Accolades instead of convictions

Another study linking excess mortality to the COVID jabs was released last month.  This study concluded that the Jabs caused 1 death for every 800 doses; a number not far off previous studies.

After analyzing mortality data, the researchers calculated a mean all-ages fatal toxicity by injection of vDFR of one death per 800 injections across all ages and countries.

The study also confirmed previous studies that found the more shots you take the worse it gets.

Unprecedented peaks in high all-cause mortality in each of the countries — especially among the elderly population when Covid shots were deployed — coincided with the rollout of third and fourth booster doses.

The damage does seem seems to be cumulative so my advice is stop making things worse.  Do not take another booster this winter.

By now a finding like this should not be shocking.  The data on the shots has not looked good for a very long time.  In almost every country excess deaths increased and stayed elevated for an extended period after vaccinations started.  Excess deaths still remain elevated for young people who were vaccinated later.

Up until now governments have been covering up this crime by blaming the excess deaths on COVID and demonizing unvaccinated people.  Any death within 14 days of vaccination was categorized as unvaccinated.  Incredibly people let the government get away with this obvious lie.  When people die suddenly less than 2 weeks after taking an experimental injection what do you first suspect?  Do you think it is the disease that they managed to avoid for more than a year prior to vaccination but were somehow exposed to immediately after vaccination?  Or, do you suspect the jab killed them?  Rational people will always choose the later.

But it was not just the temporal correlation to the jab that was suspicious.  As I have pointed out many times the seasonality of the supposed COVID deaths made no sense.  Respiratory viruses do most of their killing in the winter and before the jabs this was true of COVID.  There were not many COVID deaths in the summer of 2020 but that all changed with the jabs.  Suddenly COVID became an all season killer.

Vaccines caused significant excess deaths during the summer months of 2021.  The situation in 2022 is even worse.  Now that people are on their 3rd or 4th shot the bodies in the summer are accumulating even faster than they did in 2021.

The longer this goes the worse the Jabs look.  This is a real problem for governments that mandated and want to continue using them.  They are taking damage control to absolutely ludicrous levels by awarding the Nobel Prize to people responsible for this carnage.  Governments are covering up the greatest crime in history.  1 death per 800 shots is over 16 million murders.  16 million murders and they do not intend to stop.  Government is not your friend.  Governments do no care if you live or die.  In fact their strong preference is for you to die.  Stop looking to people who hate you for protection.  This winter do not comply.