Entries by richardsuffron

Ask why Politicians will not condemn Lockdowns

We used Lockdowns because China used lockdowns.  That sounds incredibly stupid because it is incredibly stupid.  China set the stage with fake videos of people collapsing in the street and fake data about how effective the lockdowns were.  That is all it took for fake experts in the west to declare we had no other […]

The Final costs will be Astronomical

Many countries have set up COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation programs.  The program in the UK is already under distress.  They are getting applications faster than they are processed. My suggestion to all governments is that you better start hiring people now because this is just the tip of the iceberg.  You ain’t seen nothing yet.  […]

Fear and Stupidity only explains so much

Dr. John Campbell has posted a video discussing lipid nanoparticle bio distribution.  The information was only made available by a freedom of information request.  In some ways this is old news because the Japanese study was released quite a while ago so at first I was inclined not to watch.  I am glad I did […]

What is the purpose of a Medication with no Benefits?

Dr. Peter McCullough has just co-authored a paper calling for a halt to the COVID vaccination programs. COVID-19 should be halted until accurate pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and genotoxicity studies are performed, or they should only be delivered in circumstances when the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. The authors did extend an olive branch to the vaccine […]

It wasn’t the Science that Changed

This was a headline in the Washington Times on March 1st. Oh how things have changed.  I have been telling people the same thing for the last 3 years and no one wanted to listen.  I could explain the science and produce the data but I was a dangerous heretic.  Now main stream media sounds […]

How is poverty good for Health?

COVID taught me many things.  One of the more surprising things I learned was that you do not need to be smart to get a medical degree.  Prior to COVID I believed that Doctors were some of the brightest people on earth.  Then COVID came along and Dr. Deena Hinshaw started making regular television appearances.  […]

Ignorance should have been reason enough for Caution

Edward Dowd recently gave another video discussing insurance statistics showing a decline in excess deaths and long term disabilities.  Unfortunately as Edward Points out things are not as bad as they were but we have yet to return to normal.   .@DowdEdward: We're in the Danger Zone – Excess Mortality Is Not Returning to Baseline […]

Fauci Peddles death Door to Door

There are several videos on the internet of Anthony Fauci going door to door urging people to get vaccinated.  Apparently it is for a documentary but I don’t think they are getting the footage they hope for.   Dr. Fauci went to the hood to pressure black people to get vaccinated. Little did Fauci know […]

COVID Hysteria was fueled by Fear and Stupidity

Fear produces a fight or flight reaction.  Fearful people are ready for action not deep contemplative thought.  Mankind would not exist if it were not for fear.  Ancient humans survived by running from or attacking threats.  At the first sign of a bear running was always a better option than wondering how the bear might […]

How much longer will we wait?

A study on COVID vaccine injuries has been released that shows vaccinated people have a 1 in 565 chance of serious injury.  Any other medical treatment with this poor of a safety record would have been banned long ago. Incredibly the 1 in 565 chance of serious injury found by the study should be considered […]