Can we please hold someone accountable?

A paper was published a few weeks ago that used Norwegian data to link the COVID vaccines to excess deaths.

An interpretation is that vaccination, despite temporary protection, increased mortality. Strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality among vaccinated not involving COVID-19 counterintuitively following periods of excess mortality. Further strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality not involving COVID-19 among vaccinated corresponding with the excess mortality during the same period.

I have posted about Norway before; due to their fish heavy diet Norwegians have one of the highest average vitamin D levels in the world.  As a result Norway went through the first 2 winters of COVID with zero excess deaths even though they had very lax restrictions.  Norway should have done nothing but they made the mistake of using the COVID jabs and that is when all of their problems started.

Norway started giving COVID boosters in September 2021 and immediately people started dying.

For some unexplainable reason Norway choose not only to vaccinate but also boost for a disease that was not killing any Norwegians.  COVID was not a problem in Norway until the Norwegian government made it a problem.  Incredibly more than 80% of all the COVID deaths in Norway have happened since the boosters.

There are rumors that RFK junior may soon ban the COVID jabs.  All I can say is that it is about “F”ing time.  I have been posting evidence for nearly 4 years showing that these products do not work and are not safe.  We need a major country to ban the jabs and prosecute all the people who lied about the efficacy and safety.

COVID was a crime.  A group of sociopaths released a virus and manufactured an emergency.  The whole thing was done to profit from a dangerous product governments forced people to accept.  The prisons are not large enough to handle the number of people who need to go to jail over this.