Media doesn’t just accept lies, they propagate lies

For 3 years any deviation from the approved COVID narrative was immediately branded as a conspiracy theory.  I suspect if any of the media personalities in this compilation video had found this blog their tiny little heads would have exploded.


Everything is a conspiracy theory until one day suddenly it is not.  Theoretically then, it is the responsibility of media to investigate these countercurrent narratives but none did.  Had any of them taken the time to investigate they would have found the government was lying.  It was not even difficult to expose the lies either.  For nearly 3 years on this blog I have been using government’s own data to disprove the entire government COVID narrative.

Despite main stream media’s unwavering support, the official COVID narrative is collapsing.  One by one we are discovering that every COVID conspiracy theory was really COVID fact.  The last lie that remains standing is the COVID vaccine.  Government and the media are still clinging to the vaccine.  In Canada you can still be denied jobs and even organ transplants for the crime of being unvaccinated.

The vaccine narrative is also destined to collapse.  As I have pointed out many times on this blog there is no evidence that the vaccine works.  What’s worse is that we never had a solid reason to believe that it would work.  By design the jabs at best could only ever offer temporary, partial, protection.  They cannot produce immunity and that was obvious to anyone who bothered to look, which is why in May of 2021 I wrote this.

When cells in your body produce the spike protein they look like the virus so they provoke an antibody response.  But since there are no infected cells you get no T cell response.  You are not fully immune until you get a T cell response.  All the treatments do is give you a head start.  You will never be fully immune until you actually get infected.

The science was clear the jabs would not change anything and it did not take long for the data to back up my assessment.  By July of 2021 Israelis data showed clearly that the jabs produced no benefit while exposing people to substantial risk.

This Temporary, marginal increase in protection comes at a cost.  A small percentage of people will be permanently harmed or killed by the treatments.  That seems reasonable enough until you realize this is to protect you from a virus that only a small percentage of people will be harmed by.

I was not the only person warning about the Jabs.  Many high profile doctors were expressing concerns that were branded as conspiracy theories and ignored.  That has led us to where we are today.  COVID is still with us and so are all the problems with the COVID jabs.  Jabbed people are reporting recurring mysterious ailments and cancers are on a dangerous upward trajectory.

The great tragedy in this is that it was all so very predictable.  This is not just hindsight; my blog alone has hundreds of posts predicting we would end up exactly where we are.  If anything my analysis of the data was too conservative.

I am not psychic or medical researcher.  I am just someone unwilling to accept obvious lies.  It is unfortunately that no one in media shares those traits.