Entries by richardsuffron

1000 ways to lie

The best lies are half-truths.  Half-truths are comforting for people who don’t like to think.  They can hold on to the piece they know to be true and take everything else on blind faith.  Politicians and media understand the power of half-truths and it is normally their go to version when they lie.  But, that […]

Real Science eventually proves the obvious

I came across 2 new articles this morning.  In this one the authors re-examined data and concluded that claims of high COVID vaccine efficacy might have been dishonest.  They come to the surprising conclusion that COVID vaccine efficacy might have been less than zero even when we were being told that it was 100%. All […]

Even Canadians have noticed that something is not right

Officially today is Canada day although unofficially Justin Trudeau changed the date to April 1st several years ago.  In the lead up to this now defunct Canadian holiday pollsters asked Canadians how they felt about Canada.  They found national pride waning significantly. But 45 per cent of people who did the survey said they were feeling […]

Moving on from COVID Day.

Regular readers of this blog might have noticed that I have not been posting as much as previously.  There are 2 reasons for that starting with I am much busier at work. For a couple years I had slowed down.  My consulting jobs were infrequent, and I was not actively soliciting work.  I had plenty […]

Lessons unlearned

From my perspective people should have learned 3 things from COVID. Never trust government. You don’t need a virus to fake a pandemic you just need fear, isolation, and a new vaccine. Anything the psychopathic political elite don’t get punished for they will do again. Not many people learned the first 2 lessons and that […]

The truth still arrives by snail mail

“Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.” Jonathan Swift wrote in The Examiner, Nov. 9, 1710 In 1710 Jonathan Swift noted how easy it was for a lie to spread.  That was before radio, TV, or the internet.  Now with those technologies lies spread instantly.  Before the first needle went in to the […]

Pfizer isn’t even the biggest liar in this fiasco

Kansas is suing Pfizer for making fraudulent claims about the COVID vaccines. TOPEKA — Attorney General Kris Kobach filed a civil lawsuit Monday against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, alleging that “Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine,” violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act. Kansas is the first state to file […]

The world needs less Canada

“The 19th century has been the century of United States’ development… Let me tell you, my fellow countrymen, that all the signs point this way, that the 20th century shall be the century of Canada and of Canadian development. For the next 70 years, nay for the next 100 years, Canada shall be the star […]

Moving on should be easier than this

People who cooperated with COVID tyranny want everyone to move on.  No one wants to discuss how they made it possible for the government to destroy the economy and lives with their compliance.  They want us to forgive and forget but we can’t because it is not over. An Australian teenager has tragically passed away […]

Continuing to cover up the crime

The American heart association wants you to know that 6 in 10 Americans will eventually suffer from heart disease. At least six in ten older Americans may suffer from heart disease in the coming 30 years, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). They also want to know that it is entirely your fault.  Americans […]