Entries by richardsuffron

How many People do you need to harm before you go to Prison?

In September I posted information about how vaccine deaths seem to peak 5 months after vaccinations.  About a week ago a friend sent me another article dealing with the same issue.  The author, John Dee, did a very simple yet effective analysis.  He took the number of vaccines administered each day and compared those to excess deaths […]

Let’s stop repeating past Mistakes

Most people believe that COVID is over.  The danger has passed and we no longer need to assault people for being smart enough to know masks don’t work.   For your safety. She wasn’t wearing a mask. pic.twitter.com/gnNKmqGEla — Justin Turdeau 💎 (Parody) (@JustinTrudeauNo) November 12, 2022 COVID absolutely should be over because it never […]

Judging Success

The G20 meeting just wrapped up.  The G20 is the 19 largest economies in the world and the European Union.  These governments get together regularly to discuss matters of common interest.  Lately their common interest seems to be the best way to cut ordinary citizens out of the decision making process. Typically when the meeting […]

How Many Babies will Die before we Speak Up?

The same pattern exists in every western country.  The more wealth you have the more likely you are to have been vaccinated.  Vaccine passports put more pressure on wealthy people than poor people.  If you chose not to be vaccinated you were prevented from travelling or dining out; things poor people do far less frequently […]

A Hat Tip to Kamil Bachouchi

I have stated many time on this blog that COVID was nothing other than a bad flu.  I say this because in most countries excess deaths were not outside the bounds of normal for cold and flu season.  Below is another such example. The great COVID plague failed to move Ireland off the established long […]

Some of his lies are Dishonesty but most just Stupidity

Yesterday Prime Minister Trudeau was forced to delete a false tweet.  That is a nice way of saying that he got caught lying.  This is not surprising given that Justin Trudeau is incapable of telling the Truth.  His deleted tweet was about Iran imprisoning 15,000 protesters.  I have no doubt that given the opportunity Iran would […]

Thankyou Premier Smith

Canada has long been the wokest country on earth.  Canadian’s have been conditioned to accept everything the left utters without a minute of critical reflection.  The most ridiculous thing Canadians believe is that government will take care of them.  Frankly I find that bizarre.  Government is stocked full of people with no marketable job skills […]

Australia relinquishes the title to Canada

Australia went complete Nazis with COVID restrictions.  Vaccinations were mandatory and you could be confined in a COVID concentration camp for being a close contact of a known case.  People who never once tested positive were imprisoned without trial simply because they knew someone who had tested positive.  Who did not know someone who tested […]

Democracy could save us, to bad we surrendered it in 2020

Denmark was one of the first countries to Ban the COVID jabs and it is easy to see why. The great COVID plague of 2020 barely moved Denmark off their long term trend.  You can see this in almost every country.  COVID was nothing more than a bad flu.  Denmark had a worse flu season […]

How can Fake emergencies concern us more than Real Ones?

Early on in the pandemic I showed that most countries did not experience abnormal mortality.  COVID was a serious problem but the numbers of deaths were not outside the bounds of normal for a bad flu season.  In essence nothing abnormal was going on yet we were all convinced that something terrible was occurring.  We […]