Time to find the courage to handle the truth

I want to return to the Alberta COVID report again today.  The report has a complete section on the COVID vaccines and vaccine mandates.  The task force noted that the vaccines were approved based on trials that were substandard and possibly fraudulent

Delayed reporting of the subject deaths into the Case Report Form, which was in violation of the trial protocol, allowed the EUA to proceed unchallenged.

The number of subject deaths was 17% of the expected number, based on ageadjusted US mortality. One possible explanation could lie in the 395 subjects that were “Lost to Follow-up”.

They also recommended that the vaccines no longer be administered without informed consent and not given at all to minors.

Task Force recommends halting the use of COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure of their potential risks, ending their use in healthy children and teenagers, conducting further research into their effectiveness, establishing support for vaccine-injured individuals, and providing an opt-out mechanism from federal public health policy.

These rather bland, sensible recommendations in a sane country would not cause anyone any heartburn but they have Canadian social media up in arms.  Vaccine advocates are dismissing the report as unscientific misinformation.  Of course these vax advocates can’t point to any actual errors in the report that is loaded with data references.

The problem for the vax advocates is not that the report is misinformation.  Their problem is that the report is factual and sheds a poor light on mRNA vaccinations.  Gaining public acceptance for mRNA injections was the reason behind everything that was done.  Masks, social distancing, business closures, and lockdowns were part of the marketing program for these new treatments.  The sociopaths behind the jabs wanted to make our lives so miserable that we would beg to be injected to make the tyranny end.

The whole scam worked.  Most people took the jabs and plans were made to force inject the entire world annually with each new “vaccine” iteration in response to each new manufactured threat.  The conspirators had dollar signs in their eyes and are not about to tolerate a report that casts the injections in a poor light.  So, the knives are out over a report that did not even go far enough.  The report questions vaccine efficacy when by now there should not be any questions.  The vaccine efficacy is negative to zero.  The COVID vaccines did not prevent a single COVID death.

Let’s take the report for week 13 of 2022. Of the 2,368 deaths in the four week period covered by the analysis, 91% were of vaccinated people. Coincidentally, about 91% of the UK adult population had completed their vaccination course by then. The proportion of deaths amongst the unvaccinated was the same as the proportion of unvaccinated people in the population.

When we look at ‘real-world’ data it’s difficult to see that the vaccinations made any difference at all. The idea that total all-cause global deaths would have been a third higher in their absence is laughable.

Since the release of the report there have been calls to ban mRNA injections completely.  I doubt that will happen.  There is just too much money at stake.  Human life means nothing to politicians if it gets in the way of lucrative kickbacks.  Still this report will be hard to ignore.  I doubt labelling it misinformation without being able to point to any errors will work with vax injured people.  It has taken 5 years but the truth is finally bubbling its way to the surface.  The question is what will we do with the truth?  Or, will we let politicians bury it again?

The answers will come if we follow the money

The Alberta government has released a report about the government response to Covid.  I confess I have not read the whole report, but you do not need to read far to find this gem.

Guidelines emphasized actions aimed at “containment.” This stance was based on the Government of Canada’s Public Health Management of Cases and Contacts Associated with COVID-19, which acknowledged that “epidemiological evidence suggests that the majority of people with COVID-19 do not require care in a hospital,” as supported by daily updates from the Government of Canada. Given the data and information available, Governance and Flow of Information Task Force is unclear as to why Alberta continued to implement containment measures through policy and mandates when the information at the time did not justify such aggressive actions. Additionally, it is not clear why Alberta’s researchers and decisionmakers overlooked crucial data when forming their recommendations and policies.

To me this is the only important question that anyone needs to ask about COVID.  Why did governments all over the world do the same stupid things when clearly none of it was justified?  Of course there is only one logical answer to that question.  There must have been a profit motive.  People do things for a reason.  Or, put another way people do things for love or money.  There was absolutely no love involved in the Covid mitigation measures.  That only leaves one answer then, doesn’t it?

The first chapter, governance and flow of information, goes on to ask 5 more questions that are just derivations of the original question.  What motivated the authorities to do the wrong thing at every opportunity?  The report unfortunately does not draw the obvious conclusion of a profit motive.  If you are unwilling to go there, I admit everything will seem quite confusing.  Their questions start with the assumption that these were just mystifying mistakes.

But none of this was done by mistake.  It was all very deliberate.  Anyone who reads this blog knows that I have a very low view of the average intelligence of people who choose government for a career.  Despite that I acknowledge that not everyone in government is stupid.  Given the size of government there still had to be thousands that knew we were doing the wrong thing.  That is precisely why the only conclusion is that it was deliberate and the only motive that makes sense is money.

With the knowledge that Government is full of evil people who would kill every one of us if there was something in it for them, I have reframed the questions into statements that explain what happened.


The Task Force has not found evidence in support of the rationale behind the decision to deviate from Alberta’s established pandemic response planning. Our review of Alberta’s COVID-19 response shows that at the onset of a novel pandemic, with many uncertainties, Alberta had a plan designed to respond to such a situation. Why did AHS and Alberta Health abandon this plan and adopt an ad hoc and reactive approach instead?

  1. There appears to be a fundamental lack of transparency and willingness to reveal information and discuss decisions and actions taken by AHS during the pandemic. Governance and Flow of Information During our data review, there has been a lack of willingness on the part of AHS officials to cooperate with the Task Force in our requests for data and information.

The Criminals were unwilling to release information that would incriminate themselves.

  1. Why did Alberta seek direction and ultimately form decisions based on federal and international recommendations as opposed to Alberta’s pre-existing pandemic response plan? Alberta’s pandemic response plan took into consideration urban/rural differences, the economy, and mental health challenges, among other factors.

Alberta Health Services followed the instructions of the moronic man-child in Ottawa.  The Man-child (Trudeau) took his instructions from Beijing and Davos.

  1. Canada’s decision to sign on to the WHO’s 2005 International Health Regulations (“IHR”), which require a coordinated response by provinces and territories to pandemics, paved the way for federal government’s protagonism in pandemic response, replacing the previous leadership of provinces and territories. However, the burden of responsibility to meet the requirements of the IHR solely rests with the federal government, not the provinces.

Feckless Provincial Premiers have abdicated their healthcare responsibilities to the WHO through the prime Minister’s office in violation of Canada’s constitution.

  1. Alberta tasked an independent company, KPMG, to review Alberta’s pandemic response between March and October 2020. The report recommendations recognized the need for Alberta to review its pandemic response plan and engage in a robust review of non-COVID-19 related health impacts, including mental health and deferred medical procedures as well as industry-specific economic impacts. Given this information was made available early in the pandemic, why did Alberta not begin a thorough review into these secondary and tertiary impacts of its pandemic response?

Jason Kenney did not want anyone to examine his decisions because they would come to the inescapable conclusion that the evil little prick accepted money to violate the rights of every Albertan.

  1. The information provided to the EMCC/PICC flowed through various working groups to the Deputy Minister of Health. By their own admission, the DMOH lacked the necessary medical or scientific expertise to review information advanced to them, and ultimately to the EMCC. Given this lack of expertise, why did Alberta not involve the AEMA?

The deputy minister of health was unwilling to consult with real experts because he knew they would not give him the answers that his boss, Jason Kenney, wanted to hear.


I am glad that we are finally shining a light on what happened but if you seek answers, you cannot give the government the benefit of doubt.  You cannot start with the assumption that the motives were not nefarious.  Any government is a toxic, even dangerous, mix of sociopaths and useful idiots.  No government in history should inspire you to trust government.  Certainly, Jason Kenney did nothing in his short tenure to inspire trust.

If you want to get to the bottom of Covid, follow the money.  Covid was the largest, fastest, wealth transfer in history.  You would need to be criminally naïve to believe government officials did not get a piece of the action.

We are governed by morons

Donald Trump is not shy about using economic force to get other countries to do what he wants.  Trump has been clear that he wants Canada to start taking border security seriously.  Canada and the US share the largest undefended border in the world which is becoming a real problem for the US because Canada has a shameful record of harboring criminals and terrorists.

Most Canadians don’t know this because most Canadians are clueless, but Canada has long been a haven for terrible people.  We were protecting India’s most wanted terrorist for years.  Canada ignored India’s extraditions requests. He would still be here today if India had not lost patience and sent assassins to take care of the problem.

Canada is also harboring one of Frances most wanted.  Hassan Diab was convicted in absentia for murder and hiding from French justice in Canada.  Hiding is too strong a word.  It is not like this guy was just too difficult to find.  Until his pictures hit the papers, he was teaching at a publicly funded Canadian university in our nation’s capital.

Hassan Diab, the Ottawa sociology professor who was convicted in absentia in 2023 of a deadly synagogue bombing in France, is “not currently employed” at Carleton University, the school says.

Canadian politicians, especially liberal politicians, hate Canadians but love foreign criminals.  It was only a matter of time before this became a problem and now it has.  Donald Trump is not happy about having a criminal hang out on his northern border.  He already has one on his southern border that is costing him Billions.  Trump has issued a warning.  Canada needs to clean up their act or face a trade war.  The Morons in Ottawa have chosen a Trade war.

Instead of having a discussion of the merits of not having a country full of the world’s most wanted, Trudeau and the Premiers meet to discuss what goods they would no longer sell to the US.  They chose oil for 2 reasons.  It is our number one export and largely only affects one province that the other provinces don’t like anyway.  There is one major problem with the plan, however.  Canada can’t cut off the states without also cutting off eastern Canada.

Alberta does deliver oil to eastern Canada but most of it goes down into the US and back up into Canada.  Canadians did this because Canadians are stupid, and Americans are not.  Canadians think they can have all the benefits of a modern industrial society while blocking every attempt to build a modern industrial society.

“If it’s easier to push a pipeline through the U.S. border, if it’s cheaper, if there’s less political blowback than going through B.C. or Quebec, well it was a no-brainer, because the United States, our closest ally through all of history, would never impose a punitive tariff on us. That’s crazy talk.”

Our politicians made the country completely dependent on a foreign nation for our most important product because it was easier than dealing with Canadians.  We are governed by morons, and it shows.  Canadians really should be worried because that group of morons really is stupid enough to go ahead with this.  Canadians are about to get a taste of net zero and I can guarantee they will not like it.

It will be a hard lesson for Canadians that there is no substitute for oil.  A world without oil is cold and dangerous.

Fossil fuels made us rich and keeps us safe.

There is no grand conspiracy that makes us use hydrocarbons.  We use hydrocarbons for one simple reason.  We have yet to find anything better.  Hydrocarbons are portable and hold a high amount of energy in a very small package.  24 kg of gasoline holds about the same amount of usable energy as the 560 Kg battery on a tesla.  Electricity is not a substitute for hydrocarbons and never will be.  Some day we may discover a substitute, but we are not there yet.

The same Morons that don’t even understand the lack of infrastructure in Canada think we can do without oil.  Every single major political party in Canada has a policy of net zero.  The only thing they disagree on is when we should get there.  I have a suggestion for them; how about never?  Net zero is an incredibly stupid idea brought to us by the same group that wants a trade war with our largest trading partner.  If Canada could sell stupid, we would be the richest nation on earth.

Biden acknowledges COVID was a crime

Donald Trump made a lot of noise yesterday signing dozens of executive orders within hours of being inaugurated.  In True Trump fashion he dominated the news coverage but I want to talk about something Joe Biden did instead.  In the dying minutes of his fake presidency Biden issued more pre-emptive pardons.  One of the recipients was Anthony Fauci.

President Joe Biden on Monday issued preemptive pardons to potential targets of the incoming Trump administration, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired Gen. Mark Milley and lawmakers who served on the House Jan. 6 Committee.

With Fauci’s pardon Joe Biden has admitted that what I have been saying for years is correct.  Covid was a crime.  The media is already trying to spin this that Fauci’s only crime was lying to congress but if that was the case Fauci would have been pardoned specifically for that.  Instead the Pardon dates back to 2014 when Obama banned gain of function research.  A ban that Fauci circumvented by moving the research to communist China.  Anthony Fauci used taxpayer money to finance a bioweapons Program by America’s largest geopolitical enemy.  The crime only got worse when Fauci then became part of the conspiracy to use the bioweapon against American citizens.

3 years ago, it was also clear to me that the virus was not natural, and this was no accident.  This virus was released on purpose at least twice.  The first time was in the fall of 2019.  This release was necessary to allow the virus time to spread so that, after the second release, testing would find it everywhere.  It would look like it was spreading like wildfire.  The second release late December was used to kick off the plan.  It was COVID’s coming out party so to speak.

Most people are now willing to admit that Fauci is responsible for the virus.  But my last statement, that fauci released it on purpose, is not yet widely accepted.  I believe with the passage of time it will be.  When you examine the evidence it indicates that the virus was released on purpose and that Fauci was involved.  To me the best argument that it was no accident was Anthony Fauci’s post release behavior.

Fauci did not just cover up the virus’s lab origins.  He went on television and told obvious lies about a virus he knew everything about.  He would have been receiving progress reports for years and knew the virus did not present a threat to healthy people.  If it had been an accidental release He could have covered it up by just ignoring it and blaming excess deaths on a bad flu year.  Fauci did the exact opposite.  He shone a spotlight on the virus so that he could create panic.

Biden did not pardon a run of mill criminal.  Fauci was an active participant to mass murder.  Biden just pardoned a modern day Mengele.

There is a time for anger

I found this great short clip on X.  Neil Oliver discusses how a relatively small group of people have taken it upon themselves to determine how everyone else must live.  The average person has a hard time understanding why anyone would claim the right to tell others how to live.  What the average person does not understand is that the self-appointed elite believe they are superior beings.  Their unfounded belief in their inherent moral superiority gives them the right to sit in judgement over everything.

In Trudeau’s vision on each of these issues there is a morally correct position – his – and those who do not share it are not merely wrong but motivated by ill intentions.

This is a return to the divine right of kings.  People like Trudeau believe they have been born to rule.  That is not really the problem however.  The problem is that we let them rule.  Their combination of inflated ego and substandard intelligence has cost us dearly.  As Thomas Sowell notes never haves so few, cost so much, to so many.

“In order that this relatively small group of people can believe themselves wiser and nobler than the common herd, we have adopted policies which impose heavy costs on millions of other human beings, not only in taxes, but in lost jobs, social disintegration and a loss of personal safety. Seldom have so few cost so much to so many.”

Neil Oliver takes hope in the fact that ordinary people far outnumber this group of elites.  I am far less hopeful.  Numbers don’t matter if all of them are asleep.  COVID was a perfect example of the masses sitting on their asses and refusing to use the power that they have.  If even 10% of the people stood up and said no the tyranny could not have happened.  But, in my country, only about 0.2% said no.

If you talk to Canadians now many will tell you that they did not agree with the COVID mitigation measures.  Who cares if you did not agree, you still did not do anything.  You did not even get angry.  Even now after 9 years of a government that went out of their way to destroy the country Canadians are still not angry.

And yet a deficiency of anger produces its own problems. This is the condition that presently characterizes too much of the Canadian electorate. With Prime Minister Trudeau announcing his resignation this week, even as his party maneuvers to stay in power, one cannot help wondering at the lack of anger over the years of misrule.

The lack of anger is a real problem.  We should be angry.  People should be demanding real change and we are not.  Sure Canadians have decided Trudeau needs to go but too many of them are willing to forgive all the people who enabled him.  The liberals are busy picking a new leader and the front runner has been part of the Trudeau carnage for years.

Canadians are sleep walking in to more of the same.  Mark Carney is just a more boring version of Trudeau.  A many touted as a genius economist because of the positions he has held rather than his actual performance.

In fact, he wasn’t the second coming but a very naughty boy. Contrary to what George Osborne et al might have you believe, in reality Carney helped to screw the British economy by bungling our monetary policy, maintaining ultra-low interest rates and huge amounts of quantitative easing.

Since then, he has been a spokesman for central banks to focus on climate change, even though their core role is price stability.

If more than 0.2% of Canadians would just get angry we might get real change.  Instead we are looking at rule by the same group of deluded, evil, bastards.  People who want to make your life very small as they continue to live large.

In his book Value(s): Building a Better World for All, Mark Carney, former governor both of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, claims that western society is morally rotten, and that it has been corrupted by capitalism, which has brought about a “climate emergency” that threatens life on earth. This, he claims, requires rigid controls on personal freedom, industry and corporate funding.

Carney’s Brave New World will be one of severely constrained choice, less flying, less meat, more inconvenience and more poverty: “Assets will be stranded, used gasoline powered cars will be unsaleable, inefficient properties will be unrentable,” he promises.

The world suffered under feudalism for centuries.  Getting rid of feudalism was difficult and often bloody.  Now we are sliding back.  Just as in feudal times a small group of inbred morons, born in to privilege, desire to subjugate us.  They call themselves progressive but what they are really doing is turn the clock back by centuries.  Don’t let them.  For once please just get angry.

Shaking things up is Trumps style

5 years ago the COVID Plandemic started with 2 goals;

  1. Provide an excuse for mail in ballots which were needed for the level of election fraud necessary to get rid of Donald Trump.
  2. Normalize the use of a dangerous but highly lucrative pharmaceutical technology.

The plandemic reached both those goals but failed to make at least one of those changes permanent.  In 2 days Donald trump will be inaugurated for the second time after winning his third election.  Trump is back.  The deep state failed to kill the MAGA movement.  The question now is, “can they hold on to mRNA treatments”?

Ironically the deep state has the man they hate, Trump, to thank for achieving their second goal.  Operation warp speed helped convince people to take the Jab.  Trump was wrong about the jabs and I know some people who will not forgive him for operation warp speed.  I am not one of those.  Trump played right in to Fauci’s hands but I am not naïve enough to think the jabs would not have happened anyway.

The Jabs were the primary goal of the plandemic.  Getting rid of Trump was just a bonus.  The election only dictated timing.  The whole COVID fiasco was going to happen with or with Trump and operation warp speed.  Too much money and planning had gone in to the plandemic for them to have left it on the shelf.

Still I would like Trump to apologize but I know his ego won’t allow that.  After publically praising the COVID jabs multiple times he won’t back down now.  But, I do believe Trump knows he was wrong.  That is why he appointed RFK junior.  If you wanted an apology from Trump this is it.  Don’t hold your breath waiting for more.

RFK is labelled as an anti-vaxxer but he is not.  He has stated publically that he believes vaccines prevent disease he just wants better safety data.  He believes in vaccines but acknowledges vaccine injuries are a serious problem that needs to be addressed.  RFK wants safer vaccines which is a start because an honest discussion about vaccine injuries should result in at least some vaccines being banned.  Some vaccines don’t have good risk benefit ratios and the top of that list are the COVID jabs.

COVID did not pose a serious risk to healthy people so it was insane that we forced healthy people to take a treatment with unknown log tem side effects.  Sadly with the passage of time the side effects are no longer unknown.  In the last month alone researchers have linked the jabs to:

Increased risk of COVID

Neurological disorders

and rare Cancers

I fully support the MAHA movement and wish something similar would come to Canada.  But, I do not completely agree with RFK.  RFK wants safer vaccines.  5 years ago that is something I gave no thought to.  3 years ago I would have agreed.  Now I am not certain we should even be using vaccines.  Traditional vaccines while not as damaging as mRNA treatments still seem to be all pain for no gain.

In fact I am starting to question the whole viruses cause disease narrative.  I have posted more than once about how vaccines get credit that they do not deserve.

Most infectious diseases were declining rapidly due to improved hygiene and nutrition long before vaccines were invented.  Incredibly when you look at the entire history of these diseases it is hard to see any benefit from the vaccines.  This is something that gets ignored in our modern pill heavy society.  The Terrain really does matter something I discussed 16 months ago.

To me this posed the obvious question.  If vaccines work then why can’t we see it in the data?  We do know that with most diseases once you have had it you won’t get it again.  You develop immunity.  It stands to reason then that if you are exposed to the virus through vaccination something similar should happen yet vaccinating the general public did not produce a noticeable change in how many people got sick.  So what if the virus that is being blamed for the disease does not really cause the disease?  That would certainly explain the lack of any dramatic response from vaccination.

In the 1800s Louis Pasteur developed germ theory.  His Theory postulated that Bacteria and some other as yet unknown germ caused disease.   Viruses were later identified as the other germ.

In the late 1600s Bacteria were discovered; it wasn’t until the late 1800s that Louis Pasteur was able to link bacteria to disease.  In 1861 Pasteur published his germ theory.  Germ theory postulates that disease is caused by germs, bacteria and another germ which at the time no one had been able to identify.  Later that century the other germ was identified when viruses were discovered.

The discovery of viruses led to vaccines and later anti-viral medications which also have yet to demonstrate any benefit.  So what if we are wrong?  What if viruses are not the other thing that causes disease and we just stopped looking once we had the virus explanation?  I read a very good book recently called Virus Mania.  The central theme of the book is that once a virus gets blamed for a disease the medical establishment puts blinders on and refuses to consider any other cause.

I think it is time to consider that in many cases we have misidentified the cause of disease.  That would explain why the vaccines and anti-viral medications have shown so little benefit.  An honest discussion about vaccine safety might be the start.  If we are going to discuss risk we should also discuss reward and may find that it is lacking.  This really could start a new chapter in infectious disease medicine.

Can you imagine how many democrats’ heads will explode if Donald Trump inadvertently paves the way for new important medical discoveries?

Trudeau may actually have one accomplishment

Last week Canadians almost got a gift.  Justin Trudeau said the words “I” and “Resign” in the same sentence.  Unfortunately he put the words “intend to “ in between so what he really said is that he does not intent to cling to power forever, just for now.

To prove his point that he really does not intent to resign any time soon, Trudeau jumped on a plane to do a series of campaign style interviews in front of friendly media.  Here he is on CNN explaining that he is not the problem.  The problem is that Canadians don’t understand what an accomplishment $10 day care really is.


It not surprising that Trudeau started his second leadership campaign with American media.  He had to leave the country to find media still willing to treat him with kid gloves.  The normally compliant Canadian media is no longer that friendly to him.  After a decade of gross incompetence Canadian media has finally stopped loving him for his hair and last name.

For a decade Canadian media was willing to lie to Canadians about the state of the country but things have gotten so bad the lies no longer work.  Even normally clueless Canadians will no longer believe the myth that Canada has the best economy in the G7.

Canada is going through a rough time right now. A lost decade, combined with eroding living standards, has been painful for many Canadians. Our American neighbours have become far richer than us since 2015, which may elicit entirely justifiable frustration and envy. Promoting decontextualized data will not change this.

Even more surprising is that Canadians have also soured on immigration and the media has stopped trying to gaslight them about it.  5 years ago no Canadian media would have dared admit that unrestricted low wage immigration will bankrupt a modern welfare state.

We Canadians have all lived through a year in which the carrying capacity of a model welfare state was tested to its political limit, and beyond, by poorly controlled immigration.

Liberals had opened the door to an unprecedented (even for Canada) flood of low-wage guest workers, asylum seekers and international students who were hypothetically supposed to be self-supporting.

Trudeau hopes interviews with still friendly American media will help highlight his achievements.  The problem with that plan is that he only has one achievement which he is not talking about.  Trudeau has done something that no other Canadian Prime Minister before him has been able or even wanted to do.  Trudeau has been so bad that Canadian media which for years has been the most biased media in the world is now taking the truth for a test run.

To put bluntly, Trudeau will be remembered as Canada’s worst prime minister. Although there have been bad ones before him, they seem almost golden as compared to the silver-spooned scion of one of Canada’s longest serving prime ministers, Pierre Trudeau.

This sudden revival of Canadian journalistic ethics is not just bad news for Justin Trudeau.  It is bad news for the Liberal party of Canada.  For those of you unfamiliar with Canadian politics, a group that includes many Canadians, you need to understand that the Liberal party almost always runs Canada.  In the 20th century 70% of the time Canadian governments were liberal.  The Liberals see themselves as Canada’s natural governing party and for most of the time the media has been happy to help them out.  That is why initially they were willing to ignore Just Trudeau’s abject stupidity.  But, even that cozy relationship is changing.

Canadian media is finally willing to tell the truth not just about Justin Trudeau.  They are finally willing to admit that while the rot starts at the top it permeates all the way to the bottom.  And, the rot in the Liberal party existed long before Fidel Castor impregnated Maggie Trudeau.

While the Liberal party has grown particularly obnoxious of late, it has, for at least 100 years, existed to direct state resources to maintain its own power centres.

Instead, Canada will be effectively without a government for weeks, solely so the Liberals can conduct a sort of American Idol for bilingual Laurentians who graduated from McGill. This is what we get for permitting these insufferably progressive fools to subordinate every aspect of Canadian life to their partisan needs.

If it weren’t for Canada’s geographic proximity to the U.S., and the wealth that comes with that, this country would be a failed state. There is only one solution and that is the destruction of the Liberal party.

Justin Trudeau has been so incredibly awful that Canadian media has at least temporarily turned to the truth.  Some Canadian media have abandoned their traditional role as the propaganda wing of the Liberal party.  This is not good news for whoever finally replaces Justin Trudeau.  It is however very good news for Canadians.  Especially when you consider the leading contender for the job is a long time party insider.

The front runner to replace Trudeau is Mark Carney.  Carney has been part of the putrid liberal swamp his whole life.  He is nothing more than Trudeau 2.0.  He is a climate change zealot who would happily destroy Canada’s economy in return for a yearly tongue bath in Davos.

The spate of exits deals a blow to efforts by Mark Carney, the former Bank of England governor who is now weighing a bid to become Canada’s next prime minister, to push the financial industry to do more to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This is because the coalition is part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz), a broader initiative unveiled by Carney in 2021 in the run-up to the Cop26 climate conference.

Mark Carney is a dangerous lunatic.  In the past Canadians would never get to know this.  The media would memory hole every terrible thing he has said just as they ignored Trudeau’s admiration of communist dictators.  Now that is not certain.  The media might actually do their job for once.  Our next election could be the first one in my lifetime where Canadians are given correct information.  It is still uncertain though as to whether they will use it.

Trudeau has inadvertently given Canadians the truth.  Don’t waste it.

A small step towards justice

COVID mitigation measures amounted to the largest most destructive marketing program in history.  Businesses were not closed and your rights were not trampled on to keep you safe.  Everything was done for the sole purpose of selling vaccines.  But, not just vaccines, specifically mRNA injections that without the tyranny would never been accepted as vaccines.

And as for Covid, will we ever have a complete report on the damage caused by Tony Fauci and his chums at the NIH and big pharma? How many young men have heart troubles because we were lied to about the safety of the mRNA vaccines? How many children today are way, way back in their education and development because for the 1% chance that they might get sick, they needed to stay home and lose their future? Can anyone say how many firms went out of business because of the fake six-foot rule? How many died because available treatments were swept away in order to make way for the mRNA vaccines and mammoth profits?

Until 2020 mRNA “vaccines” were an expensive useless technology.  The technology had a lot of potential benefits but there was one big problem.  No one had been able to figure out how to make them safe or how to install an off switch.

Yale University scientists have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people who received Covid mRNA shots – up to two years after they received the jabs.

Messenger RNA was destined to be an expensive loss and one thing big pharma does not do is lose.  All that need be done was to bribe a few people in the right places and manufacture a pandemic.  In 2019 this would have seemed farfetched; fiction even.  Fast forward to 2025 and it is no longer fiction.  Big Pharma pulled it off with the cooperation of corrupt politicians and media.

Media cooperation was essential to the plan.  The media created the illusion of an emergency with daily death tolls and defaming anyone who stepped outside the narrative.  One of those people who stepped outside the narrative was Helen Grus.  Grus was an Ottawa police officer who took it upon herself to investigate an unusual increase in dead babies.  Grus noticed that the babies’ mothers had all been assaulted by the government vaccinated for COVID during pregnancy.  She opened an investigation in to whether the vaccines might have caused the deaths.

For the crime of, well investigating crime, she was immediately attacked by her superiors and the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC).  It is worth noting that the Ottawa police and the CBC are both taxpayer funded so Canadian taxpayers financed the persecution of a police officer.  Not just any police officer, mind you.  But, one of the few police officers in the country that chose to protect citizens rather than the government.

Grus is not alone.  Any Canadian who spoke out was persecuted by the deep state and media.  The COVID criminals were very aggressive when it came to enforcing the lie and selling vaccines.  To date none of those criminals have been punished but maybe, just maybe, that might change.  The CBC might be the first criminal enterprise in Canada to pay a price for being part of the COVID conspiracy.

An Ottawa police detective who investigated potential links between COVID-19 vaccines and infant deaths has launched an $875,000 lawsuit against CBC.

$875,000 might not seem like a lot of money to an American but the Canadian system allows only compensatory damages.  That means you can only sue for an actual monetary loss like loss of future income.  Multimillion dollar payouts are rare.  They are reserved exclusively for homicidal Islamic terrorists with family connections to the Liberal party.

The chances of a corrupt Canadian court awarding officer Grus anything are not high, but I wish her luck.  Even a small settlement might open some eyes.  The game is stacked against citizens.  It is especially bad for Canadians who sat and did nothing for Decades as liberal politics infested and corrupted every institution.  Canadians need to wake up and understand that COVID was a crime that our governments committed against us.  I hope we figure it out before the bird flu lockdowns begin.


Government pays for blindness

The rise in Cancers can’t be ignored.  The cause of that rise on the other hand is continually ignored.  Here is yet another article where an oncologist wonders out loud why there are so many cases in previously low risk groups.

But some patients don’t fit that description at all.

“They are very, very health conscious, and then they come into your clinic and they’re 33 and they’ve got stage-four colon cancer,” said Dr. Marwan Fakih, a gastrointestinal oncologist at City of Hope in Duarte, Calif. “There’s no question we’re missing something.”

I don’t think it is accurate to say that they are “missing something”.  It is more accurate to say they are intentionally ignoring something.  It is the Jabs stupid.

Science used to be about pursuing the truth.  Now science is about pursuing the research grants.  When those grants come from the government; science means supporting the narrative.  An Axiom of academia is “publish or perish” but again that is not completely true.  It is easy to Publish and perish.  Just try publishing something the government does not want people to know.

“Within Canadian academia, there is a monoculture where, if you deviate even very slightly from what is fashionable and what is commonly accepted by your peers, not only will you be ostracized, but often you will not be able to have an academic career in the first place,”

Unfortunately you cannot trust published research.  Government can buy any conclusion they want.  Any time the government wants to do something evil they can find an academic that will support their position for a fee.  After the Government does something evil, as they did during COVID, they pay academics to look the other way or even misdirect the public.  Government is evil and their pet academics are no better.

Change is sure to evade Canada

2025 should be a year of change.  In January Trump starts his second term after winning his third election.  Later in 2024 Canadians will also have an election and if the polls are correct Pierre Poilievre and the conservatives will replace the Trudeau liberals.  Both countries will have new governments which should bring change but I doubt we will see any real change in Canada.

There is no doubt that Poilievre will be a better Prime Minister than Justin Trudeau.  I say this with confidence because it is simply not possible to be a worse Prime Minister than Justin Trudeau.  Trudeau is the least qualified Prime Minister in our history.  I can’t put it any better than Douglas Murray

He’s a narcissistic little playboy who has been vastly over promoted above his competency, and the only person doesn’t seem to realize it is him.”

Replacing Trudeau is a good start but it will not fix Canada because Trudeau is far from the only problem that Canada has.  There are 101 reasons why you can’t fix Canada.  I don’t have time to list them all but here are some of the big ones.


Trudeau is not the only destructive or corrupt politician in Canada

Canadas’s Environment minister wants to blow almost a trillion dollars on climate change.

Achieving Canada’s climate goals will require a massive $690 billion investment in the country’s electrical utilities, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault revealed.

This would be a monumental waste of money from a man who has already been caught funneling $250 million to his own company.  Sure he would be gone when Poilievre wins but I think you would be foolish to think that Poilievre’s cabinet will be saints.  No one gets into Canadian politics to actually help Canadians and the rot is not confined to federal politics.  Municipal politicians are just as destructive as federal politicians.  They have been diligently creating a housing crisis for decades.

Municipalities are dominated with density obsessed city planners. They work their hardest to hinder outward growth and push populations inward. Their efforts stunt the housing market thus causing shortages and price spikes. These city bureaucrats and elected officials are driven by ideology rather than economic reality. They will never give up on their vision of high-density utopias no matter how solid their failure rate is.


Corruption and rot is not limited to politicians

Canadian institutions are completely politicalized and corrupt.  You could change out all the politicians and effectively you will have changed nothing.  The swamp in Canada is just as deep and putrid as it is in the US.

Such is the state of affairs in Canada, as we reflect on 2024 and look ahead to the new year. As we enter 2025, freedom-loving Canadians should understand that an election won’t fix the cultural rot that has entrenched itself in academia, the media and many of our legal and political institutions.

The corruption in Canada has left no institution untouched and that includes our courts.  Canadian courts continuously ignore the law and common sense while pursuing their own agenda.  This judge believes in open borders so much she invents reasons to ignore immigration fraud.

An Eritrean family granted refugee status in Canada without telling immigration authorities they already had Swedish citizenship has convinced a Federal Court judge in Ottawa to delay their removal from Canada so the children can continue their schooling here, even though their parents came to court “without ‘clean hands’” due to their deception.

Why are Canadian courts worried that an illegal immigrant might have to change schools in the middle of the school year?  How is that a reason to condone immigration fraud?  And lastly, why are the courts never concerned about how unfair any of this is to Canadian taxpayers?  The courts in Canada are a huge impediment.  Even if Perrier Poilievre wanted to fix the problems Canada faces he would not be able to.  The courts simply won’t allow it.


You cannot fix a country that is full of Canadians

For decades Canada has been isolated from reality.  We border and do business with only one other country.  This geographic, cultural, and economic isolation has produced a very odd people.  Canadians are just Sheep.  We are gullible to a fault.  Canadians will believe even the most ridiculous things their government of media tells them.  There is no clearer example than how Canadians swallowed every COVID lie without protest.

Over time, Canadians have come to love the authoritarian state. This was evident during lockdowns, when Canadians gladly gave up their freedoms and human rights in order to support a futile and unsuccessful quest to stop the spread of a virus.

Canadians were subject to draconian lockdowns and vaccine mandates.  They accepted every indignity foisted upon them because they believed the lie that the government was keeping them safe.  The average Canadian believes the myth that Canada outperformed other countries by doing the same stupid things that other countries also did.  No one ever stops to wonder how all of the same stupidity somehow worked better when it was applied in Canada.  The answer of course is that it didn’t.

Canada did exactly the same stupid ineffective things that every other country did.  How could anyone believe doing exactly the same thing would somehow produce better results just because it was done in Canada?


Liberals sometimes point to his government’s COVID-19 approach as proof of its competence. Yet when compared to peer countries like Australia, Italy and others, Canada’s record was nothing special.

A special sort of sad insularity is required to believe the Liberals did a standout job during the pandemic.

Canadians just will not accept the Truth that our draconian COVID response did not work.  Canada was ranked 120th out of 191 countries when it came to COVID deaths and case fatality ratio was 94th out of 192.  Government restrictions did not save us and neither did our “world class” health care system.  Both failed miserably but you won’t get many Canadians to admit that.


There are too many people in Canada who are not now and never will be Canadian

Canada is not really a country any more.  2 morons with the same last name have turned Canada in to a hotel.  People come from all over the world to stay for a while.  It is a decent enough hotel especially for the people who have just arrived.  They get all kinds of service that they don’t even need to pay for.  Their bill is handed to the people who have been in the hotel the longest.

Unity is fractured “when you bring two million people into the country which don’t respect your ethics and values.”

“Multiculturalism is never a strength especially when you spend taxpayer’s dollars to keep everyone of those cultures distinct and encourage them to stay distinct.”

Real Canadians are too stupid to see that change is needed.  All of the new hyphenated Canadians don’t want any change.  The current system suits them far too well to want change.