Entries by richardsuffron

In 2023 let Truth rather than Government be your Guide

January 2020 started with stories of a viral outbreak in china that was causing people to drop dead in the streets.  This triggered a debate about just how racist it would be to place restrictions on Chinese travelers.  Now 3 years later we have stories about a viral outbreak in China causing people to drop […]

What is the proper punishment for Child Killers?

The Public Health Agency of Canada has hired a contractor to do a deep dive on unvaccinated.  The contractor has been given vaccination records to identify and target unvaccinated Canadians.  Like much of what our government does this is illegal.   It is against the law in Canada to disclose private health information but our current […]

The Miss-information age

When I started my career a personal computer was rare and the internet was a crude information sharing tool.  I did not know it 37 years ago but I was starting out in the dawn of the information age.  Too bad it did not last. In the early days there was a lot of optimism […]

The Jabs were never necessary, they weren’t even Mildly Beneficial

A well-known nurse practitioner in the UK has issued a statement calling for a suspension of the COVID vaccinations.  The video below is Dr.  Campbell reading the statement.   BREAKING: Eminent nurse practitioner, academic and author @Johnincarlisle calls for a suspension in the roll out of the covid mRNA vaccine pending an inquiry because of […]

Comments on my Blog

I appreciate and encourage people to comment on what I have written.  Even if you don’t agree please feel free to post a comment.  The Reason I started to blog was to have a forum for people to discuss the one thing governments do not want us to discuss; the truth. Unfortunately I am having […]

We Quarantined the Wrong People

At the ends of every year “journalists” start to reminisce on what they feel were the most important events of the year.  This COVIDiot from CTV felt it was important to let you know that Canadians were not paying their COVID quarantine violation fines.  In 2022 unvaccinated Canadians were still subject to quarantine when returning to […]

Fool me once, shame on you

It really has been remarkable how many high profile people who have either succumbed to rare illnesses or died suddenly in 2022.  Even more remarkable is how everyone is ignoring it even as it continues to happen.  In the last 2 days a 37 year old television producer, Dax Tejera, and a 45 year old […]

The Origins of Liberal Politics

I saw this article just before Christmas.  It is the second article I have seen in December about behavioral changes or brain damage from mRNA injections.  I have not seen any published research on this but I find it frighteningly plausible.  Science has already established 2 things that should make everyone worry about brain damage following […]

Give yourself the gift of Science this Christmas

When I was in school I liked science class.  Yes that makes me a nerd and I wear that badge proudly.  Many of my friends and classmates did not like science.  The things we learned were difficult and most people just did not see when they would use any of it.  None of them wanted […]

Holding out for a Christmas Miracle

My wife told me I should write something uplifting for Christmas.  I would love to do that but if you live in Canada it is hard to be hopeful even at Christmas.  Canada I fear is broken beyond repair.   Canadians NEED to see this. 🔥 pic.twitter.com/wGhxdo6TK2 — Canada Proud (@WeAreCanProud) December 15, 2022 Justin […]