If it seems like everything is scripted that is because everything is scripted

Canada is on fire.  Arsonists have lit hundreds of forest fires.  I can confidently say this is arson because police have already arrested multiple people in multiple provinces and have many more ongoing arson investigations.  The arson has obviously been a coordinated effort which makes this domestic terrorism.  A coordinated terrorist attack costing Billions and threatening thousands of lives should be the biggest story in the country but it is not.  The fires, according to the media are the result of climate change.

So why is Canadian Media ignoring the obvious evidence of arson in favor of the climate change narrative?  Because that’s what the script says and you can’t work for media if you go off script, just ask Tucker Carlson.  I do not know who the script writers are (although I can guess some of the names) but they have been busy and very successful.  Their crowning achievement to date must be COVID.

In 2019 China and Anthony Fauci released a virus they had developed.  The virus was allowed to circulate for months while the script writers delivered scripts to western leaders.  When rehearsals were complete the script writers had Tedros announce a pandemic.  Then boom COVID was found everywhere all at once and every western leader went on camera and dutifully read the script they had been practicing for months.  Economies were shut down and human rights surrendered.

This part of the theatre was necessary to set up vaccines.  People must take an untested, experimental, gene therapy or stay under house arrest forever.  Most people relented because the actors, they elected, delivered their lines with great conviction.  The script read safe and effective and that line was repeated ad nausea with great passion.  The vaccines were neither of those things, they weren’t even vaccines but no one dared go off script.

Throughout this theatre of the absurd I have been repeating the same simple message.  If you do not punish them, they will not stop.  The scripts for this dystopian horror story will keep coming and our “leaders” will keep reading them.  And, sadly, no one has been punished, so guess what?  They are not stopping.  The European Union has signed an agreement to implement and expand digital health certificates.

There’s more. According to the WHO’s press release, the global vaccine passport will only be the first building block of the WHO’s Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN), which is set to develop a wide range of digital products to track and deal with contagious outbreaks.

I wish the script writers had a movie in mind; something with a definitive ending.  Instead they are writing a soap opera.  They will go from act to act to act until all the actors die or we finally tune out.  Like most Soap operas some of the lines are not particularly well written and provide unintended comic relief.  Here is my favorite from the press release.

Expanding such digital solutions will be essential to deliver better health for citizens across the globe.

Did you know that health can now be delivered?  Exercising and eating right is so 2018.  Now you can sign up for a digital identity and have health delivered.  In fact if you don’t sign up for the digital ID they will not deliver any health.  No amount of that old school personal maintenance will save you.  Do you suppose they deliver all of this health in a pill or a Jab?

Shakespeare was right all the world is a stage.  The script we are in currently is definitely a tragedy but there is some comic relief.  The Comic relief is provided by us.  The script writers are laughing their asses off at us.  I suspect they cannot believe how easy this has been.  First they frightened us with cold and flu season.  Now they light fires and tell us it is climate change.  Stop being the clowns in their story.

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