The virus killed few, the government killed many

A study has been published demonstrating that many COVID deaths were really ventilatory deaths.

CONCLUSIONS. Unsuccessful treatment of VAP is associated with higher mortality. The relatively long LOS for patients with COVID-19 was primarily due to prolonged respiratory failure, placing them at higher risk of VAP.

VAP is Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.  COVID patients were getting pneumonia from improperly cleaned ventilator tubes.  This is the direct result of the financial incentive to put patients on ventilators.  Hospitals could hardly wait for one patient to die so that they could pull the tube, wipe it down, and jam it down the throat of the government’s next victim.

COVID was an entirely manufactured emergency.  There is evidence that the virus was circulating in North American as early as the fall of 2019, yet no one was dying.  People did not start dying in large numbers until the government blundered in with lockdowns and standardized treatment protocols.  This was obvious to anyone who bothered to look.  That is why I wrote this in 2022.

Governments, not the virus, killed and this whole thing was intentional.  It is generally accepted now that the virus came from the lab in Wuhan China.  The myth is still that it was accidentally released and appeared first at the wet market a short distance from the lab.  Now we know that is not true because the virus was found in other countries long before the “discovery” in Wuhan.  In time I believe we will find that there were several releases and none were accidental.

It appears the virus was released in multiple locations in the fall of 2019.  The virus was allowed to circulate without much fanfare.  This first release was necessary so that the virus would be easy to find when the plans were put in motion. 

The SARs COV2 virus on its own was never more than a bad flu.  It is not particularly deadly without the assistance of government.  The government chose to create the COVID pandemic and to do that they needed to kill some of their citizens.  The initial killings created fear.  Governments used the fear to force acceptance of the vaccines which went on to kill more people.  This was all done for money.

In March of 2020 your government assaulted you using a very carefully planned and deadly ruse.  I don’t believe they are all actively part of the conspiracy.  Most were just useful idiots.  There is unfortunately no shortage of useful idiots in government.  But at the core of this crime is a small group of sociopaths who got rich.  We need to start following the money and prosecuting these murderers.

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