Modern Climate science ignores the lessons of the past

I saw this short clip of Canada’s environment minister, Steven Guilbeault, stammering his way through a speech on climate change.


This speech was obviously written for him.  All he had to do was read it and he struggles to do even that.  Steven Guilbeault is barely literate and he is our environment minister.  To comply with his climate policies we must completely change how we generate and transmit power.  Do you think this simpleton, who can barely read the big words written for him, knows how power is generated or electrical grids are managed?  Of course not.  He does not understand the implications of his decisions because he does not understand anything.  The children really are in charge in Canada.

The only thing that Guibeault understands is that people should not be allowed to listen to anyone else.  Canadian’s must accept that the liberal government is the single source of truth.  We cannot have 2 sets of facts, only the fraudulent data he provides can be considered.

That dear friends is the fraudulent underpinning of the climate emergency.  We have an emergency because they say we have an emergency.  When they declare present times as the “hottest ever” we are supposed to ignore all the geologic and archeological evidence that the past was actually much warmer and that Humans thrived when it was warmer.

They also want us to ignore all the good climate science that was done before it became lucrative to demonize CO2.  There was a time when climate science was not fraudulent.  Many good scientists toiled in relative obscurity to prove that the earth’s climate is largely driven by the sun and reacts to identifiable cycles that humans have no control over.

But government corrupts everything.  When politicians realized that CO2 induced warming could be a weapon used against their citizens, climate science changed.  Change is probably not even the right word.  Climate science did not just change it re-invented itself by discarding all the climate science that came before it.

Isaac Newton is one of the most influential scientist to have ever lived.  The man was a genius who once said “if I see far it is only because I am standing on the shoulders of giants”.  What Newton meant was that he was able to make great discoveries because he was not starting from zero.  He was building on knowledge that came before him.  This is how science works but that is not how modern climate science works.  Modern climate science is not based on well-established previous work.  They threw that out.  Modern Climate science is based on fraud and used by intellectual lightweights like Guibeault to enforce destructive agendas.  We do not have a climate emergency we just have terrible, childish government.