Jaimie Sarkonak, Truth Champion

My normal routine is to surf the internet each morning for interesting stories.  There are times when I read an article that demands my attention.  When it comes to articles written by main stream Canadian media what normally strikes me is just how stupid and/or dishonest they are.  You can find many of those type articles discussed on this blog.  At times what is written is so outrageously false that I declare the author to be my COVIDiot of the week.  This morning was I again struck by something I read but I was not struck by the level of dishonesty; I was stuck by how close to the truth it got.

Incredibly the article was even written by a Canadian.  With this single statement Jamie Sarkonak unleashed so much truth on a guileless Canadian Public that I am shocked it got past the National Post editors.

Applying the CAA report’s reasoning to other snippets of Abacus’ data, I could argue that having an untrustworthy government caused 2,800 deaths. With the right assumptions, any model is possible.

I am awestruck by this statement because it pulls back the curtain.  Almost every terrible thing government does to us is justified by a model prediction and models can be made to say anything.  Take COVID for instance.  The “models” predicted that millions would be saved by house arrest.  That did not happen.  I defy anyone to show me a place where lockdowns saved a single life.  Take this comparison of North and South Dakota for instance.  South Dakota had no COVID restrictions while North Dakota followed the models and went full COVID Nazis.  There was absolutely no difference in outcome.

The models say that this outcome is impossible because the models are programmed to show less viral spread with lockdowns.  The fundamental assumption of the model is wrong therefore the model is garbage.

The same is absolutely true of climate change models.  The dire predictions form these models are used to force carbon budgets and 15 minute prisons on us.  These models have never had any connection to reality.  The fundamental assumption in the models is that when CO2 increases the earth gets warmer.  That assumption is wrong.  Many things affect climate and CO2 is only one of them.  It is easy to find periods where CO2 increases and temperature falls.  This happened from 1940 to 1970 and has been happening now for the last 8 years.

CO2 is not the most important determination of temperature but every model assumes that it is.  The models have been programed to deliver a predetermined outcome.  Government wants the models to say CO2 is destroying the planet and guess what?  People paid by government produce models that show CO2 is destroying the planet.

The only thing any of these models prove is that government is fundamentally dishonest and evil.  And Jamie Sarkonak just let the veil slip.  I don’t know if this was purposeful or an accident.  Either way it is remarkable.

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  1. […] bidding.  I was pleasantly surprised then when I read Jamie Sarkonak for the first time two weeks ago.  Because I am  not used to anyone in a major Canadian media company telling the truth, I assumed […]

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