Entries by richardsuffron

It started as Fraud and then became much worse

There are reports now that the NIH received $325 million in royalty payments from the COVID vaccines.  This is one of the ways that drug manufacturers get their products approved.  They put the names of prominent bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci on their patents so that they get a piece of the action.  This is an […]

Canadian media works hard to keep Canadians in the Dark

It is not unusual for Canadian media to defend hard left politicians.  Recently they have taken to defending hard left organizations.  I have noticed a number of articles like this one lately defending the World Economic Forum.  Canadian media wants to assure Canadians that the WEF does not really have an agenda to rule the world.  […]

More from the people sounding like me file

Just 3 days ago I posted about how there a growing group of prominent people are willing to say exactly what I have been saying for years now.  In some cases I suspect their attitudes have not really changed.  What changed is their sense that it is now OK to say what they were thinking […]

How much longer must we continue with this charade?

I saw an article by CTV news this morning about how doctors are struggling to help people with mysterious heart ailments.  The article highlighted the plight of a young firefighter who is now incapacitated. Somehow, a mild case of COVID-19 set off a chain reaction that eventually left Camilleri with dangerous blood pressure spikes, a […]

None of it worked

In March of 2020 we were locked down for the first time.  The lockdowns, we were told, were to protect seniors.  Everyone on earth was to sacrifice in order to protect Grandma and Grandpa.  Remarkably no one stopped to ask if grandma and grandpa wanted to be isolated from their families.  Then when the vaccines […]

I welcome the company

I have always considered myself a bit of an outlier.   I once told my daughter that I know I am not normal.  That is not to say that I have any sort of defect.  If you define normal by how the average person thinks or behaves than I am absolutely not normal.  I will not […]

Once more the spike protein is the culprit

A lot of people have died since 2021. According to the media there are a multitude of reasons why previously perfectly healthy people die suddenly.  The only thing that does not cause this epidemic of sudden death is the COVID vaccines which have of course saved everyone, except the people who died suddenly.  Anyone who […]

Trudeau owes his success to dishonest Canadian media

There is a new poll out that shows Justin Trudeau has more haters than admirers across every age group in every corner of the country.  He truly is the most Hated prime minister of all time.  He might even be the most hated Canadian in history.  These results are not really all that shocking.  Justin […]

Government cares even less than big Pharma

The Australian Senate COVID vaccine investigation has already produced some rather remarkable admissions.  A couple of days ago Pfizer admitted that they did not dare give their own employees the jab.  Now Moderna has admitted that they do not care about vaccine injuries.  They do not track them and they don’t even bother to look […]

Pfizer and the politicians they bribed knew the jabs were not safe

Canadian governments are still pushing COVID vaccinations.  Canada will likely be the last country on earth to still use COVID jabs largely because Canada is full of Canadians.  There will never be push back in Canada but it is already happening in countries with less sheep like populations.  Australians are holding hearings and grilling Pfizer […]