Weakness born of stupidity

A friend of mine loves this blog.  He reads it daily.  When he sees important things, he always send them to me and I would agree this little tidbit is incredibly important.

Instead of making the most important part of artillery shells ourselves, the explosives, since they are so toxic, the U.S. military outsourced that environmentally-destructive process mainly to —and I am not making this up— Russia and China.

Our “leaders” are pushing us to war with Russia.  The war will start and then I guess we will call Russia and ask Putin if he would like to sell us some ammunition.  I wonder what his answer will be.  Frankly I am not surprised.  I have been warning about this for more than a year.  That’s why I wrote this last September.

Protracted conflicts are won by the side that is able to build the most stuff. The west used to be very good at building things until corrupt, under-intelligent politicians signed agreements to offshore the production of everything.

And this last April.

The west no longer has a strong manufacturing base.  We let China take it and China supports Russia.  We don’t even have the capacity to re-build a manufacturing base.  Woke, green policies have made Britons so poor they must ride the bus just to stay warm and in Canada nothing can be built without consulting “indigenous knowledge”.  The big problem being that no one can define what indigenous knowledge is.

No one wants to admit it, but we cannot win a war with Russia.  The Russians will simply have more of everything including time.  War with Russia is a very bad idea brought to us by a political elite who are only capable of bad ideas.  That is what got us into this mess in the first place.

The west is controlled by elderly and second generation professional politicians; people who have never known hardship or even done a single day of hard work.  They are soft, weak, and frankly under intelligent. 

When I wrote that last April, I was being too charitable calling western politicians weak and under intelligent.  A more correct assessment is that they are corrupt morons.  They are too stupid to understand the implications of their decisions and quite clearly do not care.  They are willing to do the most disgusting things for a few dollars.  During COVID they willingly participate in murder in return for pharmaceutical kickbacks.

We need to take back control before our moronic politicians send soldiers in to battle with no ammunition.  Or, before they mandate a bird flu vaccine.  Their stupidity and malfeasance are not just limited to military matters.