You do not hate politicians enough.

Small businesses were devastated by the lockdowns.  The first year of lockdowns cost Canadian small business 60 billion.

Canada’s small and medium-sized businesses lost about $60 billion in the first year of pandemic lockdowns, says the country’s national statistical agency.

Even had this been the end of the lockdowns it is completely unacceptable.  Our governments did irreparable harm to the economy without saving a single life with their lockdowns.  In fact our misguided policy of quarantining healthy people increased the number of people who died.

Any Country that reacted sanely did not have much trouble.  COVID amounted to nothing other than a mild flu year.  COVID was only a problem in Countries where politicians made it a problem.  This cannot be stated too many times.  Lockdowns Kill.  That much is clear.  So is it the lethality of lockdowns that makes them so attractive to left wing politicians?

Our governments destroyed small business while increasing the number of people who died.  Incredibly they used the extra deaths, which they caused, as justification for continued lockdowns.  Now the same people responsible for the COVID fiasco are rushing Canada into a trade war with the US.  I don’t care how much you hate government, the evidence is clear; you do not hate government enough.  You certainly don’t hate your government as much as your government hates you.

It is not too late for logic

Dr. Deborah Birx is now admitting they knew all along the vaccines would not stop transmission and should have been offered only to high risk individuals.

That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed to prevent infection

Morgan then asked her if she was concerned about the long-term impact of the COVID vaccine, to which she admitted the shots were given to the wrong people. “The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease,” she stated,

Both of these things will sound very familiar to anyone who reads this blog since I pointed out in May of 2021 that the jabs are not vaccines and cannot by design prevent infection.

When cells in your body produce the spike protein they look like the virus so they provoke an antibody response.  But since there are no infected cells you get no T cell response.  You are not fully immune until you get a T cell response.  All the treatments do is give you a head start.  You will never be fully immune until you actually get infected.  That is why we are told the “Vaccines” only ensure that you get a mild infection and reduce the chance of death.

Then in November of 2021 I pointed out that there is no logic to giving an experimental treatment to people who faced no risk from the virus.  These experimental treatments should only have been offered to high risk people after careful explanation of the potential risks and very limited benefit.

Vaccinating people for a virus that is 100% survivable is an odd decision.  Vaccinating the entire world with an untried technology that was rushed through testing is insane.

The vaccines should have only been offered to high risk groups.  Instead they were forced on everyone.

It has been 4 years and there is still no mainstream coverage of the truth.  The truth is there was no logic to the COVID vaccine mandates.  There is no public health benefit to a treatment that does no block transmission.  The quickest way to stop transmission was to let low risk people get exposed to the virus and develop actual immunity.  People would have missed a few days of work and then the whole damn thing would have been over.

This is not Rocket science.  I have no medical training yet I was able to figure this out in 2021 before most people had taken this toxic, useless, treatment.  If I knew they knew.  They knew they were doing the wrong thing yet they did it anyway.  It is long past time for people to start asking why.  Politicians enact policies that benefit them personally.  So what benefit did they get by purchasing millions of doses and forcing people to take them?  There is only one logical answer to that question.

Entitlement Culture

I saw this post on X a couple of days ago.

It made me immediately think of David Dingwall.

“I am entitled to my entitlements, and if that includes severance, so be it and I will wait for legal counsel,”

Dingwall was a former liberal Cabinet minister who was given a patronage appointment to the Canadian Mint.  Like all Liberal Cabinet ministers Dingwall is a thief.  He got caught padding his expense account.

Mr. Dingwall resigned as head of the Mint last month after a Conservative freedom of information request discovered he had racked up nearly $750,000 in expenses as head of the Crown Corporation last year.

Dingwall strongly believed that even though he resigned after being caught stealing, he was still entitled to severance pay.  He was very upset that Canadian Taxpayers had a different opinion.  In the world of liberal politics taxpayers are not to have any say in how tax dollars are spent.

A feature of the dumb ages is our entitlement culture.  People feel that they are entitled to things that others must provide for them.  The more progressive the person’s politics the more ingrained are their feelings of entitlement. This is on full display in the US.  Donald Trump is determined to eliminate waste and fraud.  The recipients of that waste and fraud are not happy.  They believe that they have a right to taxpayer money and no one should be allowed to question it.

Canada and the US were founded by people who understood that if you do not work you do not eat.  They did not leave Europe for anything other than the opportunity to succeed through their own efforts.  That was then. This is now.  Immigrants flock to North America for the “free” stuff.  The native population also likes the “free” stuff.  No body works but everybody gets paid.

The government’s fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40 per cent.

This entitlement culture could only have happened in the dumb ages.  It requires a population sufficiently stupid to think that high income workers will continue to support a system that consumes an ever increasing percentage of their income.

Higher earners could see their income drop because of changes in the tax system to implement the basic income support.

Of course this will not happen.  It does not take a genius to understand that high income earners will leave to more tax friendly nations.  Sadly the dumb ages has a dearth of even moderately intelligent people.  The Dumb ages has an unhealthy balance of stupid to intelligent people and nowhere is this more apparent than government.

If not bird flu it will be something else

COVID will not be over until the people who planned and profited from it are punished.  COVID was a well planned and executed crime that no one has as of yet been punished for.  A group of sociopaths;

  • Engineered a virus
  • Released the virus
  • Fomented Panic
  • Either through bribery (most likely) or coercion, convinced governments to lock down
  • Used the lockdowns for the justification of vaccine mandates
  • Redefined vaccine
  • Sold a gene therapy under the new vaccine definition that everyone knew did not work and was not safe.

COVID was essentially a financial crime that involved murder.  In fact murder was essential to the plan.  To instill panic some people had to die. The stress of lockdowns and mandated medical malpractice were enough to produce the excess deaths.  At that point the die was cast.  The entire world was in the funnel the pandemic planners constructed.

The funnel of course emptied out on mandatory vaccination.  People continued to be murdered but the vaccine murders were incidental.  The point was to sell vaccines which had already been accomplished.  The vaccine deaths were not essential to the plan but they did not care about them either.  They were willing to kill to achieve the mandates.  Obviously, they would not be disturbed by deaths from the mandates.  Human life means nothing to a Sociopath.

COVID was the most lucrative crime in history and the lack of prosecutions means there is no reason for them not to go back to the well.  And, they are.  They just won’t call it COVID this time.  Instead it will be bird flu which the “experts” are already warning is inevitable.

“If the virus figures out a way to adapt and start transmitting between humans, infections in the general population could go up exponentially overnight,” says Scott Hensley, a professor in the microbiology department at the University of Pennsylvania who is working on developing an H5N1 avian-flu vaccine.

Here we are once again facing those dangerous “Ifs”.  If the virus does something we have never seen before we will all die.  Unless of course we all get vaccinated

Hensley says his lab has been working on an mRNA vaccine against bird flu. Moderna is also working on an mRNA vaccine. While mRNA vaccines are much quicker to manufacture, they still need to go through clinical trials before becoming available for commercial use.

COVID was wildly successful.  I am sure the planners did not expect it to be so easy.  It worked so well that this time they are going to eliminate most of the steps.  They won’t bother with a new virus.  The plan this time appears to be, gin up panic over an existing virus, and jump straight to mandatory vaccinations.

We could have stopped this in 2020 if we had refused to be locked down.  We were cowards then and we continue to be cowards.  Our refusal to prosecute the COVID criminals will guarantee a repeat.  If they can’t make it stick this time it will just be back again later with another name.  They will not stop until people start to go to prison.

Can we please hold someone accountable?

A paper was published a few weeks ago that used Norwegian data to link the COVID vaccines to excess deaths.

An interpretation is that vaccination, despite temporary protection, increased mortality. Strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality among vaccinated not involving COVID-19 counterintuitively following periods of excess mortality. Further strengthening the interpretation was relatively high mortality not involving COVID-19 among vaccinated corresponding with the excess mortality during the same period.

I have posted about Norway before; due to their fish heavy diet Norwegians have one of the highest average vitamin D levels in the world.  As a result Norway went through the first 2 winters of COVID with zero excess deaths even though they had very lax restrictions.  Norway should have done nothing but they made the mistake of using the COVID jabs and that is when all of their problems started.

Norway started giving COVID boosters in September 2021 and immediately people started dying.

For some unexplainable reason Norway choose not only to vaccinate but also boost for a disease that was not killing any Norwegians.  COVID was not a problem in Norway until the Norwegian government made it a problem.  Incredibly more than 80% of all the COVID deaths in Norway have happened since the boosters.

There are rumors that RFK junior may soon ban the COVID jabs.  All I can say is that it is about “F”ing time.  I have been posting evidence for nearly 4 years showing that these products do not work and are not safe.  We need a major country to ban the jabs and prosecute all the people who lied about the efficacy and safety.

COVID was a crime.  A group of sociopaths released a virus and manufactured an emergency.  The whole thing was done to profit from a dangerous product governments forced people to accept.  The prisons are not large enough to handle the number of people who need to go to jail over this.


Morons with degrees

The Dumb ages are the result of ordinary people deferring to fake experts.  Fake experts have only the thinnest veneer of credibility, a university degree.  For some reason University degrees impress people.  Ordinary people believe that a degree indicates superior intelligence even when the degree holder says and does incredibly stupid things.

Case in point, Mark Carney.  Mark Carney is the former head of both the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England.  He is now the leading Candidate to be the next Prime Minister of Canada.  His supporters think he is a genius economist who will put Canada back on track.  Carney certainly looks good on paper.  His impressive resume is backstopped with degrees from Harvard and Oxford.  Unfortunately for Canadians, under that impressive resume is an idiot.

And herein lies the danger of Carney: his credentials do a lot of heavy lifting, lending credibility to a man who is regularly blown around by the ideological winds of the moment. Consider his response to Brexit, the defining event of his much-vaunted tenure as Bank of England governor. The Remain camp warned of economic Armageddon. Carney fell for it 

I remember when the Brexit vote happened.  A young man I worked with was shocked at the vote and repeated the same narrative Mark Carney bought in to.  Britain will face economic destruction by leaving the EU.  I told my young colleague that it would be much ado about nothing.  Britain would not face economic destruction.

My conclusion was based on simple logic.  The British economy did not suddenly disappear with a single vote.  Britian was trading with various countries before the vote and those same countries would want to continue with that trade after the vote.  The only thing that changed was some of the trade deals would need to be altered.

My assessment turns out to be correct.  My young colleague was worried about nothing.  I can hardly blame him for his worry.  The media told him to worry, and he was still far too young to understand that the media lies to support the preferred narrative.  Mark Carney on the other hand is only a few years younger than me.  He should have known better, but he did not.  Mark Carney is just a more credentialed version of Justin Trudeau.  An idiot who thinks he is a genius.

Trudeau is leaving politics, but Canada is not leaving the dumb ages.

Canadians should be as concerned as Americans

I have stated before that Donald Trump has a unique super power.  He is able to force people to talk about things that they do not want to talk or even think about.  His 51st state comments forced Canadians to consider if a Canadian passport was enough to define you as Canadian.  Then his Tariff threats caused Canadians to wonder how we got so dependent on the US.  But it is Trump’s latest comments that have the potential to really shake things up in Canada.

Trump has been clear that the tariffs go away when our border security improves but he won’t just take our word for it.  He needs to see concrete action.  The liberals are trying to nip the conversation in the bud by with the time honored Canadian tradition of attacking the messenger and appealing to sanctimonious moral superiority.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told business leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday, according to leaked audio obtained by The Logic. Trudeau also said that protecting democracy doesn’t seem to be a top priority for the new U.S. administration. 

The current U.S. administration are “prolific users of the tools of misinformation and disinformation for political purposes,” Trudeau said during a question and answer session at the Canada-U.S. Economic Summit in Toronto


Less than 1% of fentanyl entering the US comes from Canada, say our health officials and other defenders of Canadian innocence. True, in 2024 only 50 pounds of fentanyl coming from Canada was seized by the Americans, as compared to ten tons of the junk coming from Mexico. By way of explanation, RCMP Cpl. Arash Sayed introduced a dash of reality: the actual quantity of fentanyl that ends up in the US from Canada, he said, is in fact unknown — for the obvious reason that no one in either country knows how much was not stopped.

TDS is just a giant excuse not to look in the mirror. This is the only way for Canadians to keep their sanctimonious moral superiority intact.

I will confess that this will work with the majority of Canadians but there is a sizable minority who want to discuss if we really have a border problem and if there is a reason Trump might not trust Canada.  You can’t get far into that conversation without realizing the answer to both questions is yes.  We do have a severe border control problem.  It is so bad that we don’t even have a reliable estimate of how much fentanyl flows across it.  Canadian officials claim that it is small which is hard to believe since we just busted the largest fentanyl lab ever discovered in Canada.


Canada obviously has a border and drug smuggling problem so yes Donald Trump has a reason to be concerned about his northern border but I suspect he is more concerned about the answer to the second question.  Trump cannot trust Canada to do anything about it.

Senior Canadian politicians are bought and paid for.  Communist China and various criminal organizations have joint ownership of Justin Trudeau.  Trudeau is finally coming to the end of his run but Chinese ownership has not.  China is running a very effective program to replace their last pet politician, Justin Trudeau, with their new pet Politician, Mark Carney.

In all of my decades on the Canadian political scene, I’ve never witnessed such dirty, under-handed tactics to coronate a party leader.

And not just a party leader, but an interim Prime Minister.

Canada is the most well disguised failed state in the world.  On the surface Canada still looks like a functioning democracy.  Under that thin veneer however is a cesspool of corruption.  Donald Trump has every reason to be concerned.  On his northern border he has a vassal state of China that allows criminal networks to operate freely.  He would be foolish to take Canada’s word on anything.

Canada clings to the dumb ages

I started this blog 4 ½ years ago because I was alarmed how easily Canadians had accepted obvious government lies about COVID.  My hope was that I could ease fear by presenting factual information showing that the threat was exaggerated.  Some people listened but most did not.  The people who did listen tended to be natural skeptics who knew things were not right and were thirsty for information they could not get from the government or media.

One of those skeptics, a work colleague, asked me what I was going to do with my blog when COVID was over.  I did not have a good answer for him even though I was certain COVID would not extend for even another year.  Boy was I wrong.  I underestimated the government’s dedication to enforcing the lie, which brings us to today’s rant.  COVID is not over.

COVID the disease has been over for a long time.  In fact you can make a convincing argument that it never happened in the first place.  As I have pointed out on this blog many times, most COVID deaths were really murders committed by our own governments.  COVID was never a pandemic it was a campaign of terror and it is not over.  The Government is not done punishing dissidents.

A Québec police constable who publicly refused to enforce the province’s COVID-19 curfew has been barred from policing for a year.

Blacklock’s Reporter says the Police Ethics Tribunal ruled that Const. Maxime Ouimet’s social media posts undermined public trust and encouraged civil disobedience.

Constable Ouimet is guilty of posting factual information that did not support the government narrative.  That is a crime I am also guilty of.  In Justin Trudeau’s Canada this is a very serious crime.  We have spent more time and money punishing dissidents than securing our borders.  That is something that has escaped the attention of most Canadians but has not gone unnoticed by Donald Trump.

I do not know Constable Ouimet but I think I would like him.  Though he is much younger than me he seems to be as much of a throwback.  He also holds to the antiquated belief that Police officers exist to serve the public.

“Constable Ouimet stated he had been a police officer for 12 years and would refuse to ticket or execute any warrant against citizens who contravened health regulations,” wrote Coté.

“According to Ouimet, this went against his personal values and that he wanted to help and support these people, not ‘destroy’ them.

Canadian police as a whole behaved disgracefully during COVID and this is why.  If you did not support the tyrannical regime you risked your income.  They were just following orders because the orders were attached to their paycheck.  In Trudeau’s Canada harming others is no reason not to accept a payoff.

So 5 years later COVID tyranny is not over and neither is the COVID stupidity that allowed it.  Canadians still stubbornly refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes.  The restrictions Constable Ouimet refused to enforce only made things worse.  Quebec had some of the harshest restrictions in Canada.  If the restrictions had worked Quebec should have had the best performance but they did not.  Many Quebecers lost their lives to Government tyranny.

Québec had some of the strictest lockdown measures in Canada, including the only province-wide curfew, with violators facing fines of up to $6,000. In 2022,

Despite its strict measures, Québec recorded the highest COVID-19 death rate of any province, at 232 deaths per 100,000 population, followed by Manitoba (177 per 100,000), Saskatchewan (171), Alberta (141), British Columbia (134), New Brunswick (128), Ontario (121), Nova Scotia (105), Newfoundland and Labrador (80), and Prince Edward Island (74).

This is so typically Canadian.  When the government forces something on us that makes things worse, the policies are not the problem.  The problem is people like me who point out the policies are obviously idiotic.  The solution should be to drop the policies but it never is.  Instead the solution is always to punish the people who refuse to help our governments kill citizens.

The United States is going through a very rapid revolution right now.  Donald Trump is taking a sludge hammer to the deep state.  He is trying to root out the kind of corruption that made COVID possible.  It is early days but it looks like the US has bottomed out and is climbing out of the dumb ages.  Other countries will likely follow.  Sadly Canada will not be one of those countries.  Rebranding my blog would be premature.  In Canada COVID is not over and there is no effort to end the dumb ages either.

Thankfully the agenda can’t be stopped.

The Democrats are slow walking the approval process for RFK junior.  Senators who coincidentally have taken millions from big Pharma are concerned that RFK is anti-science.  RFK has earned this anti-science label by stubbornly insisting to see the safety data on vaccines.  In the Dumb ages, the period we now live in, analysis of data is anti-science.  Real science only occurs when a government pays a person with a science degree for a conclusion that supports continuation of pharmaceutical kickbacks.

I guess I am just too old fashioned.  I just don’t like this new scientific method that produces so many millionaires without producing any usable science.  Personally I much prefer the old scientific method that might ask why vaccines are associated with so many poor health outcomes.

Children with just one vaccination visit were 1.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with ASD than the unvaccinated (95% CI: 1.21, 2.35) whereas those with 11 or more visits were 4.4 times more likely to have been diagnosed with ASD than those with no visit for vaccination (95% CI: 2.85, 6.84).

Or, what is the actual risk/reward ratio for a COVID vaccine that increases your chance of getting COVID?

Altogether 1051 responses were analyzed. Vaccinated persons reported significantly more events that required the visit of a doctor (42% versus 30%, p = 0.0024), more Covid-19 infections (30% vs. 23%, p = 0.0535) and more musculoskeletal problems (21% vs. 15%, p = 0.059). Vaccinated respondents reported significantly more diseases overall (mean 1.6±1.6 vs. 1.3±1.4; p = 0.0023).

I am also a little bit of a throwback when it comes to economics.  In my understanding a country’s economy and economic fortunes grow when the citizens are able to be productive.  The problem is that my antiquated understand of economics is at odds with the COVID vaccine mandates.  How does our economy benefit when we force healthy people to take a treatment that makes them not only more likely to get COVID but also more likely to suffer a debilitating illness that prevents them from working?

Breast cancer cases in Americans under 45 years old dramatically increased after the introduction of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, from approximately 26,000 in 2019-2022 to 297,000 in 2023, a nearly 1,000% increase in just 5 years.


Conclusion: In the Japanese population, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination was significantly associated with the onset of myocarditis/pericarditis. The influencing factors included age of ≤30 years and male. Furthermore, although most adverse events occurred early after vaccination, overall outcomes were good.

I guess my old fashioned understanding of science and economics would also upset Democratic Senators intent on stalling Trumps agenda.  They would block me just as they are blocking RFK.  But blocking me would not work any better than blocking RFK.  Donald Trump is a force of nature.  If the democrats think they can derail MAHA by cancelling RFK I think they will be disappointed.  MAHA will happen with or without RFK.

How did the ancient Turks see Trudeau coming but Canadians couldn’t?

When s clown moves in to the palace he does not become a king.  The palace becomes a circus.

Turkish Proverb

Justin Trudeau has made Canada into an international joke.  It is unfortunate that liberals have no sense of humor or they would see what a clown that man is.  His latest fiasco was the preening and posturing over the Trump Tariffs.  Trudeau stood in front of the camera and challenged the largest economy in the world to a fight.  He told Canadians that Team Canada was united.  I am sure that Donald Trump laughed his ass off over that ridiculous statement.

Team Canada was led by Trudeau who has a 22% approval rating.  Trudeau is one of the most unpopular people in Canada; 7 out of 10 Canadians hate him.  And, the unified face of team Canada could not even last for a full day.

The show of solidarity between Canada’s premiers to reduce barriers to interprovincial trade in the face US president Donald Trump’s tariff threats lasted less than eight hours.

The minute Trump decided to give Canada a reprieve the provinces went right back to fighting among themselves.  Quebec made it clear that they would not help Canada build any infrastructure that would enable us to export to other markets.

Well, almost everything. Except approving the Energy East pipeline to take Alberta crude oil to tidewater in Saint John, New Brunswick. Although he isn’t personally opposed to the idea, Legault told reporters there’s no way it could pass through La Belle on the way to markets in Europe and beyond.

“There’s no social acceptability for this kind of project right now in Quebec,”  Legault said, speaking in English. 

Canada is so divided that it can hardly be considered a country anymore.  Politicians did this.  Divide and conquer is a great political strategy to win elections.  It is also a sure fire way to destroy a country.

Trump gave Canada 30 days to get its shit together.  He could have given us 30 years and it still would not have mattered.  There is no way anything will change by Trumps deadline.  The things Trudeau has proposed would require him to recall parliament but he won’t do that.  He will not take the chance that he loses a non-confidence vote.  Canadians better get prepared for tariffs.  The circus will not save us.