COVID Masterpiece Theatre

This is a video of the leaders arriving in Cornwall for the G7 Summit.  The person who posted this thinks it is funny.  I think it is ominous.  You decide.


These are the leaders of the wealthiest western countries.  The Clown greeting them is Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of England, and the meeting host.  Boris has already had COVID.  Everyone else in this video would have been prioritized for the Vaccine.  The smart ones probably chose not to be vaccinated.  Trudeau has probably been vaccinated 6 or 7 times already.

The ones who chose not to vaccinate would have faked getting vaccinated.  As far as the public knows, no one in that group is at risk.  There was no need for an arm bump and a socially distanced picture.  This was intentional.  Everything these people do is carefully choreographed.  They are sending a clear message.  Do not expect things to go back to normal after you are vaccinated.

Like I said, this piece of theatre is ominous.