Entries by richardsuffron

Ivory Tower Tyranny

If you go to a climate protest and mingle with the climate alarmists you will find the crowd is not very diverse.  Everyone at the protest will fall in one of only 2 groups. Affluent, college educated people who live in large urban areas. Or The children of affluent, college educated people who live in […]

The prince of fools is a liar

Just yesterday I posted about how Trudeau’s lies about climate change are finally starting to be challenged.  In that post I stated that Trudeau lies about everything.  If you were not paying attention you might think that statement was a little hyperbolic but sadly it is not.  Justin Trudeau does lie about everything.  The man […]

Dare to dream

I came across this video claiming the Italian health minister is under investigation for murder because he knew the COVID jabs were dangerous and concealed the information from the public.  I don’t know if this is true.  The only indication that I could find that it is true is that fact checkers have already declared […]

Our governments are evil because we are stupid

People are at their breaking points.  Many are posting emotional videos on social media describing their struggle to live in a world where life is becoming more and more unaffordable.  This video struck a chord with me because my children are about the same age as this young man and face the same challenges.   […]

They won’t apologize because it wasn’t a mistake

5.7 billion People were given an unnecessary and poorly tested gene therapy.  The result was 10s of millions dying and even more being injured.  While governments continue to deny the connection every sane person on the planet knows this to be true.  The glaring truth of what happened prompted Tucker Carlson to ask why no […]

Video evidence that not every world leader is an evil moron

Western leaders are using climate change as an excuse to destroy their own countries.  At the head of the class is the Prime Moron of Canada who demonstrates daily that he does not take direction from Canadians. But Trudeau isn’t listening to them. He’s not even listening to our premiers. And he’s certainly not listening […]

Deal with the small fish later

Bill Maher delivered what is being described as a scathing monolog about the COVID response; but is it really?   Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong “A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.” This includes, but […]

Happy Canada Day

Monday is April Fools’ Day in Canada; a day the rest of the world now recognizes as Canada Day.  Seriously I don’t know why Canadians still go through the motions of pretending July 1st is Canada day.  We may as well own it and officially change Canada day to April 1st. The celebration would be […]

The pandemic was driven by lies not a virus

The FDA settled a lawsuit last week.  Part of the settlement was that the FDA was forced to stop lying about Ivermectin. The FDA has agreed to delete and never republish several social-media posts suggesting that ivermectin, a drug that some doctors used to treat COVID-19, is for animals and not humans. Of course the […]