Acting without thinking

A UK COVID inquiry has found that lockdowns were imposed without any consideration of whether the costs might outweigh the benefits.

“Extraordinary though it may seem, given that it’s a word that’s forever seared in the nation’s consciousness, there was very little debate pre-pandemic of whether a lockdown might prove to be necessary in the event of a runaway virus, let alone how a lockdown could be avoided.

“Very little thought was given to how, if it proved to be necessary, something as complex, difficult and damaging as a national lockdown could be put in place at all.

This finding is not the least bit surprising to anyone familiar with how the left make policy decisions.  Actual science and thoughtful consideration of potential downsides are not part of the lefts decision making process.  The left fervently believes that their superior virtuousness gives them the Midas touch.  Any ridiculous idea that pops into their head must be implemented immediately because it is obviously beneficial.

Sane individuals, of whom the left has none, know that thoughtless decisions can be disastrous.  But thinking is difficult for the left and it is always done afterward if at all.

“When the time is right, our government will be very open to examining very thoroughly the response of this country to the COVID-19 crisis,”

The risk is that Canada will slump into its usual triumphalism — look how few of us died, relative to other countries! — and into a simplistic belief that stricter lockdowns always equaled better results.

Twitter is a great place to get a window into the minds of leftists.  I recently joined twitter and now with Musk at the helm rational people have more of a voice. This spawns a great climate change “debate” so to speak.  Many people post tweets pointing out the discrepancy between the data and the theory.  People who understand science know that it only takes one contradictory thing to disprove a theory and with climate change there are hundreds of things that contradict the theory.  But this simple affirmation of the scientific method never sways anyone on the left.  They are right; “deniers” are wrong, end of story.

The real inconvenient truth about climate change is that the theory has never matched the data.  That is why the models used to predict the future cannot reproduce the past.  They cannot match known data points therefore they wrong and should not be used, but without the models the narrative collapses.  Anyone on twitter who correctly points out that the failed predictions are the result of failed science is immediately attacked.  The attacks are always the same.  CO2 is rising, 97% of scientist agree, therefore anyone who disagrees is both wrong and uncaring.

Their defense of climate change boils down to this; humans must be causing climate change because ultra-virtuous humans believe other terrible humans are causing climate change.  This is why the world has so many problems.  The left controls most governments and the left makes decisions based on feelings of moral superiority and not facts.  We will solve nothing until we stop listening to these emotionally stunted children.