Ignorance should have been reason enough for Caution

Edward Dowd recently gave another video discussing insurance statistics showing a decline in excess deaths and long term disabilities.  Unfortunately as Edward Points out things are not as bad as they were but we have yet to return to normal.


I noted exactly the same thing from European data one month ago today.

The new normal is more deaths every year.  The jabs have killed and are continuing to kill Europeans even though not many Europeans are taking them anymore.  Vaccine uptake fell dramatically 1 year ago yet excess deaths continue to climb.

There is a very good reason why sane societies do not give every citizen the same experimental treatment; NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW ALL THE LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS.  It is all the things we do not know about these treatments that are causing all the problems.  Not a single scientist on earth knows;

  • How long the immune suppression lasts
  • Where the toxic spike proteins will be produced in the body
  • How many spike proteins any individual might produce
  • For how long any individual might keep producing spike proteins
  • How long will it take for some side effects to manifest

The sad truth is that we do not know when or even if people will stop succumbing to vaccine injuries.  We should never have allowed our governments to force this toxin in to anyone but now that we have we must be prepared for more days like this.



1 reply
  1. Derek
    Derek says:

    I’m more concerned at the moment about dying from nuclear annihilation.

    The faux left wing Democratic And Liberal parties in the US and Canada are going to get us all killed. Now the empire building international terror organisation NATO is mobilising troops to enter the fray. We are on the cusp of WW3 and it could very easily be avoided if we were not ruled by a vicious international establishment that seeks to dominate and control us all. They don’t care at all about Ukraine – they just want to use this opportunity to take out Putin.

    It’s not just the Liberal Party. The thoroughly contemptible Conservative Party of Canada are just as horny for war. They serve the same establishment masters after all.

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