Entries by richardsuffron

If only the courts would save us

Canadian Vaccine mandates are finally being challenged in the courts.  The BC Supreme Court has allowed a carter rights challenge to proceed. A B.C. Supreme Court judge has rejected an attempt by provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry to throw out a case alleging her office infringed on the Charter rights of health-care workers when […]

The futility of Elections

A couple days ago this great short clip on the club of Rome was posted on twitter.  The Club of Rome was a bunch of rich people who believed that they were special and therefore should rule the world.   Well worth a watch – the Club of Rome basically "environmental rich/elite guys thinktank" originated […]

The consensus is around Money not Science

There is always a consensus in science right before some maverick comes along and proves everyone wrong.  Science is about upending long held beliefs with better data and better analysis.  Consensus is not science it is politics, which is why we should always be wary of statements like 97% of scientists agree.  In politics the […]

We are guaranteeing another Fake Emergency

Apparently the plandemic is over.  Joe Biden will let the emergency declaration lapse on May 11th just days after the WHO cancelled its emergency declaration.   Tedros was quite reflective while cancelling the emergency.  In hindsight Tedros believes next time they will do things differently.  But, don’t get your hopes up.  Tedros does not mean that […]

Pretending to save the planet is unaffordable in more ways than One

Politicians love to spend other people’s money which is why politicians love climate change.  Climate change is a great excuse to spend money.  I mean real money, billions and even trillions.  Justin Trudeau just gave Volkswagen 13 billion for his climate crusade.  According to Justin taking money from profitable enterprises to give to companies producing […]

COVID policy worked perfectly, just not for COVID

The Surgeon General of the US has just discovered that isolation is not good for public health.  It is so bad that the impact on premature death is comparable to smoking.  “Lacking connection can increase the risk of premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily,” Wow this is huge.  The top doctor in the […]

Plundering the Public Purse

Canada has a housing crisis.  Vancouver and Toronto have tried to fix the problem by forcing vacant property owners to rent their properties.  This is typical of government, cause a problem and then force private citizens to bear the costs of fixing the problem.  Make no mistake about it the Canadian housing crisis was caused […]

The New Normal incudes dangerous Precedents

In the spring of 2020 we were put in to a funnel that ended with forced vaccination.  Some like Justin Trudeau are trying to re-write history claiming that no one was forced to be vaccinated but that is simply not true.  Refusing the vaccine would result in unemployment and travel restrictions.  How many people do […]

Cultivating Conspiracy Theories

I commented on a twitter video a couple days ago and inadvertently stirred up a shit storm.  The comment got 10 times as many views and replies as any of my previous tweets.  The video was purportedly of a woman who suffered neurological damage from the vax.  My comment was that the COVID vaccines are […]

Fake and Scripted

Have you ever noticed that no matter who gets elected nothing really changes?  The ridiculous destructive policies of the last government never get changed by the new government even though the new government made campaign promises to do exactly such.  Years ago a Canadian Politician named Preston Manning described the group think in Canada’s capital […]