Fraudulent science to conceal murder

There was good news and bad news about the COVID Jabs this week.  The bad news is that the Jabs cause serious neurological damage.  Jab apologists had tried to blame the neurological damage on COVID and even use it as a reason to be vaccinated but the study authors found the problems don’t really start until you are vaccinated.

Conclusions: Most cases of vaccine induced NMOSD, AE, and MOGAD occurred secondary to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The subacute onset of symptoms and the presence of encephalopathy was most associated with hospitalization. 

The COVID jabs cause, among other things, debilitating Neurological disorders.  Other medications have been banned for far less so why haven’t the COVID jabs been banned?  Well the good news according to the lancet is that the COVID jabs saved 1.6 million Europeans lives.

Between December, 2020, and March, 2023, in 34 of 54 CAT included in the analysis, COVID-19 vaccines reduced deaths by 59% overall (CAT range 17–82%), representing approximately 1·6 million lives saved

Well that is good right?  Isn’t saving people the most important?  Can’t we live with injuring thousands to save millions?  I guess that would depend on whether you ask an injured person or a saved person.  That line of inquiry is a little problematic however.  Identifying an injured person is easy but how do you find anyone save by the vaccine?

There are a lot of people who claim to have been saved by the vaccine because they got COVID and did not die; multiple times.  But did the jab really save them?  Almost everyone who gets COVID survives whether or not they are vaccinated so how do know how many people were saved by the vax?  Well, according to the lancet, you calculate it using data that you know to be fraudulent.

In this retrospective surveillance study, we estimated the number of lives directly saved by age group, vaccine dose, and circulating variant-of-concern (VOC) period, regionally and nationally, using weekly data on COVID-19 mortality and infection, COVID-19 vaccination uptake, and SARS-CoV-2 virus characterisations by lineage downloaded from The European Surveillance System on June 11, 2023, as well as vaccine effectiveness data from the literature.

The 1.6 million lives saved are calculated by using vaccine effectiveness data from the literature.  What literature?  Was it Pfizer press releases?  Some papers have placed the vaccine effectiveness at zero or even negative so they obviously discounted data that would not lead them to the conclusions they were paid to arrive at.  To be fair there are plenty of papers showing very good vaccine effectiveness.  The problem is that those papers are all fraudulent.  How do I know they are fraudulent?  Because, the Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) did not change after people were vaccinated.  I have pointed this out many times.  It is mathematically impossible for the Jabs to have saved a single life without a noticeable decrease in the CFR.

So without the jab 1% die but with the Jab only 50% of the 1% die.  The ratio of deaths to infection for the jabbed is 0.5% while the un-jabbed remain the same at 1%.  With that we get the following numbers.

  • In an un-jabbed world 1% of 10,000 people die so total deaths are 100.
  • With 90% jabbed and the jabs work 50% of the time we have 0.5% of 9,000 dying and 1% of 1,000 people dying. 45 jabbed people and 10 un-jabbed people die for total deaths of 55 people out of 10,000; a ratio of 0.55%.

Using that quick math we can see that a 50% effective treatment would have caused the infection fatality ratio to drop from 1% to 0.55% and that did not happen.  The only way the jabs could work without changing the death to infection ratio would have been if the virus suddenly became far more deadly to un-jabbed. 

We live in an age where tyranny is justified by purchasing scientific conclusions.  Government (taxpayer) funding has so thoroughly corrupted science that thousands of papers get retracted each year but not before governments use the fraudulent papers to justify assaulting their own citizens.  People place scientist and science on a pedestal but the truth is scientists are human.  They have frailties and financial needs just like everyone else.  This means they can be bought.  Politicians buy scientist all the time.

Beware of politicians who tell you they are following “the science” because “the science” is just following the money.