We have been to this Movie before Part II

The COVID lockdowns were a colossal mistake.  Not only did they not work but the damage they caused may never be repaired.  People with common sense knew this would happen but since no one involved in government has any common sense we suffered repeated lockdowns.  There was however, a silver lining to lockdowns that no one predicted.  During the lockdowns far fewer babies were born premature and infant mortality plummeted.

So what caused this sudden improvement in maternal and infant health?  The answer is vaccines, or more specifically the lack thereof.  During the initial COVID panic mothers were afraid or unable to get vaccinated or take their babies to get vaccinated.  This turned out to be a very good thing for their baby’s health.

It should not have taken the fake scamdemic to realize this.  In 1974 the Japanese noted the link between vaccinating infants and increased infant mortality and banned the practice.  In the west politicians instead doubled down on stupid and again made the problem worse.


Remarkably, after banning vaccinations for babies under the age of 2 in Japan, SIDS virtually disappeared.24,25 In the years that followed, Japan became known for having the lowest infant death rate in the world. In contrast, the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate — and the highest vaccination rate as well. If infant vaccinations improve health and save lives, why do our statistics not support such claims?

For the first time in history, most US infants were required to receive several doses of DPT, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. Shortly thereafter, in 1969, medical certifiers presented a new medical term — sudden infant death syndrome …


So to recap, government mandated vaccines and then babies started mysteriously dying.  Rational people would have stopped vaccinating.  Instead of doing the obvious western governments just invented a new “syndrome” to explain all the dead babies.  Doesn’t this all sound familiar?  We keep going to the same government produced movie expecting a different ending that makes sense.  When will we learn that government only produces senseless horror movies?