The Truth never helps Government advance their Agenda

A friend sent me this excellent article.  The article is a retrospect of the COVID era.  It is very detailed and therefore very long.  If you don’t have time to read it I can sum it up for you in a few sentences.  Everything about COVID was a lie.  The Threat was exaggerated and none of the mitigation measures worked.  In fact the mitigation measures seem to have been specifically designed to increase the number of people who died.  Very few people died from COVID, millions were killed by enforced medical neglect and vaccines.  They were killed by government.

That is of course not the narrative you have been fed for the last 3 years.  In the official narrative Government saved you from certain death by confiscating your wealth and rights. Poverty and tyranny are a very potent anti-viral.  I know that because the government told the media to tell me that.

Governments have never trafficked in the truth but it took COVID to show us just how well-oiled the machinery of deception really is.  I have not trusted the media in decades.  They are not in the business of reporting news they are in the business of manufacturing opinion.  Mainstream media are pursuing an agenda that is set by government.

We live in an age when no lie is too big for the media as long as it supports a government narrative.  If a fit tennis champion drops dead in front of everyone the media will be quick to shine the light on anything but the vax.  Instead it was a mistake in blood pressure medication.  His medication was not working and he did not know it.  Apparently a wealthy, educated, 43 year old did not realize that he could have gone to any drug store and checked his blood pressure for free.

My personal favorite though is what happened after Albert Bourla accidentally encountered journalists who were not part of the machinery.  Bourla spent 3 uncomfortable minutes not answering questions about how much money he made killing people.  The response was predictable.  The deception machine grabbed the first airhead they could find and put her on camera to “interview” Bourla.  By interview I mean give Bourla screen time to repeat the lie that COVID vaccines are safe even though Pfizer’s own data shows they are not.


Bourla lied and everyone involved in that “interview” knew he was lying.  Their job was to present those lies as truth.  News is not news it is government propaganda.  When the propaganda changes it goes unchallenged.  Every new lie is presented as if the old lie never happened.


The government did not construct their infrastructure of Lies just for COVID.  They are not done.  Things can and will get worse.  The truth is that the government does not tell the truth and the lies are always to further an objective.  That objective is never good for ordinary people, just for the elite.  People like Bourla who profit off the misery of others.