Governments have used the imaginary threat of anthropogenic greenhouse gas warming (global warming caused by man) to syphon away our rights and wealth for 40 years. This is a very effective tool but they had a marketing problem with the name; Global warming simply does not sound scary. No one sees warm weather as much of a threat and some years the earth stubbornly refused to warm. It did not take long before global warming became climate change and then catastrophic climate change.
It is shocking how well this re-branding worked. They could not prove CO2 is causing dangerous warming so they just jumped ahead to the impacts of the nonexistent warming which is “climate change”. All this warming, that we are not experiencing, is going to cause an increase in storms, droughts, and other deadly weather events.
They could not prove that rising CO2 is causing dangerous warming but we must worry about the weather events that will occur once the earth is hot. The central problem with that is that people who study dangerous weather events have never been able to link them to hot weather. Dangerous events happen equally when the earth is hot and when the earth is cold.
If you are following the logic it went like this. CO2 causes hot weather which causes dangerous weather related events (Climate change). They cannot prove either link. You cannot link CO2 to dangerous levels of warming and you cannot link hot weather to increased dangerous weather events. This is a 2 link chain and both links are broken yet somehow they are getting away with this farce.
Climate change was the go to for impoverishing your nation until COVID. Engineering and releasing a virus allowed governments to dramatically accelerate their plans. People rapidly lost their rights and saw their wealth transfer to government and friends of government. COVID was far more effective at destroying society than Climate change but the plan has one weakness. COVID is over and most people know that it is over.
COVID’s demise has forced politicians to default back to climate change, but a funny thing happened on the road to COVID tyranny; more people are questioning government. Prior to COVID anyone who questioned climate change was marginalized and even harassed through the courts. Since COVID I have noticed more people willing to step forward and, of all things, actually discuss science. I found this very good article a few days ago.
Here is a plot illustrating what he is talking about. CO2 is in the part of the atmosphere known as the troposphere. If CO2 is absorbing more energy that part of the atmosphere should heat up as the CO2 concentration increases but from 1979 until 1997 it did not; it cooled slightly (see the yellow arrow).

The global warming crowd wants you to believe that global temperatures rise in lockstep with rising CO2 but that is not what happens. Below is the satellite temperature record from the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH). UAH is the only agency that records the data without altering it. Altering data is never done in real science but it is the rule rather than the exception in climate science.

You can see from the plot that the overall trend is up but what you don’t see are the temperatures from before 1979 when satellite data became available. Global temperatures dropped from 1940 to 1970 by a similar amount to the rise you see in this plot. Below is a news article from 1974 warning about the impending ice age.

CO2 concentrations where rising for the entire period. Below is the plot of atmospheric CO2 concentration.

So for 40 years the trend was down even though CO2 rose evenly through the whole period. The trend is now up but in any given year the temperature can drop dramatically even while CO2 levels are rising. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and theoretically increased concentrations should cause some warming. The global warming crowd wants you to believe that CO2 is the dominant mechanism and temperature always rising when CO2 rises. That is exactly what their models predict; a steady rise in CO2 causes a steady rise in temperature.
In real measurements the steady rise in CO2 can result in temperatures dropping for decades; according to their theory that can never happen. The data does not match the theory therefore the theory is wrong. There is no steady rise in temperatures because there are factors far more important than CO2
The fact that temperatures can either rise or fall as CO2 increases is not the only hole in their theory. Their theory says that rising CO2 levels are caused by human activity which then causes rising temperatures but it does not appear that human activities have any real effect on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In 2008 and then again in 2020 oil prices plummeted because of dramatic drops in consumption. 2008 was the banking crisis and 2020 was the lockdowns. Look at the CO2 plot again. CO2 concentrations continued to rise as if there was no change.
The global warming crowd has a lot of dirty little secrets. One of them is that burning fossil fuel adds only 3% to total CO2 emissions. CO2 has a natural cycle. Fires, volcanos, and animals release CO2 that is then used by plants. Oceans can either absorb CO2 or release CO2 depending on the circumstances. All of these things combine to change the atmospheric concentration. Mother Nature decides how much CO2 remains in the atmosphere not your SUV.
The data is clear; humans have very little influence on atmospheric CO2 concentrations which has very little influence on global temperature. We have nothing to fear from burning fossil fuels. Mother Nature will just use the extra 3% to grow more plants. Better plant growth is a good thing since we eat both plants and animals that eat plants.
Prior to COVID we let governments take our money and make us poor to fight the fake emergency of climate change. During COVID we let governments do the same thing to fight the fake emergency of cold and flu season. We could have stopped either by simply saying no to government. Governments are once again pounding the climate change drums; it is still not too late to say no.