Entries by richardsuffron

An Open Letter to Jason Kenney

Last week responding to political pressure due to protests Jason Kenney loosened restrictions.  He tried to placate people by giving no definite time line for removing all restrictions and even alluded that restrictions may need to be re-imposed at a later date.  Basically all he did was the temporarily reduce illegal restrictions hoping it would […]

If this was about a Virus Government would be using Vitamin D, not automatic Weapons

I have posted multiple times about the benefits of vitamin D when it comes to preventing and treating COVID.  Yesterday I found yet another paper detailing how incredibly beneficial Vitamin D is. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0263069 Here are the conclusions   Conclusions Among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, pre-infection deficiency of vitamin D was associated with increased disease severity and […]

Hold the Line against Government and their Thought Police

Omar Kadhr is unfortunately a Canadian citizen.  He is also a convicted murderer and Islamic terrorist.  Omar Kahdr is free to move around the country without any police scrutiny.  Not only that but Justin Trudeau gave him 10.5 million dollars to ensure that he can go anywhere and support any Jihadist that he wants.  Non […]

The Freedom Convoy is fighting for your Children’s Future, get off the sidelines and into the Game

Yesterday a judge in Ontario stopped Give send go from distributing my money that I freely donated to the Freedom Convoy truckers. https://www.theepochtimes.com/ontario-court-freezes-funds-for-freedom-convoy-on-givesendgo_4270864.html There is no possible legal or moral justification for this.  No judge in Canada prevented donations to Black Lives Matter.  An organization that fomented riots that claimed dozens of lives, including black […]

Canadian Police Officers have a choice to make

There are two rumors circulating.  One is that the government will seize children and remove them from the Freedom Convoy, the other is that police are ready to step in and attack the protesters. https://tnc.news/2022/02/09/ottawa-police-call-child-services-have-not-ruled-out-removing-truckers-children%EF%BF%BC/ Separately both of these things are very disturbing.  Is the government position now that if you do not agree with […]

Fake Emergency Declarations are the Root of the Problem

The mayor of Ottawa declared a state of emergency yesterday and the police moved in and stole private property.   Some truck convoy protestors seem stunned at this display of force, presence of carbine rifles. I will say I did not see police lay hands on anyone. No arrests here- just fuel seizure pic.twitter.com/4robjohvir — […]