Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
I found an excellent, although long, article of all the problems with mRNA pseudo vaccines. You can find everything in this article discussed somewhere on my blog but it is way easier just to give this a read then go through 3 years of blog posts. If you want to save some time you can […]
Neil Oliver is on point with his latest monolog and it is simply too good not to share. #WATCH: Neil Oliver says everything they said about Covid, Climate and Ukraine was a lie. The ones who lied & caused permanent harm or de@th never face the consequences of their actions while those who go against […]
I saw this video on Twitter/X yesterday. Israeli TV News has now told the truth about the C19 vaxxines, claiming they are producing extremely high fatality levels relative to unvaxxinated, through complex “immune system erosion”#VaccineGenocide #VaccineDeaths — 🇬🇧 Johannes 🇬🇧 (@Johanne31785773) November 11, 2023 Again I don’t know if the Television broadcast is recent […]
Today is Remembrance Day. The day set aside for us to remember tens of thousands of Canadians who fought and even died fighting tyranny in other countries. I am not a veteran so I don’t know what those people must think now. I doubt they can be happy about how things turned out. They sacrificed […]
Recently some students at Concordia University staged a show of support for Israel. Any show of support for Israel in caring, multicultural, Canada will attract people who want to kill Jews and this demonstration was no different. This delightful gentleman showed up to call the women whores. Montreal – November 8 – University of […]
We are now in cold and flu season in the northern hemisphere. Now would be a good time to remind people that it is absolutely normal for some people to get sick during cold and flu season. Sadly it is also normal for some people to die. Typically the people who succumb to cold and […]