Do we need another study proving murder?

The Correlation Research in the Public, a group that includes Denis Rancourt, has published another study and guess what?  After carefully analyzing data from even more countries they find a lot of excess deaths that correlate more closely to government malfeasance than to a virus.  They also confirm again that the COVID vaccines that saved the world from COVID don’t seem to have saved any individuals from COVID.

One might tentatively add:

  • No evidence of the large vaccine rollouts ever being associated with reductions in excess all-cause mortality, in any country (and see Rancourt and Hickey, 2023)

This data has been staring us in the face for a very long time.  People did not die from COVID and society was not saved by the vaccines.  People died at the hand of government and the vaccines which had little to no chance of working in the first place failed completely.

At what point are we going to stop lying to ourselves and make some of the COVID planners answer for their part in the largest mass murder in history?