If we want democracy all we need do is take it

I was reading a blog I sometimes visit and they linked this lengthy twitter post.  I do not know anything about this person but she (?) makes a very important point so I encourage everyone to read the post.

The Freedom convoy was more important than most people realize.  I said similar things myself 2 years ago.  Nothing changed until the Freedom convoy.  In fact up until that point things had progressively gotten worse.  Canada was on the precipice of total tyranny.  Canadians were being attacked by every level of government from municipal to federal.  Then the freedom convoy happened.

Trudeau cracked down hard using violence and possibly mercenaries; who were those men in the plain green uniforms without any identifying insignia anyway?  Then Canadian media dutifully downplayed the convoy significance.  But, while all this was happening the mandates were also disappearing, something I am sure would never have happened were it not for the convoy.

Trudeau and his media lackeys want Canadians to believe dropping the mandates was unrelated to the convoy.  Mandates dropped because they were no longer needed.  The problem with that explanation is that the mandates were never needed.  If they were why would you drop them in the middle of cold and flu season?  Trudeau and his provincial premier henchmen cracked down hard while lifting the mandates because the convoy had them in a state of panic.  They had to end the convoy before Canadians figured out just how much power they have.

There are 30 million adults in Canada and only 170 thousand police and military.  If only 10% refuse to cooperate the government enforcers would be outnumbered almost 200 to 1.  That is not a winning ratio for the government and it does not even tell the whole story.  In reality Trudeau knows he cannot count on the entire 170,000.  COVID showed us that the police leadership and many officers are thoroughly corrupt, but not all of the officers are.  Many of them joined the police to protect the public and will refuse to attack the public.  Trudeau knows this, which is why he used foreign mercenaries to crack down on the truckers.

Government only has the power that we give them.  Canadians only have tyranny because they accept tyranny.  This all ends when enough of us just say no.  That terrifies the political elite because they are not done yet.  They still desire digital ID, CBDC, social credit scores, and 15 minute cities.  None of that happens if Canadians realize they have the power to say no.  Democracy is there for the taking, all we must do is reach out and grab it.