Dishonesty was at the root of COVID hysteria. People were driven to panic by government Officials that were using data that they knew to be false. Not every death is a COVID death. Everyone knows this including the people who printed COVID on every death certificate. They knew they were lying but they did it anyway because they were paid to lie.
The same is true of the PCR tests. A positive result on a PCR test is meaningless. The man who invented the technique, Kari Mullis, said so on camera. The people using the test knew the data was meaningless. They knew they were lying but they did it anyway because they were paid to lie.
It wasn’t hard for government to create wide spread institutional lying about COVID because they have done it before. Government has kept climate Change hysteria alive for decades using the same technique. Most of the data researchers use to maintain the narrative is false or misleading. They know they are lying but they do it anyway because they are paid to lie.
Researchers mislead by cherry picking low points to extrapolate from. There is a reason temperature plots always start at either 1850 or 1970. 1850 is the end of the little ice age, a very cold period, it is a good thing that temperatures rose since then but it is always presented as dangerous. The 1970s were the coldest period in the 20th century. Temperatures were bound to rise since they had fallen dramatically going in to the 70s. When it comes to the earth 50 years is a blink of the eye. Starting extrapolations from the 1970s means you are ignoring more than 99.999999% of the data.
Cherry picking brief periods of time for extrapolations is misleading. Using data that you know to be wrong is fraud and climate scientists use a lot of data that they know is wrong. Before Climate change became so lucrative, real scientists used to study something known as the urban heat island (UHI) effect but you don’t hear much about it now. UHI gets ignored because it proves the data from most climate stations is wrong and climate scientists want to use that data. If they can’t use it they can’t scare you.
Cities are hot. Humans have known this for centuries. That is why rich people keep country homes; to escape the heat of the city. Concrete and asphalt absorb a lot of the sun’s energy and buildings with central heat lose heat to the environment. Thermometers inside cities always read higher than the surrounding rural areas. Most temperature monitoring stations are inside cities so the data from them should not be used but, it is used because it shows more “climate change”.
If researchers were honest they would only use temperature readings from climate stations in rural areas but even those measurements are biased. Temperature monitoring stations used to be mercury thermometers that must be read manually. It was very time consuming to send people to remote locations to read the data so when the technology evolved mercury thermometers were replaced for convenience. This introduced a larger error than you might think.
Thermometers were replaced with electrical devices that could be read remotely. The problem is that electricity is a source of heat so the electronic devices can read higher than the mercury thermometers. So the obvious questions are; how much higher, and are the readings adjusted down to compensate? Well now, thanks to Jennifer Marohasy, we know the answer to those questions.
Dr Marohasy said the BOM had not disputed that the probe at Brisbane Airport had recorded up to 0.7C warmer than the mercury at the same site at the same time.
And no, the readings are not adjusted down because they show an extra 0.7 degrees of warming which helps with the scare mongering. So what is the big deal with 0.7 degrees of imaginary warming? Like all data it needs to be put in context. We are constantly told we must all live in mud huts and grow our own vegetables to keep the earth from warming 1.5 degrees. 0.7 degrees of imaginary warming puts us ½ ways there already.
These charlatans know they are using crap data to keep this fraud alive. This is not an innocent mistake or it would not have taken 9 years and a freedom of information request for them to admit the new devices read higher than the old ones. Climate change is not a problem and has very little to do with CO2. Science has always known this.
For 99.98% of earth’s history CO2 levels were much higher than they are now. During that time the earth was both much warmer and much colder than it is now. As Dr. Pilmer points out CO2 was never a problem or primary driver of climate for more than 4 billion years so why do we think it is now?