Government current flows only one Direction

Neil Oliver of Great Britain News has become the great sage of our time.  No one is more surprised about this than Neil himself.  I have watched interviews were he confesses that prior to COVID he was quite happy ignoring politics and pursuing his passions.  When the COVID restrictions hit he dutifully followed orders from people that he believed had his best interests at heart.  Then 2 weeks to flatten the curve became a permanent loss of freedom.

Neil Oliver could not help but notice all the COVID restrictions done for his benefit somehow never benefitted him or any other ordinary person.  They did however benefit government and friends of government.  COVID forced Neil to wake up and notice all government programs have the same end goal.  Spoiler alert, is not your safety.


COVID or climate change it does not matter.  Every government contrived emergency has the same solution.  Everything will be fine once we transfer all of your wealth to the super rich elite.  The world will be saved by returning to slavery.

It took Neil a long time to admit to himself what was happening.  Frankly most people are not there yet.  In fact most people will be in chains long before they discover they are a slave.  People are unwilling to accept what is happening because they underestimate government cruelty and don’t believe the few can control the many.  These people know nothing of history.

Historically speaking Government has always been the leading cause of death.  When government was not waging war on other nations they were persecuting their own.  In the 20th century alone more than 200 million people died at the hands of government.  These deaths were caused by decisions made by a very small group of people.

It is far easier for a small group to control the population than you think.  For most of human history it was the norm.  Democracy is relatively new and rare.  The thought that people ought to be able to govern their own affairs is a revolutionary concept our current governments vehemently disagree with.  The very top of our political structures see themselves as royalty.  They want to re-establish feudalism and put the great unwashed back in their subservient place.

The sad truth is that most governments are controlled by sociopaths aided by an army of useful idiots.  The sociopaths set the agenda and the useful idiots carry it out.  Take this latest decision by the Victoria city council.  The city council has decided no one should use natural gas anymore.  They made this decision despite warnings the electrical infrastructure cannot support it and that businesses would be destroyed.


However, during consultations, developers cited concerns that the appropriate equipment and service providers were not readily available and that there wasn’t enough access to electricity. 

According to developers, restaurants would be especially impacted as they rely on natural gas largely to cook. 


Victoria is a small city of 400,000 it is unlikely that anyone on council is part of the elite that will benefit from this decision.  In fact most will find the lives of family members negatively impacted.  They made this decision because they are useful idiots and the most useful part of useful idiots is the idiot part.  Not one of these people understand the implications of their decisions, nor do they want to understand.  They believe they are saving the planet and that makes them feel important and more virtuous than other mere mortals.

The elite pursue wealth and control; Useful idiots are their most valuable tool.  If the useful idiots ever experience an awakening the house of cards will collapse.  If you really want to save humanity go out today and wake up a useful idiot.

1 reply
  1. Trevor
    Trevor says:

    This decision will guarantee that existing houses will appreciate in value because there is now a limited and eventually diminishing supply of houses with a valuable natural gas service. I will bet that the city councilors voting for this already own houses with natural gas service and will therefore profit financially from this decision. Anyone out there willing to take the other side of my bet?

    I thought not.

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