?  In fact there is plenty of evidence that more people have died because of these treatments.  As the Cleveland clinic has just demonstrated, the best way to get COVID is to get repeatedly jabbed.  The more times you get jabbed the better your chance of getting COVID.

The second claim is that anti-science behavior is killing more people than guns.  The WHO presents no data to support this which in itself is very anti-science behavior.  If this claim really is true then it amounts to a confession of murder by the WHO, the most anti-science organization on the planet.  So Tedros, if you are in a mood to confess maybe you can tell us just how many people has the WHO killed?