Entries by richardsuffron

Mandating Jabs is Murder

There have been 2 main approaches to COVID.  Wealthy countries opted for Tyranny and Jabs.  Poor countries opted for freedom and Ivermectin.  The plot below shows how well Tyranny has worked. Tyranny and Jabs have produced nearly 3 times as many deaths.  If India had not stopped using Ivermectin that multiple would have been closer […]

Israel and England prove ADE Increases COVID cases by 25 to 30%

A friend of mine saw my recent post on ADE in England.  He took the time to look at the most recent data in Israel.  This is what he got. The plot looks very similar to the one I produced for England with one notable exception.  For England vaccinated under 40 were still protected.  I […]

Jason Kenney is Evil and Alberta’s Worst Mistake

Jason Kenney always tells us he does not want to do something evil right before he does something evil.  He was up to his old tricks again yesterday.  After repeatedly telling us he would not institute vaccine passports because they were illegal in Canada, Jason instituted a vaccine passport. Jason does not call it a […]

Alberta’s Brain Injured CMO is not done Injuring Us

The most dangerous woman in Alberta is up to her old tricks. You can read the article here. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/deena-hinshaw-covid-alberta-fourth-wave-1.6175012 Deena Hinshaw wants you to believe removing the restrictions on July 1st led us to the problems in mid-September.  Sorry Deena but the dates just don’t work.  The % positivity in Alberta started to increase on […]

Why I CHOOSE not to be Vaccinated

The Moronic Man-child is watching his poll numbers drop.  Mr. “Sunny Ways” is not taking it well and he is lashing out at those who don’t agree with him.   So much for "we're all in this together." #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/rnl5q7qlxT — True North (@TrueNorthCentre) September 12, 2021 Apparently I am hateful and misogynistic.  I think […]

Is There a Vaccine that Eliminates Politicians? That I would take.

Australia and New Zealand are clearly leading when it comes to COVID tyranny.  Unfortunately, those 2 reprehensible regimes seem to be the role model for Canadian politicians.  They aspire to that level of tyranny.  There is just the formalities of a federal election to get through first. This short video is the 5 leaders of […]

Creepy Joe Declares War

Joe Biden has had a very busy 2 weeks.  First he declared the war in Afghanistan over.  Then he started a new war.  Yesterday Joe Biden declared war on unvaccinated Americans.  Creepy Joe Is OK dealing with the Taliban as the new head of state.  He thinks he can work with them.  Unvaccinated, on the […]

Governments are Preparing for a Harsh Winter

My brother sent me this video yesterday.   @the_co_conspirator #wakeup #nwo #newworldorder #freedom #control #government #conspiracy #conspiracytiktok #conspiracytheories #elite ♬ Suspense, Tension, Electronic Music – OYKT A government in the UK is looking to expand  morgue capacity.  After 2 seasons of COVID we did nothing but fret about hospital capacity.  Despite our concerns we spent […]

Once again India Shows the West how it is done.

Some days I think COVID has driven the whole world mad.  Then I remind myself it is not the whole word, just the western world.  There are still pockets of sanity.  Mexico is one.  The Mexican president a few weeks ago declared Mexico would not be held hostage by the vaccine companies.  At the time […]