COVID is a tale of Ignorance, Profits, and Corruption

The British Parliament is holding debates on vaccine safety.  MP Andrew Bridgen took part in the debate with a very thoughtful speech.  Mr. Bridgen correctly pointed out that no one has refuted studies concluding COVID vaccines do far more harm than good.  If the vaccine advocates can’t prove the benefit of the vaccines outweigh the risks why would anyone use them?  That is a very good question Mr. Bridgen answers at the end of his speech by declaring that vaccine advocates are “sacrificing citizens on the altar of ignorance and corporate profits”.


Ignorance and corporate profits is the perfect choice of words to define western society; especially the ignorance part.  We have suffered through 3 years of COVID nonsense because of ignorance; a very active, willful, ignorance.  Did you notice how empty the house was when MP Bridgen spoke?  Most MP’s chose not to hear what he had to say.  The handful that did stay to listen was already convinced the vaccines were harmful.  Not a single vaccine advocate stayed to refute anything that MP Bridgen said.

I can think of 2 reasons that not a single vaccine advocate stayed to listen to MP Bridgen.

  1. They prefer to remain ignorant to use it as a defense in case the COVID vaccine farce unravels.
  2. Their future income would be negatively impacted if they even appear to acknowledge the existence of vaccine injuries.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  We have allowed governments to grow unchecked.  Governments were formed to build roads and supply some services.  They were never meant to have the power to regulate every aspect of our lives but now they do.  During COVID governments chose who would be allowed to work and who would not.  They destroyed lives by simply calling a press conference and changing the rules on a whim.

Their power went unchecked, it was absolute, is it any wonder then that corruption exists?  If you want to know which British MPs are making money on the COVID plandemic just identify the MPs who chose not to debate MP Bridgen.  The Empty Benches in the British parliament tells me corrupt British politicians outnumber the honest ones by a wide margin.

Government Corruption exists because we allow it to exist, everywhere.  In Canada our Prime Minister has accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments and corporations.  The money did not go straight in to his bank account.  Instead it went into his retirement fund also known as the Trudeau foundation.   7 years ago when our finance minister was first elected she could not get a mortgage without a cosigner.  Now she is a millionaire.  Her salary cannot explain her sudden wealth.

When we look outside of Canada and Britain we see the same pattern.  Every US senator and congressman who wants to become a millionaire becomes a millionaire.  Not a single one of them do this by serving the taxpayers in any way shape or form.  Politicians in every country serve the corporations and foreign dictators who make them wealthy. Take for example the Vice President of the European Union who was just arrested for taking money from Qatar.

You really must wonder what she did to piss people off enough that they let this happen.  They are obviously serving her up as a sacrificial lamb to convince people that the European Parliament does not condone corruption.  This is of course not true.  The European Parliament, like every western government, is rife with corruption.  COVID could not have happened otherwise.


1 reply
  1. Trevor
    Trevor says:

    You make a very important point that governments are only put in place to do the things collectively that can not be done privately.
    1. National Defense
    2. Justice/courts
    3. Civil protection/police
    One could easily add Roads/Bridges to that list. But that’s really it. Everything else can be done outside of government. And Governments do NOT have any rights. They also have NO power except that which is loaned to it by its citizens.

    Government is a SERVANT and NOT a master.

    When will people wake up to this fact?

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