Time to find the courage to handle the truth
I want to return to the Alberta COVID report again today. The report has a complete section on the COVID vaccines and vaccine mandates. The task force noted that the vaccines were approved based on trials that were substandard and possibly fraudulent
Delayed reporting of the subject deaths into the Case Report Form, which was in violation of the trial protocol, allowed the EUA to proceed unchallenged.
The number of subject deaths was 17% of the expected number, based on ageadjusted US mortality. One possible explanation could lie in the 395 subjects that were “Lost to Follow-up”.
They also recommended that the vaccines no longer be administered without informed consent and not given at all to minors.
Task Force recommends halting the use of COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure of their potential risks, ending their use in healthy children and teenagers, conducting further research into their effectiveness, establishing support for vaccine-injured individuals, and providing an opt-out mechanism from federal public health policy.
These rather bland, sensible recommendations in a sane country would not cause anyone any heartburn but they have Canadian social media up in arms. Vaccine advocates are dismissing the report as unscientific misinformation. Of course these vax advocates can’t point to any actual errors in the report that is loaded with data references.
The problem for the vax advocates is not that the report is misinformation. Their problem is that the report is factual and sheds a poor light on mRNA vaccinations. Gaining public acceptance for mRNA injections was the reason behind everything that was done. Masks, social distancing, business closures, and lockdowns were part of the marketing program for these new treatments. The sociopaths behind the jabs wanted to make our lives so miserable that we would beg to be injected to make the tyranny end.
The whole scam worked. Most people took the jabs and plans were made to force inject the entire world annually with each new “vaccine” iteration in response to each new manufactured threat. The conspirators had dollar signs in their eyes and are not about to tolerate a report that casts the injections in a poor light. So, the knives are out over a report that did not even go far enough. The report questions vaccine efficacy when by now there should not be any questions. The vaccine efficacy is negative to zero. The COVID vaccines did not prevent a single COVID death.
Let’s take the report for week 13 of 2022. Of the 2,368 deaths in the four week period covered by the analysis, 91% were of vaccinated people. Coincidentally, about 91% of the UK adult population had completed their vaccination course by then. The proportion of deaths amongst the unvaccinated was the same as the proportion of unvaccinated people in the population.
When we look at ‘real-world’ data it’s difficult to see that the vaccinations made any difference at all. The idea that total all-cause global deaths would have been a third higher in their absence is laughable.
Since the release of the report there have been calls to ban mRNA injections completely. I doubt that will happen. There is just too much money at stake. Human life means nothing to politicians if it gets in the way of lucrative kickbacks. Still this report will be hard to ignore. I doubt labelling it misinformation without being able to point to any errors will work with vax injured people. It has taken 5 years but the truth is finally bubbling its way to the surface. The question is what will we do with the truth? Or, will we let politicians bury it again?