Treason is expensive for Canadians

I had a very interesting conversation on the housing crisis with a person I met 2 days ago.  The person is involved with real estate investments in the United States.  He described a very interesting disconnect between single family and multifamily housing.  Due to uncontrolled immigration in Canada and the US the price of single family homes has skyrocketed.  Before speaking to this gentleman I had assumed that multi-family housing was following the same trajectory.  I was wrong at least with respect to large rental apartments.

If you want to buy a single family home you will pay a premium but if you want to buy a large apartment building it is a fire sale.  This seems to be counter intuitive.  Rents are sky high so the profits these building produce are enormous but the problem is that they are mortgaged by companies that are carrying too much debt.  They became over leveraged when interest rates were low and now their mortgages are due for renegotiation they can’t afford the higher interest rate.  They are dumping assets trying to avoid bankruptcy.

This is creating a great profit opportunity for companies that are not over leveraged i.e. Blackrock.  Large investment firms don’t use debt.  They use other people’s money.  That means they can out bid private citizens on single family homes and scoop up apartment buildings at bargain prices.  Housing is being concentrated in the hands of large institutions.  Another large institution that spends other people’s money is government and Justin Trudeau wants in on the action.  Trudeau wants the federal government to be a landlord.

The Liberals propose to convert unused public lands and buildings to housing — an idea the Conservatives have been floating for a couple of years. But here’s the twist: residents won’t own the land the home is built on.

This is of course his solution to the housing crisis he caused through unrestricted immigration.  Trudeau and his major rival Pierre Poilievre.  Both support massive immigration.  They tell us Canada needs high levels of immigration to support our economy but this is a lie.  How do I know it is a lie?  Because if that was true the majority of new immigrants would be chosen for how they can help our economy and that is not the case.  Less than 1% of immigrants are chosen because they have skills our economy needs.

Less than half of one percent of the total permanent residents admitted to Canada since 2015 have been through the federal government’s Federal Skilled Trades Program.

The obvious question is then why did we accept millions of people with no skills that we did not need?  The answer is of course that the Trudeau liberals are following an agenda that is not set in Canada and does not benefit Canadians.

You will own nothing

That motherhood statement from the WEF is their ultimate goal for the great reset.  The problem with achieving that goal is that the middle class already own things.  To accomplish the goal WEF acolytes like Trudeau must prevent more people from achieving middle class and strip assets from people who are already middle class.  Unrestricted immigration accomplishes both those goals.  Mass migration of unskilled labor depresses wages and increases housing costs.  This effectively prevents low income Canadians from becoming middle class.

Mass migration will also in time eliminate the middle class because it fuels inflation and taxation.  The middle class is watching their disposable income evaporate due to higher prices and the inevitable tax increases will force them to downsize their lifestyles and divest of assets.  Make no mistake taxes will increase.  Low wage laborers in a modern welfare state take more from the system than they put in.  Flooding the country with people who work low wage jobs or increasingly don’t work at all will burden the system.  The money has to come from somewhere and it will come from the middle class.

The great reset is not about making the world better for everyone it is about returning to feudalism.  A small group of super rich and politically connect people will own and control everything.  They will be the new royalty.  The rest of us will be serfs with no choice but to serve the new kings and queens.  You will own nothing and they will be very happy indeed.

Despite being supported by a wealthy benefactor for his whole life Karl Marx hated the rich.  He envisioned a world where wealth was shared.  Karl Marx was of course one of the few people in history as stupid as Justin Trudeau.  He never gave any thought as to how any of his dangerous ideas would work.  In practice the wealth did not go to the people it went to the government.  People in government simply replaced the old royalty to form a new royalty.  The great reset and communism are kissing cousins.  Both are just a different form of feudalism.  That is probably why Trudeau is so cozy with communist China.

The greatest impact on the policies of the Trudeau government, unquestionably, has been the Liberals’ personal and business relationships with China’s political leadership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Glavin states, “Justin Trudeau has been a one-man Chinese influence operation for years, and he hasn’t even tried to hide it.”

It is hard to tell if Trudeau takes his orders from Davos or Beijing.  But does it really matter?  In either case a leader working against the best interests of his country at the request of a foreign authority is criminal.  At what point will Canadians finally see this for what it is?  Our country is being governed by outside entities and our prime minister is a willing accomplice.  It is treason.

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