Willful ignorance is encouraged by the State

My job is to solve problems; problems that often involve collecting and analyzing large amounts of data.  The data is the key to everything, if it is not relevant or accurate my analysis will be worthless.  So I guess it was not surprising then that when a pandemic emergency was declared I went straight to the data.

The media very dutifully reported that people were dying from COVID but people always die of respiratory viruses in cold and flu season so the number of COVID deaths was meaningless without context.  The real number is total deaths.  When I looked at total deaths I found that most countries did not have more deaths than what could be considered normal.  COVID was analogous to a bad seasonal flu.

There were of course some exceptions.  Some countries had much higher excess deaths than the others.  Those countries tended to have 2 things in common.  Poor vitamin D levels and government policies that seemed specifically designed to euthanize seniors.  So the problem was only loosely correlated to a viral outbreak.  The real problem was bad nutrition and bad government.

So the data in 2020 told me the best way to mitigate the impact of COVID was to eat better and stop allowing the government to kill seniors.  The data in 2023 tells a much different story.  Even more people are dying.  Young people are dying in abnormal numbers all year long; not just in cold and flu season.  Excess deaths in any age group in summer months is unusual so what is going on?

Another easy problem solving principal I use is to ask the simple question what changed?  If a significant change happened prior to the manifestation of the problem it must be investigated first.  The odds that the change caused the problem are very high.  Can you think of a more significant change than injecting everyone on earth with a brand new substance multiple times over the course of only 18 months?  Only a complete moron would not consider this first.


So deaths of young people are up 23% right after injecting them with a drug that increased mortality by 23% in an abbreviated trial.  What a coincidence.  Every doctor on earth should be concerned about this but bizarrely they are not.  At a recent conference doctors dismissed the possibility that this could be the vax because the evidence was anecdotal.

I have been admonished for reporting anecdotes and not doing a proper study which no one will fund

The evidence will always be anecdotal if you don’t bother to investigate.  Doctors are choosing willful ignorance but just when it comes to the Jabs.  You don’t see them pushing back on any of the other ridiculous explanations of sudden death.


Everyone knows what is happening but no one will say anything.  The problem is that this is murder and the murderers control armies.


1 reply
  1. Tyrel
    Tyrel says:

    Doctors need to be confident individuals. They make in many cases quick and difficult decisions that affect peoples lives. This is a required skill for the profession.

    However, it does attract a lot of arrogant narcissistic people. And you will never convince a narc they are wrong about anything because they don’t feel remorse.

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