Japan discovers Experiments can go tragically wrong

Japan is struggling with influenzas right now in the summer when influenzas should be a minor concern.

Some Japanese high schools reported flu infection rates as high as 25 percent, leading at least 30 schools to shut down for the week of May 22-28. Health experts were concerned that the flu wave does not appear to be fading on its own in June, as such outbreaks usually do.

This odd off season outbreak has mystified the experts.  There is no word as to whether these are the same experts also mystified by artic ice that Al Gore assured them was gone long ago.

“Immunity against the virus has declined because of the lack of influenza outbreaks and decreased vaccinations due to infection control measures during [the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic],” postulated Kurahara Yu of the National Hospital Organization’s Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center.

I think I might be in a unique position to help unravel this mystery, so I think it is important for the Japanese experts to listen carefully to what I have to say.  Your influenzas problem is not the lack of flu vaccines which children never took anyway.  It is also not the lack of infection mitigation measures (lockdowns) which have a failed to control airborne respiratory viruses 100% of the time.  It is the COVID jabs you F*@king morons.

Japan approved COVID boosters for children 5 to 11 in August 2022 and initial injection for children under 6 in October 2022.  Japanese culture is very conformist which led to these programs being very “successful”.  Almost 75% of children 12 to 17 have been vaccinated.   Nearly half have received boosters.

So less than 1 year after injecting almost every child in the country with a new treatment Japan is a country full of sick children.  Really who could have predicted that?

COVID was not a problem for young people.  Jabbing Japanese children was an insane, grotesque, decision.  In fact jabbing anyone in Japan for COVID was a remarkably stupid decision.  Due to their fish heavy diet Japanese have one of the highest vitamin D levels in the world.  COVID wasn’t even a thing in Japan until the Jabs arrived.  Japan had negative excess deaths through the first 2 waves of COVID and did not have any excess deaths until after vaccinations started.

This really was a remarkable set of decisions don’t you think?  At some point Japanese officials sat down and the discussion must have gone something like this.

Should we use a new, poorly tested, treatment to protect citizens from a disease that has to date caused no deaths?

Yes, absolutely.

Now that we are using this new treatment and adults are dying in large numbers should we give the treatment to children who also have not died from the COVID?

Yes, absolutely.

How the hell did this happen?  At what point did the entire developed world lose all sanity?  We see the same pattern in every highly jabbed country; abnormally high numbers of sick people and excess deaths.  We also see the same discussion; somehow this is all a mystery.  There are 1000 potential causes.  The only thing we know for certain is that it cannot be caused by the experimental medication everyone was forced to take right before the problems started.

Stupidity and willful blindness will kill us all; even our children.