Entries by richardsuffron

COVID Vaccines, Colossal Mistake, or Unpredictable Bioweapon?

A couple people have sent me this video now.  Dr. Ryan Cole is speaking at a conference.  His topic is autopsy results of people who die from the vaccine.  Anyone considering taking the clot shot should watch this 17 minute video first.  Sorry I can’t embed this video.  You need to follow the link. A […]

With the Pfizer Approval, Vaccine Mandates are Inevitable

The Province of British Columbia has become the second province in Canada to announce Vaccine passports.  Effective September 13th vaccine passports will be required for restaurants, bars, fitness centers, or any indoor gathering.  If you are not vaccinated you will not be allowed to attend weddings or funerals.  Ironic isn’t it.  If you have a […]

Yahoo News is Publishing Government Lockdown Propaganda.

And the prize for the most deceptive COVID article of 2021 goes to Aria Bendix https://news.yahoo.com/half-sweden-decided-not-lock-115500722.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma Lockdowns must be coming again.  The Government has sent their media lackeys like Aria Bendix out to convince people not accepting lockdowns will lead to certain death.  Once again Sweden is the whipping boy.  Aria Bendix found some “experts” […]

Mask Mandates have returned to BC and no one is Angry about it

Mask Mandates are back in British Columbia tomorrow.  I am in BC today and many businesses have jumped the gun and posted signs 1 day early.  I went to enter a store and noticed the sign.  There was a woman sitting outside waiting on her friends.  She did not go it because she had no […]

Covid Restrictions are part of a Larger Plan

This is not about a virus.  I don’t know how many times I have said that in the last 18 months.  I must confess I did not start there.  At first I thought this was stupid people doing stupid things out of fear.  Prior to 2019 I believed governments were more stupid than evil.  There […]

COVID Vaccines are not the Solution, They are just another Dangerous Government Lie.

There is a flood of information coming out now documenting how vaccine effectiveness falls off with time.  There is a new study out of Israel that you can find here. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.29.21261317v1.full.pdf The study followed over 1 million vaccinated people monitoring for breakthrough infections. This is what they found. People vaccinated in January had more than […]

Prime Minister Trudeau is Concerned about Rights, Just not our Rights

Prime Minister Trudeau is very concerned about women’s rights under Taliban rule.  So concerned he called Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton holds no government office, elected or otherwise.  There is nothing officially she can do.  I must assume then that the Trudeau was calling to see if Hillary could help unofficially.  Trudeau apparently hopes Hillary can […]

Aussies have always been Crazy but it used to be a Fun Crazy

At any time prior to 2019 if you predicted the government would someday round up children for medical experiments you would have been called insane.  How times have changed.  Australia is now started rounding up children to administer experimental injections.  Their parents are not allowed to attend. 24,000 children were removed from their parents care […]

First we had New Math, Now with COVID we have New Science

If lockdowns and masks work then why didn’t they?  How come no one in power, other than Ron DeSantis has asked that question? Ron DeSantis has been branded by the media as anti-science.  Originally DeSantis was part of the lockdown crowd.  He followed the advice of the “experts” and locked Florida down.  Then 2 weeks […]

Even Pfizer VPs read my Blog.

I have a small group of friends and relatives that help me with this blog.  When they find interesting information they send it to me.  My brother just sent me this.  Dr. Yeadeon is retired from the pharmaceutical industry.  He retired from Pfizer as a vice president.  In 20 minutes the video covers most of […]