The left never lets a Funeral go to Waste

This heated argument on gun control happened in the aftermath of the latest school shooting.


If the Democrat congressman sounds like an unhinged lunatic it is because he is an unhinged lunatic.  Mental illness is a lot more common on the left than the right which should be enough to make us skeptical of left wing policies.  Sadly it is not.

In the exchange Representative Massie advocates for armed school security.  The Democrat accuses Massie of ignoring the data right after Massie tells him the data.  There has never been a mass shooting in a school with armed security.  To a rational person the answer is obvious; have armed security in schools.  But this sensible, easy, solution is vehemently opposed by the Democrat congressman and every leftist commentator.

This is the standard playbook for the left; prevent solutions that work.  The left pours gasoline on fires while preventing the fireman from putting the fire out.  They do this because the fire is useful for them.  The left wants gun confiscation.  Every dead child moves them closer to their goal.  If armed security prevents child murder then armed security must not be allowed.

This is shocking but true.  We saw the same thing during COVID.  The left wanted vaccines and vaccine passports.  That is why they banned Ivermectin and HCQ; not because they did not work but because they did work.  If few people were dying of COVID their plans would have been derailed.  They had to kill people to get what they wanted and they had no problem doing it.

The left always has an agenda.  They cause problems then use the problem as to advance their agenda while blocking practical solutions.  Make no mistake about it the left caused this shooting.  They intentionally whipped up controversy between the transgender community and the rest of society.  Then they told the transgender community they were under attack.  Effectively, they lit a fuse.  They did not know where the bomb would go off but they did know it would go off.

The left was hoping for people to die so that they could use those deaths to advance their agenda.  Wherever the left goes they always leave bodies in their wake.

1 reply
  1. Derek
    Derek says:

    The new left is not left wing anymore. They certainly aren’t liberal. They aren’t tolerant.

    Most people accused by wokesters as being on the right are not conservative. Not socially conservative at least. I am not a conservative.

    The new political spectrum is centralists vs decentralists. Or authoritarian vs individual freedom. The nominal left is authoritarian and the so called right is libertarian. You could argue that the far right of the new spectrum is anarchy. So perhaps the new extreme poles are authoritarianism vs anarchy?

    Either way, I would rather have a minimal, constitutionally restrained government concentrating on economically vital infrastructure and sovereign defense rather than the runaway, malicious, imposing monster we have today. I do not want these degenerates dictating the terms of my life to me.

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