Entries by richardsuffron

Minority Report is no longer Fiction

More than once in the last 2 years I have commented that we are now living in some sort of dystopian science fiction movie.  Usually the movie closest to reality is I am Legend.  In that movie society is destroyed my government vaccine mandates.  Vaccinated people turn in to monsters who hunt down and annihilate […]

The losing streak for Albertans is not over

The Demonic Dwarf is facing a leadership review in 12 days and he is rightfully concerned.  The Convention was set for a hotel in Red Deer.  They expected up to 3,000 people to register but got more than 15,000.  Almost half of that 15,000 had bought their party membership in the last 6 months.  I […]

Jacinda all but admits this was never about a Virus.

Jacinda Ardern is a tyrannical lunatic.  She used COVID as an excuse to turn New Zealand into an island prison.  Yesterday Jacinda announced that New Zealand would drop most COVID restrictions By April 4th.  New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere so Jacinda is dropping restrictions just in time for cold and flu season.  Her […]

It will be over after you submit to Serfdom

18 months ago I started this blog because, quite frankly, government and media just were not telling the truth about COVID.  This is and always has been a completely manufactured crisis.  I naively believed that I could present accurate information and people would get over their fear and just say no to government.  I was […]

Justin sets the stage for more Tyranny

For the first year of the great COVID plague I did not even know anyone who had it.  The media assured me that COVID was highly contagious and deadly but that was hard to reconcile with my own observations.  Fast forward one year and I now know several people who have had COVID, almost all […]

A summer Reprieve does not mean this is Over

I attended the world wide walk for freedom in Calgary on Saturday.  It really was a walk for freedom.  We were told that if we did not walk away from the beltline area we would be arrested for the crime of disagreeing with government. Everyone walked to city hall where disagreeing with government is not […]

Following Scientists is not the same as following Science

I found this clip on Ivor Cummins site.  It is a panel discussion on Great Britain News.  One of the panelists explains she has not vaccinated her children because of her concern for long term side effects.  Her children are girls and she is specifically worried about menstrual and reproductive problems.  The host gives an […]

Freedom is dying from 1000 cuts in Canada

Jason Kenney, the Demonic Dwarf currently occupying the Premier’s chair in Alberta, is preparing for a leadership convention.  His top competition is the same guy as last time, Brian Jean.  Brian Jean is making the media rounds explaining how he would have been better choice than Jason Kenney.  Since Jason Kenney is the worst premier […]

The Enemy of my Enemy

The war drums are pounding louder every day, even in Canada public sentiment leans towards war. https://www.cp24.com/news/nearly-three-quarters-of-canadians-say-nato-should-prepare-to-intervene-in-ukraine-poll-1.5819481 Don’t you find this as odd as I do?  Canadians are not willing to fight for democracy in Canada where it used to exist but will in the Ukraine where democracy has never existed?  This is not quite […]

The Problem is Problem Identification

Several weeks ago I posted a video of Dr. Byram Bridle.  He was giving a speech and at one point lamented that you can’t read the conclusions of a paper and believe them because the data often did not support the conclusion.  Unfortunately the same can be said about journalism.  You can’t read the headline […]