Entries by richardsuffron

It is Time to shatter Myths.

It was always a myth that the COVID vaccines would prevent infection.  By their design it is impossible for them to prevent infection, something I pointed out on this blog over 1 year ago.  There was never any evidence that the Jabs prevented infection and now jabbed and double boosted people are getting COVID multiple […]

Prison is too good for Them

A Friend sent me this article yesterday.  Every woman thinking about having a baby needs to read it. The Baby’s mother is in the British Royal Navy.  She was vaccinated while she was pregnant as a condition of employment.  Thanks to the vaccine her child developed blood clots in the womb.  At week 37 with […]

Killing People to save the Planet

2 Weeks ago Joe Biden was toying with the idea of declaring a climate emergency.  Joe is concerned because “Experts” tell him that the world will be destroyed by excessive plant food in the atmosphere.  These same “experts” have been pounding the climate change drum for nearly 40 years.  They will not give up because the […]

Safe and Effective has always been a Lie

There is a new study in preprint from the Netherlands.  The researchers looked at vaccine effectiveness by comparing counties with different vaccination rates.  The researchers were unable to find any evidence that the vaccines helped reduce COVID deaths. After  both  vaccination and  booster  campaigns,  we  did not  observe  the negative  correlation between  mortality  and  vaccination  expected  […]

If you love your Children ignore Government

A few days ago I noted that some governments have stopped recording COVID statistics by vaccination status.  Vaccine failure was obvious from the numbers which is a real problem for government since they still want to vaccinate you.  The solution to the government’s problem is simply to hide that the jab you are being forced […]

The Real Inconvenient Truth

Most western countries forced their citizens to be vaccinated.  Vaccinations were presented as the only way to end the pandemic.  It is strange then that the pandemic has not ended in any of those countries.  Instead they are all experiencing odd off season increases in deaths. Overwhelmingly these unusual off season deaths are occurring among […]

You can choose Common Sense or you can choose Government

Australia is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, I guess that is why so many Australians are dying from COVID.  It is the peak of Cold and flu season and hospitals are full.  Things have gotten so dire that the government is sending in the military to retirement homes. It is obvious […]

Choose your Friends Wisely

Yesterday in my post I accused the pharmaceutical industry of selling expensive drugs to manage rather than cure illnesses.  As I was posting Tucker Carlson was scorching the pharmaceutical industry for exactly the same thing in his opening monologue.   The Pharmaceutical industry is not your friend.  They have a long history of selling expensive […]

Moderna, Pfizer, and Government are not your Friends

A friend sent me this heartbreaking video of a young woman describing her vaccine injuries.  Prior to her 3 COVID jabs she had a small problem with eczema.  Now she has a serious life altering problem with eczema.   https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/111/842/671/playable/5d0982059c3dc75b.mp4 The jabs are the corporate gift that keeps on giving.  This poor woman must purchase […]