Entries by richardsuffron

A new study confirming what we should have known long ago

There is a new study showing the COVID jabs are far more dangerous than the virus when administered to young people.  The gateway pundit declared that jabbing young people was ethically unjustifiable.  Ethically unjustifiable is sugar coating.  Administering jabs to young people is criminal and we did not need to wait until now to know that.  In […]

How do you Defend the Indefensible?

Months ago the senile moron occupying the Whitehouse used the state apparatus to force vaccine requirements on companies with more than 100 employees.  Most companies dutifully complied and quickly experienced labor shortages.  Too many employees chose unemployment over the vaccines.  The solution to this artificial labor shortage is obvious and now Companies that did comply […]

The fundamental problem with the left is Hubris

The federal conservative leadership race ended this weekend with Pierre Poilievre romping to an easy first ballot victory.  The mood in Canada right now is ugly.  Poilievre was able to tap in to this discontent and use it to coast to victory. Poilievre scares the crap out of Canada’s leftist media.  In the lead up […]

An easy way to end the Debate

Media and academia continue to contort themselves in to pretzels trying to explain that all the excess deaths could not possibly be caused by the COVID vaccines.  In the linked article Stuart McDonald, head of Demographic Assumptions and Methodology at Lloyds Banking Group states. We cannot 100% rule out any impact of the vaccine on these […]

Government has one goal and it is not your Safety

In previous posts I have described climate change and COVID as grooming tools but they do much more than that.  They don’t just condition us to expect less they also damage the economy so that having more will not be an option.  Climate change rules make everything expensive and are forcing businesses in Europe into […]

Why did we choose such a complex “Solution”?

Embalmers in the US are finding the same strange clots that Embalmers in England have been reporting for months.  I have posted data on this before so this issue is not new.  At first I was not going to re-post anything on these strange proteins but it triggered a burning question I have had for some […]

An open letter to Travis Toews and his Supporters

I am a member of the United Conservative party.  I joined the party specifically to vote against the current leader in the spring leadership review.  As a result of that vote the current leader, Jason Kenney, is stepping down and the party is in the throes of leadership contest. As a party member I get […]

When Parasites grow Unchecked

We are where we are today because of government.  It is not climate change or COVID.  Those manufactured emergencies were just tools used by government.  They are both grooming techniques.  Climate change is to groom people not just to expect less but to want less in order to “save the planet”.  COVID is to groom […]

When Politicians “Help”

Climate change was not a problem until now.  No we are not suddenly experiencing heat waves and hurricanes.  We are experiencing something far more dangerous and it is about to get worse; much, much worse.  What we are experience now is the cumulative effects of the combined stupidity of thousands of woke western politicians. European […]

Trudeau continues to lie about the Jabs

The Prime Moron of Canada took time from his busy schedule of destroying the country to lecture us on the best way to stay safe from COVID.   Justin Trudeau threatens Canadians – Comply or more Mandates and Restrictions – Sept. 3, 2022Source: Just Eat Real Food (Youtube) pic.twitter.com/sCosuzreoE — Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) September 5, 2022 […]