Entries by richardsuffron

Fauci Peddles death Door to Door

There are several videos on the internet of Anthony Fauci going door to door urging people to get vaccinated.  Apparently it is for a documentary but I don’t think they are getting the footage they hope for.   Dr. Fauci went to the hood to pressure black people to get vaccinated. Little did Fauci know […]

COVID Hysteria was fueled by Fear and Stupidity

Fear produces a fight or flight reaction.  Fearful people are ready for action not deep contemplative thought.  Mankind would not exist if it were not for fear.  Ancient humans survived by running from or attacking threats.  At the first sign of a bear running was always a better option than wondering how the bear might […]

How much longer will we wait?

A study on COVID vaccine injuries has been released that shows vaccinated people have a 1 in 565 chance of serious injury.  Any other medical treatment with this poor of a safety record would have been banned long ago. Incredibly the 1 in 565 chance of serious injury found by the study should be considered […]

The most Inconvenient Truth of all

In 2006 Al Gore released his “documentary” An Inconvenient Truth.  Near the beginning Gore showed a plot that showed how CO2 and temperature have risen and fallen in lockstep for 800 thousands years.  Unfortunately Gore was very economical with the truth especially when you consider he used that word in the title.  It is true […]

Their fear is Palpable

This could be just wishful thinking on my part but recent events have me hopeful that we could see Nuremburg style trials again.  My optimism is based on the overwhelming stench of fear emanating from politicians and media.  In the past week politicians in multiple countries have admitted mistakes and even apologized.  They would never […]

It was Malice

I found this video linked on Jo Nova’s site.  It is a short speech given by Australian billionaire Clive Palmer.  In the early days of COVID Palmer spent millions of his own money to secure 37 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  He gave the HCQ to the Australian government who promptly destroyed it which is […]

Rats from a sinking Ship

While Gretchen Whitmer was grudgingly admitting she may have made mistakes half way around the world in Germany the health minister issued a much bigger mea culpa.  Karl Lauterbach has apologized for forcing Germans to take a vaccine that injured thousands of people. All this has forced Lauterbach to make a spectacular U-turn. In a […]

The Road to Vaccine Hesitancy

Before the era of COVID stupidity I did not think too much about vaccines.  I had taken vaccines as a child and even some as an adult when I travelled to a country that required some I had not already taken.  I could in no way be described as an anti-vaxxer.  Then COVID happened. For […]

There is only one way you can end this Tedros

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus confidently announced that COVID will be over by the end of the year.  What he said was that COVID will no longer be a public health emergency. “ at some point this year we will be able to say that Covid-19 is over as a public health emergency of […]

The financial fall out from COVID

An audit of American government COVID relief funds has already found $276 billion dollars of fraud.  That is not surprising since the whole purpose of government manufactured emergencies is fraud.  The only thing that made COVID different from previous fake emergencies was size.  COVID lockdowns resulted in unprecedented increases in government spending which in turn spawned unprecedented […]