Whitewashing Murder

US House Oversight Committee on COVID has released their report and guess what?  We got everything wrong about COVID except the vaccines.

In addition to these notable bipartisan successes, the Select Subcommittee developed extensive findings, some of which include:

  1. The U.S. National Institutes of Health funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

  2. The Chinese government, agencies within the U.S. Government, and some members of the international scientific community sought to cover-up facts concerning the origins of the pandemic.

  3. Operation Warp Speed was a tremendous success and a model to build upon in the future. The vaccines, which are now probably better characterized as therapeutics, undoubtedly saved millions of lives by diminishing likelihood of severe disease and death.

  4. Rampant fraud, waste, and abuse plagued the COVID-19 pandemic response.

  5. Pandemic-era school closures will have enduring impact on generations of America’s children and these closures were enabled by groups meant to serve those children.

  6. The Constitution cannot be suspended in times of crisis and restrictions on freedoms sow distrust in public health.

  7. The prescription cannot be worse than the disease, such as strict and overly broad lockdowns that led to predictable anguish and avoidable consequences.

The committee offered no evidence to support the idea that the vaccines saved millions of lives.  Their conclusion was based on the opinion of the NIH.

In January 2021, critics argued that the failure to meet the goal of vaccinating 20 million people by the end of 2021 was an indication that OWS was broadly faltering.1168 However, there is little doubt that the rapid development and authorization of COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives.1169 The NIH estimates that as many as 140,000 American lives were saved by May 2021—within 5 months of the first authorization.

Because I am who I am I feel compelled to point out that the NIH is also the organization that got everything else about COVID wrong.  But, on this one point somehow they were correct.  The Committee wrote an expensive report detailing how the NIH (and other government associated entities) was mistaken or flat out lied about all things COVID yet still accepted at face value the lie about the vaccines.

Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing were all tools to force the public to accept mRNA injections.  Now we are told lockdowns, masks, and social distancing were wrong but the silver lining is that they led to the vaccines.  The end justifies the means I guess.

The committee thinks that by copping to some lies it will distract from the bigger lies about the vaccines.  Don’t let them get away with it.  The committee is pleading guilty to lesser crimes hoping we will not prosecute them for the larger crime.  The COVID vaccines and vaccine mandates were the largest, deadliest, crime in history.  A treatment that cannot prevent infection and did not change the case fatality ratio did not save a single life.  A treatment that is associated with a rise in excess deaths should be banned not praised.  Put the report down and put these bastards in prison.