Entries by richardsuffron

If not bird flu it will be something else

COVID will not be over until the people who planned and profited from it are punished.  COVID was a well planned and executed crime that no one has as of yet been punished for.  A group of sociopaths; Engineered a virus Released the virus Fomented Panic Either through bribery (most likely) or coercion, convinced governments […]

Can we please hold someone accountable?

A paper was published a few weeks ago that used Norwegian data to link the COVID vaccines to excess deaths. An interpretation is that vaccination, despite temporary protection, increased mortality. Strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality among vaccinated not involving COVID-19 counterintuitively following periods of excess mortality. Further strengthening the interpretation was relatively high […]

Morons with degrees

The Dumb ages are the result of ordinary people deferring to fake experts.  Fake experts have only the thinnest veneer of credibility, a university degree.  For some reason University degrees impress people.  Ordinary people believe that a degree indicates superior intelligence even when the degree holder says and does incredibly stupid things. Case in point, […]

Canadians should be as concerned as Americans

I have stated before that Donald Trump has a unique super power.  He is able to force people to talk about things that they do not want to talk or even think about.  His 51st state comments forced Canadians to consider if a Canadian passport was enough to define you as Canadian.  Then his Tariff […]

Canada clings to the dumb ages

I started this blog 4 ½ years ago because I was alarmed how easily Canadians had accepted obvious government lies about COVID.  My hope was that I could ease fear by presenting factual information showing that the threat was exaggerated.  Some people listened but most did not.  The people who did listen tended to be […]

Thankfully the agenda can’t be stopped.

The Democrats are slow walking the approval process for RFK junior.  Senators who coincidentally have taken millions from big Pharma are concerned that RFK is anti-science.  RFK has earned this anti-science label by stubbornly insisting to see the safety data on vaccines.  In the Dumb ages, the period we now live in, analysis of data […]

Another debacle from Trudeau

Last night Justin Trudeau addressed the nation about the trade war he worked diligently to create.  The video can be seen here.  For me the speech can be divided in 3 parts.  The first part when Trudeau was speaking to Americans was actually quite good.  His speech writers did an excellent job highlighting the long friendly, […]

Happy Tariff day Canada

Today is the day that Trumps tariffs are supposed to be imposed on Canada.  If you ask the average Canadian about this they will immediately blame Donald Trump.  The average low information even lower brain function Canadian believes Donald Trump is a demon and the cause of every bad thing that has ever happened to […]

Time to find the courage to handle the truth

I want to return to the Alberta COVID report again today.  The report has a complete section on the COVID vaccines and vaccine mandates.  The task force noted that the vaccines were approved based on trials that were substandard and possibly fraudulent Delayed reporting of the subject deaths into the Case Report Form, which was […]