Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
Neil Oliver of Great Britain News has become the great sage of our time. No one is more surprised about this than Neil himself. I have watched interviews were he confesses that prior to COVID he was quite happy ignoring politics and pursuing his passions. When the COVID restrictions hit he dutifully followed orders from […]
The CDC just released remarkable new COVID guidance. On the surface it looks like the CDC hit their collective head and when they woke up they could suddenly see straight. Of course with government there is always something hiding under the surface; something they would rather you not think about. It does not matter what […]
Another day another person drops dead in front of an audience. السيسي عميد الإنسانية ورجل السلام، بوووووم 💥 سَتُكمِلُها يوم البعث يا قحطاني — عبدالله الشريف (@AbdullahElshrif) August 9, 2022 This is not normal but shockingly people are willing to accept that it is. When COVID hysteria started people were alarmed by videos […]
A few days ago when I posted that freedom was the only issue for me in the next election a friend sent me this excellent article on freedom. Everyone Canadian needs to read this article because freedom might be the most misunderstood concept in Canada. The average Canadian cannot even define freedom. They are so clueless […]
COVID is not really over because COVID was never really about a virus. The virus can disappear but the COVID playbooks will not, politicians are already using them for monkey pox. COVID was a problem for a very small group but for some bizarre reason everyone on earth was forced to change their behavior. Monkey […]
A few days ago a saw an article about Ashton Kutcher; it seems that Ashton is dealing with a rare autoimmune disorder. There seem to be a lot of celebrities dealing with “rare” disorders. I was thinking that this could be a great game show. Celebrities could come on the show describe their symptoms and then […]