It was a crime not a mistake

A new study is out in preprint that finds that the COVID vaccines were more dangerous for young men than the virus.

we find a net harm: vaccine risks outweighed benefits for 18-25-year-old males

This is shocking.  An experimental medical treatment that always caused serious problems in lab animals is more dangerous to young men than a virus that did not kill healthy young men.  I mean really, who could have seen that coming?  Oh, that is right; I did almost 3.5 years ago.

The mantra is that the risk of the virus is less than the risk of the vaccine.  Is that true?  Would the virus have killed more than 50 young men?  I could not find demographics of COVID deaths in Israel.  I can find them for Alberta.  In Alberta 0.48% of COVID deaths were People under 30.  All had serious health conditions.  If I apply the same percentage to Israel, then approximately 29 people of both sexes have died with COVID.  60% of COVID fatalities are men so approximately 17 Israeli men under 30 died with covid.  Presumably, they were all in poor health prior to contracting COVID.

The COVID Vaccines have already killed 3 times more young Israeli men then the virus.  

Over 3 years ago we had data from Israel that showed experimenting on young people would have disastrous results.  Common sense should have told us that before we even started this madness.  3 years ago it was clear that what we were doing was wrong.  Persisting for three years and refusing to acknowledge the obvious is not just wrong.  It is criminal.  When will we start prosecuting people for this crime?

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