Treason is expensive for Canadians

I had a very interesting conversation on the housing crisis with a person I met 2 days ago.  The person is involved with real estate investments in the United States.  He described a very interesting disconnect between single family and multifamily housing.  Due to uncontrolled immigration in Canada and the US the price of single family homes has skyrocketed.  Before speaking to this gentleman I had assumed that multi-family housing was following the same trajectory.  I was wrong at least with respect to large rental apartments.

If you want to buy a single family home you will pay a premium but if you want to buy a large apartment building it is a fire sale.  This seems to be counter intuitive.  Rents are sky high so the profits these building produce are enormous but the problem is that they are mortgaged by companies that are carrying too much debt.  They became over leveraged when interest rates were low and now their mortgages are due for renegotiation they can’t afford the higher interest rate.  They are dumping assets trying to avoid bankruptcy.

This is creating a great profit opportunity for companies that are not over leveraged i.e. Blackrock.  Large investment firms don’t use debt.  They use other people’s money.  That means they can out bid private citizens on single family homes and scoop up apartment buildings at bargain prices.  Housing is being concentrated in the hands of large institutions.  Another large institution that spends other people’s money is government and Justin Trudeau wants in on the action.  Trudeau wants the federal government to be a landlord.

The Liberals propose to convert unused public lands and buildings to housing — an idea the Conservatives have been floating for a couple of years. But here’s the twist: residents won’t own the land the home is built on.

This is of course his solution to the housing crisis he caused through unrestricted immigration.  Trudeau and his major rival Pierre Poilievre.  Both support massive immigration.  They tell us Canada needs high levels of immigration to support our economy but this is a lie.  How do I know it is a lie?  Because if that was true the majority of new immigrants would be chosen for how they can help our economy and that is not the case.  Less than 1% of immigrants are chosen because they have skills our economy needs.

Less than half of one percent of the total permanent residents admitted to Canada since 2015 have been through the federal government’s Federal Skilled Trades Program.

The obvious question is then why did we accept millions of people with no skills that we did not need?  The answer is of course that the Trudeau liberals are following an agenda that is not set in Canada and does not benefit Canadians.

You will own nothing

That motherhood statement from the WEF is their ultimate goal for the great reset.  The problem with achieving that goal is that the middle class already own things.  To accomplish the goal WEF acolytes like Trudeau must prevent more people from achieving middle class and strip assets from people who are already middle class.  Unrestricted immigration accomplishes both those goals.  Mass migration of unskilled labor depresses wages and increases housing costs.  This effectively prevents low income Canadians from becoming middle class.

Mass migration will also in time eliminate the middle class because it fuels inflation and taxation.  The middle class is watching their disposable income evaporate due to higher prices and the inevitable tax increases will force them to downsize their lifestyles and divest of assets.  Make no mistake taxes will increase.  Low wage laborers in a modern welfare state take more from the system than they put in.  Flooding the country with people who work low wage jobs or increasingly don’t work at all will burden the system.  The money has to come from somewhere and it will come from the middle class.

The great reset is not about making the world better for everyone it is about returning to feudalism.  A small group of super rich and politically connect people will own and control everything.  They will be the new royalty.  The rest of us will be serfs with no choice but to serve the new kings and queens.  You will own nothing and they will be very happy indeed.

Despite being supported by a wealthy benefactor for his whole life Karl Marx hated the rich.  He envisioned a world where wealth was shared.  Karl Marx was of course one of the few people in history as stupid as Justin Trudeau.  He never gave any thought as to how any of his dangerous ideas would work.  In practice the wealth did not go to the people it went to the government.  People in government simply replaced the old royalty to form a new royalty.  The great reset and communism are kissing cousins.  Both are just a different form of feudalism.  That is probably why Trudeau is so cozy with communist China.

The greatest impact on the policies of the Trudeau government, unquestionably, has been the Liberals’ personal and business relationships with China’s political leadership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Glavin states, “Justin Trudeau has been a one-man Chinese influence operation for years, and he hasn’t even tried to hide it.”

It is hard to tell if Trudeau takes his orders from Davos or Beijing.  But does it really matter?  In either case a leader working against the best interests of his country at the request of a foreign authority is criminal.  At what point will Canadians finally see this for what it is?  Our country is being governed by outside entities and our prime minister is a willing accomplice.  It is treason.

Ideology negates intelligence

Do you ever wonder why politicians, especially left wing politicians, always double down on stupid?  When a policy causes obvious harm why do they continue to advocate for it and even expand the policy to maximize the destruction?  Part of it is arrogance of course.  They simply can’t admit that they are wrong.  But it runs deeper than that.  Deeply ideological people don’t even know they are wrong.  They are so disconnected from reality that they are oblivious to the harm they have caused.

Last week I came across this post on X discussing just this point.  Sorry but since the switch from twitter to X, I can no longer embed videos.  Please follow the link because I think what he says is spot on and to me it has the added benefit of showing how immigration is supposed to work.  This man is obviously not Anglo Saxon but he is British.  He is dismayed at what politicians are doing to his adopted country and Anglo Saxon brethren.

“The left believe they are righteous but they are both dark and cowardly.”

I really don’t know how you say it any better than that.  Their inability to see reality allows the left to do truly evil things and feel quite virtuous about it.  No matter how many people get harmed their actions are always righteous simply because they think they are righteous.  You will never convince the left they are wrong about anything.  Anyone who wants to change any of their destructive policies is branded far right and accused of wanting to turn back the clock on progress.  The old adage “when you find yourself in hole, stop digging” is lost on them.  Making the hole deeper and harder to climb out of is progress.  Filling the hole in is attacking women’s rights or some other such nonsense.

You should never elect idealists.  When that idealist is also corrupt and stupid you should run the other direction.  9 years ago, sadly, Canadians did not do that.  They voted for an idealist who admired communism and thought budgets magically balanced themselves.  That particular ideological moron has done damage that may never be fixed.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government is noted for its scandalous behaviour, but more serious is the fact that its core policies have placed Canadians in a worse position than they were when the Liberals ushered in their “sunny days” in 2015. The Trudeau government’s policy record speaks volumes. Every week there are new facts surfacing and new evidence of deceit or incompetence, or both, that speaks to why Canadians need a change of government in Ottawa.

Canadians have discovered the hard way that the worst thing about idealists is that they vote.

Unraveling a crime with this many participants might be impossible

A Calgary law firm, Rath and Company, has filed a suit against the Canadian Federal and the Alberta Provincial governments on behalf of vaccine injured Canadians.

Carrie Sakamoto, a young mother from Lethbridge who sustained severe, permanent physical and emotional injuries and damages from the Covid Vaccines is listed as class representative for the proposed Class Action lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges that both levels of government lied about the vaccines therefore there was no informed consent.

The Defendants misrepresented the Covid Vaccines, in breach of statutory duty, as “safe and effective” to the public when in fact the Covid Vaccines were neither “safe or effective” and, as a result, many Albertans inoculated with the Covid Vaccines have suffered serious, life-threatening and even fatal consequences.

I have been saying this for a very long time.  The vaccines and vaccine mandates are crimes.  People who have been injured cannot sue Pfizer but Pfizer was not alone in this crime.  They had a lot of help.

Moderna and Pfizer produced a toxic product that should never have been sold.  Normally if you sell a harmful product you face consequences but normal rules do not apply to all things COVID.  Moderna and Pfizer were given legal immunity.  The legal immunity they were granted emboldened a lot of people who did not share the same protection and some of them are about to find out the hard way.

There is no doubt that Albert Bourla is a terrible human being.  He knew damn well his product was neither safe nor effective.  He even got governments to sign contracts that acknowledged that safety and effectiveness were unknown.  Yet Bourla constantly gave interviews claiming his product was safe and effective.  He lied incessantly but there is one thing Albert Bourla did not do.  He did not put a single needle into a single arm.  Government and medical professionals did that.

COVID from start to finish was a crime.  The lockdowns, restrictions, and masks were all designed to scare people in to accepting the vaccines.  Anyone who did not succumb to the fear was coerced with mandates.  Let the government inject you or never get your life back.  It was never about a virus.  From day one of the lockdowns it was always about Pharmaceutical profits.  Or, more specifically, how much of those profits would be kicked back to political decision makers.

Pfizer provided the financial incentive behind the crime which far too many public servants were happy to take.  Pfizer is certainly guilty but so are the thousands of other people who enforced the mandates and administered the jabs.  None of those people have legal protection but all of them are guilty.  We need to see many more lawsuits like this to make sure they are punished.

I applaud Rath and Company for their efforts.  I wish them luck but they have an uphill battle.  There is no doubt that all of the defendants are guilty but the problem is the courts are also guilty.  Canadians courts consistently ignored law and sided with the government in this crime.  It will be hard for Rath and Company to get a judge who is not also guilty.

That is precisely why no one has been punished yet for COVID crimes.  The crime was enormous and involved people at the highest levels of government.  Most of those people are still in power.  COVID might be another problem we can’t vote our way out of.

We harmed children and felt quite virtuous doing it

There is another study showing COVID vaccines cause heart damage in children.  The study also refutes the lie that heart damage is more prevalent after COVID infection than COVID vaccination.

A new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus.

The study did find that the vaccines reduced COVID severity but the protection was temporary.

Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups, with rates of 27 and 10 cases/million after first and second doses respectively. Conclusion BNT162b2 vaccination in adolescents reduced COVID-19 A&E attendance and hospitalisation, although these outcomes were rare. Protection against positive SARS-CoV-2 tests was transient.

Once again I must say, “No shit Sherlock”.

  1. These treatments only serve to give your immune system a Boost. They help improve your odds of survival.  They really do not do anything more than Vitamin D and Ivermectin.  But there is one crucial difference.  There are no known side effects for Vitamin D and Ivermectin.

  2. The benefit from the treatment is temporary. Antibodies fade quickly without the T cells you have no lasting immunity.  That is what the yearly booster shots are for.  The booster shots are not for new variants as you have been led to believe.

I wrote that in May of 2021 after doing about 2 hours of research in to how the jabs and immune system work.  It was not difficult to figure out that at best the jabs offered only partial temporary protection.  That is not much benefit for the risk of an experimental treatment that always caused problems in the lab and showed problems in the abbreviated trials used to get emergency use authorization.

Before the first needle went in to the first arm is was clear to anyone who bothered to look that the Jabs did not make sense for any low risk person.  Why risk long term health problems or even death for temporary protection against a virus that was extremely unlikely to cause death?  It was ill advised for any healthy adult to take the jab.  It was criminal for an adult to be part of jabbing children.

Almost everyone on earth was low risk.  Children were essentially no risk.  Any sane person knew that jabbing children was all risk for no reward. But, we did it anyway.  We chose risk the lives of children so that Pfizer could make a profit.

When the lockdowns were announced I spoke out.  Every useful idiot that I spoke to could not tell me how any of the restrictions would work against an airborne pathogen.  All they had to offer was the mantra “if it can save only one life”.  Well I know how we could have saved millions of lives.  Don’t give an experimental treatment to low risk people many of whom were children.  Why weren’t we as concerned for the lives of children as we were for the lives of seniors?  We should all be ashamed.

Why you can’t fix Canada

When I was growing up the first step to getting ahead in Canada was to get a job.  But that was a long time ago when Canadian governments were much smaller, less corrupt, and not nearly as intent on ruining the country.  Now, In Trudeau’s Canada, being employed is not a guarantee of eventual success.  It doesn’t even guarantee you will be able to feed yourself.

“This is the very first time in the 40 years food banks have been in Canada that we have seen unemployment so low and food bank usage at the rates we are seeing right now. In fact, that number has risen to about one third of food bank clients having full time employment.”

Canadian Governments are forcing Canadian citizens into starvation.  There should be antigovernmental protests and riots, but there aren’t.  Instead, Canadians have found governments to be blameless.  Their financial woes don’t stem from high taxation, hyper regulation, and unrestricted immigration.  The problem really is the baby boomers.

Can this process be reversed? Ultimately, boomers need to revise their longstanding self-absorption. Instead, the older generations need to step up and support programs that encourage economic mobility, home ownership, marriage and family formation. This means embracing economic growth and social mobility through such steps as more skills-based education, improved basic infrastructure, and especially more housing that can be purchased by ordinary families.

Did you know that boomers have regular meetings where they devise ways to prevent young people from owning anything?  I sure didn’t and I am a boomer.  I guess I have missed all the meeting notices.

To be clear, boomers do share the blame for what has happened.  From the moment they were old enough to vote boomers voted for politicians that promised to give them services while giving the bill to their grandchildren.  But the boomers are not alone in this.  Every generation after the boomers has done the same thing.  The boomers might have started the ball rolling, but every successive generation has kept it rolling.  This has resulted in a huge increase in government size and government corruption.

Because of this Canada is an economic basket case.  People can’t afford homes or groceries and now they can’t afford to pay their debts.

Personal insolvencies are at a four-year high in Canada as consumers struggle with lingering inflation, high interest rates and debt they can no longer handle.

The Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) report for the second quarter shows a rise of 12.4 per cent in insolvencies compared to the year prior.

And the numbers for business are even worse with insolvencies spiking 41.4 per cent year-over-year.

But we don’t need to worry.  The deep thinkers have a solution.  Everything will be solved when Canadians finish their transition into Venezuela North.

This approach may violate some principles of market fundamentalism but is critical to the preservation of the market system itself. Given their penurious condition and limited opportunities, many younger people are fans of expanded government and greater re-distribution of wealth. Nearly two-thirds (60 per cent) of young adults around the world told Pew Research in 2022 that they don’t view capitalism positively — the highest share of any age group and 33 percentage points higher than those of boomers or generation Xers.

So, to preserve the free market we must violate the principles of a free market economy.  Or put another way we are going to solve the problems created by too much government by applying much more government.  Really, what could go wrong?

Something this incredibly stupid was of course written by a Canadian academic.  The Canadian government keeps a stable of academics on retainer.  When the government wants to do something stupid or destructive they purchase a “scientific” conclusion from one of their pet academics.  They will dutifully write an article or a paper concluding that government is next to godliness.  It is a very sick symbiotic relationship that works.  Canadians will swallow the lies and “follow the science” right to the food bank.

The damage has been done by politicians Canadians have voted for repeatedly.  The most destructive Prime Minister in our history has won 3 elections and still has supporters.  This happens because Canadians accept obvious lies from media and academia.  They just refuse to wake up and smell the tyranny.  Canada is broken.  Sadly, it just cannot be fixed.  It is simply not possible to fix a country full of Canadians.

Why they won’t let us choose

The Paris Olympics have come and gone but they certainly left us a lot to talk about.  There were of course some spectacular athletic performances; it was the Olympics after all.  But what most people are talking about are some of the decisions made by the Paris Olympic committee.  They certainly made a lot of decisions that I would not have made such as;

  • Approving bizarre opening and closing ceremonies that did not seem to celebrate French culture or the Olympic spirit.
  • Allowing men to beat up women in boxing and then forcing the women to apologize for not accepting their beating gracefully enough.
  • Forcing triathletes to swim the polluted Seine River that resulted in several athletes getting sick.

I am sure these unwise decisions will keep people talking for quite some time but for me there was another decision that deserves more discussing than it is getting; the decision to make the Athletes Olympic Village low carbon.

The Athlete accommodations were supposed to showcase how wonderful our low carbon future will be.  The beds were made of cardboard, meat made of bugs, and air-conditioning relied on wishful thinking.

The Paris Olympics was a preview of what to expect under Agenda 2030 and other lofty climate change goals. Paris aimed to host the most sustainable Olympics in history with a 50% target reduction in carbon emissions compared to previous Olympics like Rio 2016 or London 2012. The world’s most impressive athletes are now speaking out to tell the world that climate goals are NOT sustainable for human life.

This brief glimpse in to our own low carbon future did not go as well as planned.  Olympic athletes brought their own food and moved out of the Olympic village to stay in places with air conditioning and real beds.  When given the choice between the brave new world the elite have planned for us and what we have now, athletes opted for what we have now.

What we have now is far superior to what the elite plan to give us in the green low carbon future.  No one will choose it.  The elite themselves certainly won’t’ choose it.  Nor will they choose to be part of the herd that is culled to make them feel good about themselves.  The choice is to stick with what we have, comfort and prosperity.  Or, eat bugs while enduring sweltering heat in the summer and deadly cold in the winter in our cardboard shacks.  That choice is a very easy.  That is exactly why we won’t be given a choice.

We can’t afford to follow the “science” any longer

Scientists have discovered that Greenland was one actually green.  (Hat tip to Jo Nova)

Scientists have discovered plant and insect remains under a two-mile-deep (three km) ice core extracted from the center of the island, providing the clearest proof yet that nearly all of this vast territory was green within the past million years, when atmospheric carbon levels were much lower than today.

This is good news right?  I mean if the earth was hotter when CO2 levels were lower can’t we stop worrying about CO2 emissions?  Doesn’t this prove one of these things?

  1. CO2 is not the primary driver of climate. The earth’s climate changes dramatically all on its own regardless of CO2 content.


  1. Increased CO2 has actually cooled the planet.

Well if you thought either of those were true you just don’t understand modern science.  Those might be conclusions drawn by an old school scientist who follows the data to where ever it leads.  A modern scientist will force fit the data to the conclusion he has already been paid for.

Their research, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates even greater potential for global sea level rise due to human-caused climate than previously thought.

Have you got that?  Proof that climate warms without CO2 is proof that climate will warm dangerously with CO2.  Everything proves the hypothesis, even things that don’t.

It is fashionable for useful idiots to feel virtuous by repeating the mantra “I am following the science”.  Science is not a tangible object that can be followed.  Science is a process of discovery.  People who declare they are “following the science” are not really following science.  They are following a scientist.  Usually it is a scientist who has completely abandoned the scientific method.  They are not actually doing any science.

Modern scientists do not follow the data to an as yet undiscovered destination.  Rather they follow a map to a pre-drawn conclusion given to them by the Politian who paid for that conclusion.  If politicians want to demonize CO2 then every new piece of information will somehow “prove” that CO2 is dangerous.  Following the science is really a euphemism for doing something that is stupid, dangerous, destructive, and expensive.

Personal insolvencies are at a four-year high in Canada as consumers struggle with lingering inflation, high interest rates and debt they can no longer handle.

The Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) report for the second quarter shows a rise of 12.4 per cent in insolvencies compared to the year prior.

And the numbers for business are even worse with insolvencies spiking 41.4 per cent year-over-year.

The bastardization of science has to stop.  Our future depends on it.

Fraudulent science to conceal murder

There was good news and bad news about the COVID Jabs this week.  The bad news is that the Jabs cause serious neurological damage.  Jab apologists had tried to blame the neurological damage on COVID and even use it as a reason to be vaccinated but the study authors found the problems don’t really start until you are vaccinated.

Conclusions: Most cases of vaccine induced NMOSD, AE, and MOGAD occurred secondary to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The subacute onset of symptoms and the presence of encephalopathy was most associated with hospitalization. 

The COVID jabs cause, among other things, debilitating Neurological disorders.  Other medications have been banned for far less so why haven’t the COVID jabs been banned?  Well the good news according to the lancet is that the COVID jabs saved 1.6 million Europeans lives.

Between December, 2020, and March, 2023, in 34 of 54 CAT included in the analysis, COVID-19 vaccines reduced deaths by 59% overall (CAT range 17–82%), representing approximately 1·6 million lives saved

Well that is good right?  Isn’t saving people the most important?  Can’t we live with injuring thousands to save millions?  I guess that would depend on whether you ask an injured person or a saved person.  That line of inquiry is a little problematic however.  Identifying an injured person is easy but how do you find anyone save by the vaccine?

There are a lot of people who claim to have been saved by the vaccine because they got COVID and did not die; multiple times.  But did the jab really save them?  Almost everyone who gets COVID survives whether or not they are vaccinated so how do know how many people were saved by the vax?  Well, according to the lancet, you calculate it using data that you know to be fraudulent.

In this retrospective surveillance study, we estimated the number of lives directly saved by age group, vaccine dose, and circulating variant-of-concern (VOC) period, regionally and nationally, using weekly data on COVID-19 mortality and infection, COVID-19 vaccination uptake, and SARS-CoV-2 virus characterisations by lineage downloaded from The European Surveillance System on June 11, 2023, as well as vaccine effectiveness data from the literature.

The 1.6 million lives saved are calculated by using vaccine effectiveness data from the literature.  What literature?  Was it Pfizer press releases?  Some papers have placed the vaccine effectiveness at zero or even negative so they obviously discounted data that would not lead them to the conclusions they were paid to arrive at.  To be fair there are plenty of papers showing very good vaccine effectiveness.  The problem is that those papers are all fraudulent.  How do I know they are fraudulent?  Because, the Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) did not change after people were vaccinated.  I have pointed this out many times.  It is mathematically impossible for the Jabs to have saved a single life without a noticeable decrease in the CFR.

So without the jab 1% die but with the Jab only 50% of the 1% die.  The ratio of deaths to infection for the jabbed is 0.5% while the un-jabbed remain the same at 1%.  With that we get the following numbers.

  • In an un-jabbed world 1% of 10,000 people die so total deaths are 100.
  • With 90% jabbed and the jabs work 50% of the time we have 0.5% of 9,000 dying and 1% of 1,000 people dying. 45 jabbed people and 10 un-jabbed people die for total deaths of 55 people out of 10,000; a ratio of 0.55%.

Using that quick math we can see that a 50% effective treatment would have caused the infection fatality ratio to drop from 1% to 0.55% and that did not happen.  The only way the jabs could work without changing the death to infection ratio would have been if the virus suddenly became far more deadly to un-jabbed. 

We live in an age where tyranny is justified by purchasing scientific conclusions.  Government (taxpayer) funding has so thoroughly corrupted science that thousands of papers get retracted each year but not before governments use the fraudulent papers to justify assaulting their own citizens.  People place scientist and science on a pedestal but the truth is scientists are human.  They have frailties and financial needs just like everyone else.  This means they can be bought.  Politicians buy scientist all the time.

Beware of politicians who tell you they are following “the science” because “the science” is just following the money.

What will it take?

Last month British Columbia’s version of Josef Mengele, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Declared an end to COVID restrictions including the provincial vaccine mandates. Bonnie Henry dragged the fake COVID emergency on longer than any other public health authority in Canada but I guess she wanted the summer off from participating in the biggest crime in history.

After a few weeks off from killing citizens Dr. Henry returned to the airwaves to let people know that she could start killing again at a moment’s notice.  She warned the citizens of BC that she is monitoring COVID closely and will impose restrictions again.   This is another one of those times when I find myself saying I told you so.  Anything those sociopaths do not get punished for they will do again and it looks to me that they are planning to do it all again.  In fact they already are doing it again.

My wife’s mother is quite elderly and like many elderly people she is starting to have health issues that lead to hospital visits.  That happened again last week so my wife went to sit with her in the hospital.  Because of her age my mother in law is in a geriatric ward.  The ward has had a COVID outbreak and the staff is running around like their hair is on fire.  COVID protocols have been re-instated and visitors must be masked.  This is all very necessary, as the head nurse explained to my wife, because one patient has already died from COVID.

My wife has unfortunately been in the hospital for several days with her mom.  She had seen the patient who “died of COVID” many times.  In her words he looked to be 100 and was on deaths doorstep before the PCR test ever showed he had COVID.  Here we go again folks.  Every death is a COVID death.  If it was not for this great plague that 100 year old man in the geriatric ward would have been out running marathons.

They are gearing up to do it all again and it is our fault.  We should have punished the COVID criminals and we did not.  Most of them are in the same positions of power that they occupied when they committed this crime last time.  What will it take for people to stand up and say no more?

Leading vs lagging, the slow burn of stupid politicians

During the Steven Harper years I had a work colleague who was a staunch liberal.  She was giddy over the prospect of Justin Trudeau taking over the liberal party and becoming prime minister.  When I asked her why she supported the liberals her answer was that liberal times are good times and to a certain extent she is correct.  Liberal politicians always spend a lot of money and increase social programs.  They also hire a lot of people for imaginary jobs.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau added another 10,525 bureaucrats to the taxpayer payroll last year. Since becoming prime minister, he has added more than 108,000 new federal bureaucrats.

That’s a 42 per cent increase in the federal bureaucracy in less than a decade.

Ask yourself, are you getting 42 per cent better services from the federal government? Unless your paycheque comes from taxpayers, the answer is a big fat no.

All the money that they spend does tend to cause an economic boost.  But the problem is that they always spend money that they don’t have.  Eventually, all the spending drives inflation and taxes must be raised to pay for all the new civil “servants” to sit around and provide no value.  Things are good until they are not.

This cycle takes a very long time.  If you have a cooperative media which the left always does have, the bad news can be obscured for a very long time.  Justin Trudeau has been doing the wrong thing for 9 years and it is only now catching up with him.  The economy is stagnant.  People no longer have disposable income for things like new cars.

This should come as no surprise. Years of poor policies have left Canadians with a stagnant economy and declining living standards. Despite the Trudeau government’s recent focus on younger generations, young people appear to be the most pessimistic of all.


According to OECD projections, Canada will have the lowest projected average annual growth rate of GDP per person (at 0.78 per cent) from 2030 to 2060. That’s  when our GDP per person will be below the OECD average by $8,617. This represents a swing of more than $11,000 from where it was in 2002.


New car inventory in the US rose 36% this year, close to February 2021 levels before the supply chain crisis put a dent in imports. Yet, the average list price of a new car is $49,096 and far more than the average American can afford. The average new vehicle will sit in a dealer’s lot for 65 days, a 41% annual increase.

Economists talk about leading and lagging indicators.  They do not declare a recession until the economy shrinks but by then it is too late.  You are already in a recession and unemployment is destined to increase.  A leading indicator would be things like new car sales so we should not be ignoring the auto industry’s struggles, but we will.  Canada is headed for tough economic times and the liberals to an election defeat.  They know it.  That is why they are using their remaining time in office to destroy evidence of their financial crimes.

The Trudeau Liberals have abruptly scrubbed dozens of Government of Canada web pages detailing more than $24 billion in payments to COVID-19 contractors, per Blacklock’s Reporter. 

After a decade of mismanagement Canadians will change Trudeau for Poilievre.  Poilievre will be stuck with and blamed for the mess Trudeau caused.  With luck he will clean up some of it but even if he does, the voters will not reward him for it.  Canadians are such short-term thinkers they will vote liberal again in search of those liberal good times and the whole cycle will start again.  You cannot fix a country full of Canadians.