Moral decay and dead children

Government COVID policy has harmed millions of children.  Forcing isolation and masks on Children has cause developmental delays that could impact their whole lives.  Maybe it will be possible for these children to catch up but it is impossible for children killed by the vax to come back from the dead.  Thankfully there have not been many reports of children dying but really 1 is too many.  The data was clear COVID did not kill young people therefore any risk of vaccine injury is unacceptable.  All risk with no reward.

Every child death from the jabs is tragic but yesterday I saw a story that I found especially troubling.  A vaccinated 8 year old Israeli child has died of a massive heart attack.

What, to me, makes this so tragic is that this boy was used as a pawn in COVID propaganda.  In his short life he was used by adults to advance their agenda and then he died from that agenda.  This is disgusting.

“The measure of a society is how it treats its weakest members.”

That quote has been attributed to more than one person.  I do not know who said it but I agree completely.  The strong do have a moral obligation to protect the weak and what group is more vulnerable and weak than children?  A healthy society protects children but that is not what we did during COVID.  We used children as props and shields.

We have had so few problems since WW2 that the soy boys had to invent them.  Now we are afraid of warm weather and flu season.  Worse than that, when confronted with these imaginary dragons we hold children up as shields.  Children had to wear masks and get vaccinated to protect adults.  We may as well have led them to the tops of volcanos and cut their hearts out to appease the virus gods.

Weak fearful people used rather than protected children.  Restrictions were forced on children to protect adults.  Then we forced children to take an experimental treatment that common sense and simple data analysis said would result in deaths.  People may object to my use of the word “forced” but since children cannot give informed consent about anything, what else do you call it when a child is vaccinated?

A society that does what we have done is morally repugnant.  The people who participated in this are sick.

1 reply
  1. Trevor
    Trevor says:

    It is sad that this child was born to the parents he had. His parents had every opportunity and knowledge to understand exactly the risks they were taking with the jab and they poked him anyways. They in particular are more culpable than the average uninformed parent.

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